My High School Hell ( One piece Fan-Fic)

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Hey guys so I recently read an amazing one piece fanfic, called My One Piece High School by OnehellofaGrell (check it out) , and it inspired me to write .....I'm giving her credit for the idea here \(^_^)/..


My name is Akira.

Just Akira, No last foster parents never bothered to give me one. And even if they did take me in when I was abandoned as a baby, they made it clear that I would never be their own.

I was too much of a freak.

Maybe it's my discolored red-orange eyes or my unnaturally, pitch black hair that disturbed my "loving" parents. Or it could have been the strange shadow that seemed to follow me wherever I went.

Demon possessed I heard them describe me.

I noticed the disdainfully glances they gave when they thought I wasn't looking. Those hurtful words they whispered all too loudly, as I stood just outside the door.

That's why I wasn't that surprised when I saw the small suitcase and a bus ticket to my new boarding school waiting for me on the desk on my 16th birthday.

"We'll miss you, Akira." Mom said gleefully as she lightly edged me towards the entrance.

No you won't

But I still put on a smile, taking on the facade of a loved child."I'll miss you too mo-"


The door banged shut before I could finish. "Good riddance." I heard my dad grumble from behind the thin wooden walls. Even then, I refused to let my smile falter because I didn't know what expression I would show if I did.

As I turned towards the street, a rusted mustard bus screeched towards our house. The people riding immediately averted their gaze when the strange looking girl stepped on.

I was used to it.

"Where to...uhh..miss?" asked the driver uncomfortably.

I held out my ticket, "Grand-line Academy..."


Grand-line Academy....more like prison for deranged teenagers.

It was probably the most violent boarding school in the entire nation, a last resort, where only the insane, or emotionally unstable were sent.

The rumors were that each a week, at least one person was either severely injured or killed at that school.

Sounds perfect

The bus dropped me off at the front entrance. The campus itself looked gorgeous and glistened with wealth. It contained two gigantic, modern-style buildings, equipped with classrooms, dorms, gyms, and recreational facilities.

The only thing wrong with the image was the huge wired fence that surrounded the entire school, charged with deadly electricity, and the armed military soldiers that patrolled the border. The wired fence also cut straight through the middle of the campus dividing the school into two separate areas.

I watched as the bus drove away, sending dust and wind through my hair, as I gripped my far-too-light suitcase.

The gates to the school creaked open, and a shirtless raven haired boy with black shorts and combat boots trudged over to me. He flashed a devilish grin that seemed to illuminate the air around him, as he playfully tipped his orange felt hat.

"Yo, "he smiled, as he held out his hand, "I'm Portgas. D Ace, head of the disciplinary committee.....I'll be showing you to your class."

I shook his rough hand carefully and returned an unsure smile. His friendliness surprised me. "Thank you, I'm Akira." I replied .

My fire eyes narrowed a bit as I studied him more closely. A purple tattoo of a bearded man decorated his back, and the letters ASCE ran down his left arm .

Ace must have noticed my intense staring, because his grin widened, "Do you like what you see, Akira?" he teased as he struck a posed.

My face flushed and I broke my gaze, "No, that's not it" I mummbled, "It's just I was wondering...well..umm...why don't you wear a shirt?

I saw Ace's eyebrow scrunched at the strange question.(really Akira? asking about his shirtlessness?Ugh....Great first impression)

He thought deeply for a few seconds. Then a playful glint flashed through his eyes as he leaned towards to me. Feeling uncomfortable, I tried to back away, but he just moved even closer.

" Well ..." He whispered in a deep voice, "Its because I'm too sexy for a shirt." A smirk appeared as he winked slyly. His warm breathe lightly hitting my cheek, as his face came within mere inches of mine.

I let out a surprised squeaked and backed away, tripping over something and ungracefully falling on my butt.

Ace burst out laughing. "Man...Akira, You're fun to mess with." he sang as he wiped away tears. I gave a disapproving frown as he continued to laugh.

