Her Knight

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Our first date location was at this cafe nearby that I heard was good. We walked in and took a seat as the waitress asked for our order. We didn't eat too much since we were also having dinner later on. This was kind of just a small snack. We each got cake, since we were both fans of sweets. I got strawberry cake, while Kana got chocolate.
          After we finished eating at the cafe, I lead Kana to our next location, which was the arcade we went to before. We played for a while. Then, I won the stuffed animal she wanted from the crane game and gave it to her. The sun was almost setting, so we went to the park, where there was a great view of the sunset. Next, we went to the restaurant that most of my friends said was good. I walked into the nice restaurant and got us a table. The restaurant seemed so fancy. We had a small conversation while we were at the restaurant. Kana looked so happy.
          I'll give it to her later...
          There was one last place that I was gonna take her to. We walked to the last part of our date. I held her hand gently and I noticed as she blushed. I smiled at her and looked at the lights around us. Then, I looked at Kana and her eyes which seemed to be sparkling more than ever.
          "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said.
          "Yeah..." I replied, dazed.
          She giggled and continued looking at the Christmas lights. Suddenly, two guys, who appeared to be in college, walked up to us.
          "Hey girl, why don't you come hang out with us," one guy said.
          "Yeah, let's have some fun together," the other guy joined. It looked like they were talking to Kana. She was beautiful after all. I stood in front of Kana to protect her from them. "Sorry, not interested," I said, giving them a death glare. The first guy smirked,"Come on, don't be like that. You can join too." He grabbed my arm, trying to pull me along with him. I twisted it, causing him to yell out in pain.
          "Oh, so you wanna play huh," he snickered. I watched as the second guy pull Kana away from me. I felt something inside me explode. I lost control of my anger and gave the guy a strong punch to the face. It knocked him out completely. Well, he was still alive, just knocked out.
          I have high tolerance when it comes to people, but if you get me angry enough, you're dead. Of course I have self control, but that really depends on how bad it is and where I am at the time. I wouldn't get in a fight if I was at school, since I care about my education and stuff.
          I watched as the other guy had a terrified look in his eyes. I gave him a glare saying,"Don't touch my waifu." He quickly ran away, dragging his friend along with him, who happened to still be knocked out. I took some time to calm down a bit before asking,"Are you alright?" Kana looked at me, a little shocked at what I just did. Then she answered,"Thanks for protecting me, my knight in shining armor." I laughed at her joke and replied, "You're welcome."
          I offered her my hand and she gladly took it. We walked to the last destination, holding each other's hands tightly, afraid to let go. When we arrived, Kana's face lit up. "It's beautiful!" she exclaimed. The lights reflected off of the water from the fountain. We sat down in front of the fountain. I smiled at Kana as I pulled out my gift.
          "This is for you," I said, handing her the gift.
          "Can I open it?" she asked. I nodded as she began to open the present. Kana opened the box to find two silver pinky rings. She blushed and looked at me.
          "I can't believe you got me this. It's so cute, I love it!" she smiled brightly. "Who's the other ring for?"
          "It's for me, so we can match," I answered.
          "Now I feel bad," she pouted."My gift isn't as good as yours."
          I laughed as I grabbed her hand and put the ring on for her. I put my ring on as well. Kana pulled out her present and told me to open it. I slowly opened her present and found a red scarf.
          "So cliché," I teased.
          "That's mean," she exclaimed as she lightly hit my arm.
          I laughed and said,"I'm just kidding, I love it."
          "More than me?" she pouted.
          "Maybe..." I joked.
          We laughed together and decided to walk home. I walked Kana all the way home. We stood in front of her house before she went in.
           "Thanks for today," she started. "I had a lot of fun."
          "Me too," I replied.
          "You better wear that scarf," she commanded.
          "Of course," I smiled.
          "Promise?" she asked, sticking out her pinky.
          "Yup, I promise," I answered, linking her pinky with mine.
          Then, I pulled in for a kiss, surprising her as I closed my eyes. It was sweet. As we pulled away from each other, her face turned a bright red as she began to walk into her house.
          "Goodnight Yuki-chan," Kana said.
          "Goodnight," I replied, smiling.
          She smiled at me before she closed the door. I stood there for a minute, thinking about what I did today. After a while, I walked home. I went into my room and jumped into bed after changing. I looked at my pinky ring and at my new scarf.
          I wish things could stay like this forever...
          Then, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.



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