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When I came home from school, I took a shower and jumped into my bed.
Nothing really happened today... I hope tomorrow isn't as boring
I looked at my phone. I got a text from Tamaki.
Tamaki: Hi Yukino! How was your first day of high school? I met some new friends today. They were really nice.
Me: Honestly it was pretty boring no one bothered to talked to me (-_-)
Tamaki: That's because you always have that serious look on your face. You scare people away
Me: I really don't think that's the case. People would talk to me even if I looked "serious" everyone's probably just nervous because it was the first day. I think things will get better tomorrow
Tamaki: Whatever you say. Just try to put in some effort into looking for some new friends
Me: Ok I'll try tomorrow. Anyways I gotta go. See ya tomorrow
Tamaki: Bye
Well she's not wrong. I should put in at least a little effort
I charged my phone and took off my glasses, placing it down on the desk next to my bed.
I'll try to talk to my classmates tomorrow...
Then I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I heard an annoying beeping sound as I slowly opened my eyes. The sound suddenly stopped and a new sound came out. It was my brother mimicking the alarm clock, which was more annoying than the alarm itself. "Ok I'm up," I groaned. He was my second alarm clock since I couldn't wake up from alarms most of the time. I'm starting to wake up on my own though, without my brother's annoying way of waking me up.
I got up and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then I took a quick shower. I put on my uniform and combed my hair. I didn't really like wearing skirts and my parents always tried to make me wear a dress, or something more feminine. I was considered a tomboy to my family and friends, which was pretty much true so I didn't protest. I thought skirts and dresses looked bad on me, even when my family constantly told me I looked great. Also, I found it uncomfortable sitting so proper all the time.
After eating breakfast, I walked out to the car waiting for me and my brother. Kazuya was late as usual. He's very immature and irresponsible for someone who's two years older than me. As soon as we got to school, I saw Tamaki waiting for me in front of the school gates. I got out of the car and greeted her,"Hey Tamaki-chan." She smiled as she replied,"Hi!"
We walked together until it was time for us to part and go to our homerooms. "You better try to make some friends!" She called. I gave her a slight nod as I slid open the door to my class. I sat down in my seat and waited for the teacher. I noticed a girl sitting in a desk a little towards the front in my row. She had beautiful long, dark brown hair and as she turned to talk to the girl next to her, I noticed that she had bright red cheeks.
          I shook my head at that thought.
I don't wanna fall for another girl...
          Although I thought that, I didn't realize that it was already too late. I've always liked girls, but they never seemed to like me. I never told anyone about me liking girls. It was something that I kept as a secret. I always had unrequited loves and pretty much always ended up with a broken heart. I didn't have to tell the girl I liked her for her to reject me. You could call it an indirect rejection. I was used to it though, knowing that the girl I liked didn't like me back.
          Suddenly, the teacher walked in. "Students, I have an announcement to make. I have your new schedules. You won't be switching homerooms, but you will be switching your other classes."She called us up to get our schedules. I watched as one by one, the students walked up to her; looking at their schedule on their way back. Then I saw a familiar face. It was the girl from earlier. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She had wonderful brown eyes that seemed to sparkle. Well...that could've just been the light, but still, I was amazed at how beautiful she was.
She must be popular
          She also has a wonderful name as well.
          Her name was stuck in my head. It wasn't only that, but her beauty as well. She seemed to be kind, so I might have a chance at being her friend at least. After homeroom ended, I decided to walk up to her. "Hey, I'm Yukino, but you can just call me Yuki," I casually said. She seemed a little nervous at first, but then she greeted me with a smile,"Hi, I'm Kana. It's nice to meet you Yuki-san."
Wow even her voice is cute...
          Her voice was mature, yet it was a little playful, showing that she had a childish side to her as well.
          "No need to be formal," I said. "You can just call me Yuki-chan."
          "Ok, Yuki-chan," she replied with a small smile.
          "Can I see your schedule?" I asked. "I wanna see if we have any of the same classes."
          "Sure," she replied as we switched papers. My hands slightly touched hers, which caused me to blush a little. As I looked at her schedule, I noticed that we have the exact same schedule, which meant I'd be seeing her more often. The thought of that made me a little happy. I looked at her. She seemed to have noticed too. "We have the same schedule," she said. "I hope we can be good friends from now on." As she smiled, I felt my face heat up a bit.
Man she's killing me...
          "Y-yeah," I replied. Then curiosity took over as I asked,"Is your face naturally red like that?"
          "Yes it is," Kana answered."I don't know why it's like this though."
          "Guess I'll have to call you pikachu from now on," I teased.
          "I guess you do," she laughed. After that, we hung out together for the rest of the day. We ate lunch together and talked. It was fun being with her and I enjoyed every moment. It was like I was in love. The thought of that surprised me, because I didn't realize it.
I'm in trouble...

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