After School

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After school, I waited for Kana, who happened to have cleaning duty today. It was unfortunate timing, but I didn't mind waiting for her. I listened to music as I waited; watching the other students walk home. They all seemed so happy, except for this one girl. She looked upset and pale, like she was gonna burst into tears any second.
I wonder if she's alright...
I looked at my phone. There was still some time before Kana would be done. I put my phone away and ran after her. I grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face me. She looked surprised, which was a natural reaction since a complete stranger just grabbed her.
What am I doing?
"Are you alright?" I asked. I really was worried, even though I just met her. All the color rushed back into her face as she ran away. I watched her as she ran away.
I hope she's alright...
Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned to see who it was. It was Kana, who seemed a little confused.
"What was that about?" she asked.
"Nothing," I quickly answered.
"That didn't look like nothing to me," Kana said with a worried look on her face.
"She just looked a little upset, so I was worried," I admitted.
"I see," she said."Let's go."
We walked to a cafe nearby. There was an awkward silence between us as we were walking. When we arrived at the cafe, we sat down at a table and got ready to order. I ordered a soda, while Kana got the parfait she wanted. It was really quiet. I watched her as she happily ate her parfait.
I kinda want one now
She noticed me looking at her and stopped eating.
"Want some?" she asked.
"S-sure," I answered.
She scooped some of her parfait with her spoon and raised it towards my face.
"Say ah~" she said.
I blushed and opened my mouth to eat it. It was sweet. She smiled at me and asked,"Is it good?" I nodded and smiled back. I heard the other waitresses giggle in the background. I began to blush even harder.
Wait...what is this? I thought she rejected me...but she never really gave me a proper answer. Maybe I should ask...
"Hey Kana-chan..." I started to say.
"What is it Yuki-chan?" she asked.
"Why are you doing this?" I questioned.
"Doing what?" she looked confused.
"All this," I replied. "I told you I liked you, but you're acting like nothing happened."
Her expression got cold. It was almost as if she had forgotten that, or that she was trying to avoid it.
"You also never gave me a clear answer," I continued. "I really like you Kana, more than a friend."
She looked at me with an expression I haven't seen before. She looked a little upset, while looking confused all at once. Her beautiful brown eyes began to grow dark.
"Do you really..?" she asked.
Why is she doubting my feelings? I don't know what's going on here
"What if you fell for that girl?" she questioned.
"What?" I was shocked and confused.
Why is she acting like this?
"I'm sorry, I'll go home now," she said. She got up and started to walk away.
"Wait!" I exclaimed. I grabbed her arm to stop her. "What's going on Kana-chan?"
She pulled away and walked out the cafe. I quickly paid for the meal and ran after her. "Kana!" I called, dropping the honorific. She stopped and turned around. I watched as she walked towards me. Suddenly, she hugged me and buried her face in my shoulder. I was surprised, but I hugged her back, bringing her closer to me.
"I'm scared Yuki-chan," she whimpered. "I don't want you to leave me."
My eyes widened as I listened to her speak. "I won't," I said softly.
"But what about that girl..?" she asked.
"I don't even know her. I told you I was just worried about her since she didn't look too happy. What made you think I was gonna leave you for her?" I answered.
"Uh...nothing.." she mumbled.
"Wait, are you jealous?" I smiled.
"What?! Of course not! Why would I be jealous?!" Kana exclaimed.
"Wait, could it be possible that you like me back?" I teased.
"Yuki-chan!" she pouted. I laughed as she hit my arm. We started walking home. Her house was on the way to my house, so I walked her home.
" you?" I asked.
"Do I what?" she replied, looking confused.
"Do you like me?" I was dying for an answer.
"I don't know if I do," she answered. We stopped and waited to cross the road. Then, the light changed and we walked across. "What do you mean?" I asked. She was silent for a while. She was probably thinking of how to answer my question. "I'm not sure of what I want, or what I feel," she said.
          She must be struggling to figure out what she wants
          "But... I think I'm getting closer to figuring out myself." I watched as she looked up at the sky. Then she turned around to look at me. Our eyes met, making my heart race. Her eyes had that familiar sparkle that I loved.
          "Yuki-chan...will you stay with me?" she quietly asked.
          "Maybe..." I teased, killing the moment.
          We laughed together and continued walking home. Then, we finally reached her house. We stood in front of her house for a while.
          "Thanks for treating me today," Kana said.
          "No problem," I gave her a small smile.
          "Hey know what?" she suddenly said.
          "What is it?" I asked, confused about what was going on.
          "I don't know what it's like to like someone, but maybe..." She said as she got closer. "...I might like you too..."
          She kissed me on the cheek and smiled. Then she walked into her house while I stood frozen still with my hand on my cheek where she kissed me. My face overheated and I felt dizzy. Then, I ran back home, smiling like an idiot.


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