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After that day, I realized that my feelings for Kana was different. I liked her as more than a friend. It was a little scary since I've had my heart broken so many times, but it made me a little happy as well.
I don't care if she doesn't feel the same. As long as we're friends, that's enough for me.
I also made some new friends in class. They were curious about my hair color and we fascinated by my eyes.
"Did you dye your hair?"
"Wow, your eyes are so light!"
"Are you mixed?"
Of course I answered their questions. My hair was mostly brown with a little blonde and my eyes were a very light brown. It was almost hazel. My dad is an American and my mom is Japanese, so I got it from my dad. My brother has more blonde hair than me, since he has more of dad's genes. Usually people would be curious when it came to my hair, since it seemed a little different compared to the other students, who mostly had black or brown hair.
All in all, they were really nice people, but we didn't really hang out. They were more like just classmates to me.

Lately, I've been eating lunch with Tamaki and Kana everyday. It was fun for me. We would make jokes and just have a fun conversation. It was nice having Kana in all my classes. It made me feel comfortable in class. I also enjoyed waiting for her mom with her after school, even though I walked home. I just didn't want her to be lonely.
We were close friends, maybe even best friends. She may have thought of me as just a friend, but I couldn't seem to get her out of my head. I started to feel as if just being her friend wasn't good enough. As we walked together to our next class. I secretly glanced at her walking next to me. Blushing a little when she nearly caught me looking. She suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Did you need something?" She asked, clearly noticing me looking at her constantly as we walked. I silently shook my head. She just smiled and continued walking.
Maybe I should confess...but I don't wanna make her uncomfortable. Should I? Well it's worth a shot...
"W-well actually... I did need something," I stuttered. "Can we talk after school?"
"Of course," she replied with that beautiful smile of hers. I felt my face heat up as we walked into our classroom.
I got this!
I started thinking of what to say as I was in class. It wasn't that hard to know what to say, but it was a matter of whether I could say it or not. I looked over at Kana, who noticed and gave me a smile. I couldn't stop looking at her, noticing her cheeks turning redder everyday, but then slowly returning to its original red color. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and the guy sitting behind me pointed in front of me. As I turned, I saw my English teacher standing right in front of me. He didn't look too happy. I gave him a small smile, realizing I was in trouble. "Since you think that it's ok to go staring off in the distance in my class, I'll give you a nice long chapter to read to the class," he said. Kana watched as I got scolded. I quickly stood up and started reading as he walked back to the front of the class.
I probably shouldn't get too distracted.
"If you saw your face though," Tamaki laughed."You looked so scared."
"I was! I mean I rarely get in trouble and he looked so mad," I said.
"Hey, at least the punishment wasn't that bad," Kana joined in on our conversation.
"Yeah, but still, getting scolded like that in front of everyone was a little embarrassing," I replied.
The day ended like that. I walked with Kana to the front of the school, where she usually waited for her mom.
"So what is it that you needed?" Kana asked. She looked at me with those wonderful brown eyes. I took a moment to just get lost in those eyes, until I snapped back into reality.
          "Well, y-you see...the truth is...I really l-like you K-kana-chan," I said stuttering.
          I can't believe I said it
          She didn't really have a reaction. She suddenly said, "I like you too Yuki-chan." She gave me one of those smiles that always made my heart race.
          "I don't think you understand," I quickly said. "I meant that I like you more than a friend."
          I noticed Kana's face turn redder, embarrassed at her mistake. It was really cute. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. Her mom suddenly showed up to pick her up. It was really bad timing. Kana got in the car and her mom drive away.
          Did I just get rejected?
          I walked home after that, thinking about what just happened. Even after that, I had no intention in giving up.
          The next day, when I arrived at school, I saw Kana in the classroom with her head down on her desk. I walked up to her and poked on her cheek. She was surprised and quickly put her head up. The second she saw me she put her head back down. Her ears turned red as I noticed that she was thinking about what happened yesterday.
          "No need to make things awkward by avoiding me, I'm awkward enough," I joked. I watched as she laughed a bit at my joke with her head still down. Then she put her head up and looked at me.
          "I'll make it up to you for ruining your day with that sudden confession," I said with a smile. "I'll get you anything you want after school today."
          She thought for a second and then she finally said,"I want a parfait."
           I nodded,"You got it. We'll go after school."
          "Let me text my mom about it first," she replied. I watched her text her mom. Suddenly, her face turned red as she had a surprised look on her face and then she quickly put her phone away. "Stupid mom..." she mumbled.
          "What was that?" I asked.
          "N-nothing," she answered."Anyways, I never got your number."
          I just realized that, so I took out my phone and gave it to her to put her number in as she gave me hers to do the same. I smiled at her.
          Then the teacher walked in and class began. I sat there and thought about Kana.
          We really are close friends


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