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A/N: This is gonna be the last chapter of this story, but I hope you'll support me in my next story! I tried taking a break, but then I ended up getting inspiration very quickly. Anyways, enjoy!

Time went by and I was graduating high school soon. I got a letter from a college overseas, so I was stuck with a tough decision.
What should I do?...
My parents had no problem with me leaving, so they encouraged me to go. It was a great opportunity for me, but the one thing they didn't know about, was my girlfriend. My mom had always expected me to get a husband and make a lot of money, so I could live a good life.
I walked into the classroom and got lost in thought, not listening to anything my teacher said. I thought about that offer and Kana. I haven't told her about it yet, even though we were graduating in a month. I didn't want to make the wrong choice. Either way, it would end up with trouble.
I should tell Kana
During lunch, I decided to talk to her. I walked towards the table where she was waiting for me. She smiled and waved at me.
"Kana, I need to talk to you," I said.
"Ok," she replied.
I offered her my hand and we walked to somewhere with less people. I stood in the shade, under a tree with Kana.
"I got an offer from this college," I started.
"That's great!" She exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.
"'s overseas," I continued.
I watched as her smile slowly faded. Then she asked,"Where?" Her voice was so soft and there was a little sadness behind it. I sighed,"It's in America."
"I want to go too!" She yelled. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Don't leave me.." She softly said. I was shocked at her words. "I'm sorry if I'm being selfish, but I can't help it. I love you Yuki-chan, so please don't leave me..." She continued.
I put my hands on her cheeks, wiping away her tears with my thumbs. "You can't just make a decision like that," I sighed. "There are a lot of things you'll have to deal with, like your career and how to explain this to your parents."
Kana gently grabbed my hands and held them, looking down at the ground. "You're right," she replied.
Suddenly, the bell rang and she let go of my hands. She began to walk away. I quickly grabbed her hand, turning her around, and brought her closer towards me, hugging her. I whispered into her ear,"I'll figure something out, I promise. I'll never leave you." I pushed her away a bit and showed her the pinky ring from Christmas. We weren't allowed to wear it at school, but I kept it with me wherever I went. She smiled and showed me hers. We walked back to the classroom, holding each other's hand tightly.
When school was over, Kana rushed home to talk to her parents about going to America with me. I nervously waited for her reply. I fell asleep on my bed waiting, but was awoken by the sound of my ringtone. I quickly picked up my phone, knowing that it was Kana. "Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Yuki-chan! I got good news! My parents actually let me go with you!" Kana exclaimed.
"I can't believe it! That was quick," I replied.
          "The thing is, I have to meet your parents and talk to them about it as well," she said.
          "Ok, when do you want to come over?" I asked.
          "Tomorrow, we don't have that much time left since you're leaving right after school ends," she answered.
          "Ok, wanna stay for dinner too?" I asked.
          "Sure. I'll tell my parents about it," she replied.
          "Ok, is 6pm ok?" I questioned.
          "Yeah, see you tomorrow!" She said. 
          "See ya," I replied and hung up.
I hope Mom and Dad don't ask her any weird questions
          I closed my eyes and went to sleep. The next day, I walked home with Kana after school. We said our goodbyes and went home to prepare for tonight. My girlfriend was meeting my parents for the first time, even though I was just introducing her as my friend. I couldn't have my parents get mad at me for having a girlfriend and not let Kana live with me in America. I started cleaning my room as soon as I got home.
          "This is good enough," I mumbled  to myself.
          I went to the bathroom to take a shower and put on some new clothes. Then, I went downstairs to look at what Mom was making for dinner. It smelled great. She made some steak and stir-fried vegetables. She also made some rice to go along with it. I couldn't wait to eat, but I was also nervous since Kana would be talking to my parents over dinner.
          Later, Kana finally came over and she greeted my parents. Then, we sat down to eat. My brother,of course, was stuffing his face with meat. He loved eating meat and hated fish, but ate it anyway. Mom was always scolding him for eating too much meat, saying he would die early like that.
          "So Kana-chan, you're a good friend of Yukino?" Dad asked.
          "Yes, since we were first-years,"she answered calmly.
          "Why do you want to go with Yukino all the way to America?" He questioned.
No! No! No! No! No! No!!!
"I don't want to leave Yukino," she calmly replied.
"And why is that?" He asked. "Most of her friends are alright with her leaving, since they'll all part ways anyway. What makes you so different?"
I'm screwed...
"I love Yukino," she said with a smile.
Oh god...
Dad raised an eyebrow and looked at me. I nervously laughed and then I hid my face with my hands. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked. I didn't answer. I just froze still in my seat. "Your father asked you a question," Mom joined. Kana looked at me, confused. I never told her how homophobic my parents were. There was an awkward silence.
"Well?" Dad impatiently asked.
"Well, the thing is..." I started. The pressure was too much for me right now. I dislike talking to my parents sometimes, especially when it came to projects. They were really pushy. "I'm dating Kana," I mumbled, but it was loud enough for them to hear. My parents were shocked, but my brother wasn't. He always bugged me about whether or not I liked girls. He suspected it and it was annoying.
"I will not accept this," Mom started.
"I knew it!" Kazuya exclaimed.
"It's surprising, but I think it's ok," Dad said.
"What?!" The rest of us said in unison.
"I really think she's ok," he continued. "Kana is a nice girl and we have to accept our daughter for who she is, instead of throwing her over to some guy who she doesn't even love. They seem to love each other very much. Kana is willing to go overseas to a country she isn't very familiar with and sacrifice the career she could have staying here. I think that they should stay together."
We all stared at Dad, shocked,after listening to his speech. "R-really?" I exclaimed. Dad nodded his head and looked at Mom. Mom sighed,"Fine, I'll let you stay with that girl." She looked very uncomfortable. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. I was so excited, which didn't happen that often. Kana had the brightest smile on her face. Afterwards, we finished dinner and Kana went home to prepare for the trip.


          Later on, we graduated high school with no regrets and with good memories to look back on. We all went our separate ways. I moved to America with Kana and we shared an apartment. Tamaki decided to go to a local college and study to become a teacher. Mom was still a bit uncomfortable with Kana, but she accepted it, sort of. Kana decided to get a simple job in America instead of going to college. We each split work in the apartment, helping each other out. I sat down on the couch and thought about all we've done so far in America.
She's kind of like a wife...
My face reddened to the point where you could say I looked like a tomato. Kana walked into the apartment. "I'm home!" She called. She looked at my face. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Your face is kinda red." I jumped at her words. "I'm fine," I laughed nervously. "Ok..." She said confused.
We had dinner and had a nice conversation. Later, I took a shower and got ready for bed. I jumped into bed and stretched out my arms. Then, Kana fell onto the bed, looking tired. "Work was tough today!" She complained. She rolled around on the bed and started hugging me. I hugged her back and turned off the lights.
"Goodnight Kana," I said.
"Goodnight Yuki," she replied.
Then, we both drifted off to sleep.

-The End-

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