Finally, Ace calmed down and helped me up. "Well.....Welcome to Grand-line Academy ." He said happily. Then he led me through the gates, and towards the eastern building.


Our footsteps resounded against the marble floors as we walked down the empty hallway, "So, have you heard anything about this Academy?" asked Ace as we passed by bustling classrooms.

"Only rumors..." I nervously replied , "And none of them were good..."

"Well...all those rumors are probably true ." He chuckled back, " Grand line Academy is as low as you can get....and if you don't know the rules, you're pretty much dead."

Then Ace quickly surveyed the area, before lifting his hand to his mouth, as if he were sharing the secret to life.

Finally he spoke:, "Gangs..." he whispered.

I looked blankly at him, "What?"

"Gangs," Ace repeated again as he dragged me over to a large painting that hung at the end of the hallway, "You need to join one if you want to survive..."

I glanced at the artwork. It was a portrait of a ragged looking man with dark hair and even darker eyes smirking back at me from behind his curled mustache. On the plaque below, engraved in gold was: Principle Gol D. Roger.

"That's our founder and first principle, "Ace continued as he crossed his arms, and let out a small sigh, " He's dead now........ but before he died, that crazy old bat announced that the strongest in the school would get his position....His wealth, fame and power. After that, alliances were made, and Gangs started to appear everywhere."

I watched as Ace slowly pointed a finger out the window towards the the other building. "This school is divided into the eastern and western side" he explained. "At the end of the year, the top four gangs compete based on the number of people they've defeated that year....but the results have always been a tie, since all the students left are in gangs that are too strong to defeat"

Ace hesitated for a moment, then slowly turned to me, "....well that was the case...."

My mind froze at his last words, "Wait... you mean." I pointed to myself, and he gave a sympathetic nod.

"Haha.....Sorry, I guess you're the newest tie braker ." He mumbled uncomfortably, trying to make it sound like a good thing. "The first person to beat the crap out of you, and make you quit this school, takes the lead..."

Hold on....what?!

Ace's expression softened as I continued to mentally freak out. " Don't worry, he comforted, "The disciplinary committee will try to protect you, need to join a gang as soon as you can...."

We started walking again, but my mind was still frozen from Ace's words and my heart was racing...What the hell is wrong with this school! Then we finally reached the last classroom in the hallway.

"This is your home room class, "Ace motioned as he handed me a slip of paper, "And here's a map of the school and your schedule,"
I grabbed the paper firmly in my arms, as I gazed at the entrance to the class.

Ace began to walk away , but then he suddenly turned around at the last moment ,"Oh more thing, " he called, "Usually you live with your gang, but since you're not in one you'll be switching each week...the room numbers are written on your schedule."

I glanced back down at the page to see neatly scrawled numbers in the margin. "Thanks Ace." I said with a small smile.

Ace grinned back and ruffled my hair, "Just try not to die, Akira. "He advised playfully , but his eyes told me that he truly meant those words.

His orange hat dissaperared around the corner and I took a deep breath before entering the classroom.




I jumped as a blonde haired boy in a dark suit rammed into the back wall. A moss haired guy with a black bandana tied on his head followed behind. The room shook from the force, as pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling. I looked around feeling out of place with my new classmates.

A few people stuck out in the room. There was an orange haired girl and dark haired girl chatting in the corner. A man in a stripped hockey mask sat calmly in his seat. A raven haired boy next to him, wearing a straw hat, was eating a piece of meat, the size off an elephant. A polar bear in an orange jumpsuit was sleeping in his seat as a tanned guy in a speckled fur cap and black and yellow jacket leaned against him, gazing around uninterested.

My eyes quickly found the only empty seat in the room, right in front of the stripped masked man.

As I sat down in the seat, the entire room fell silent...

Everyone stopped talking. Even the blonde and mossed haired boys had stopped fighting, and were staring wide-eyed at me.

What did I do?

Before I could ask, a large spiked hand yanked me out of the seat and slammed me into the wall. *BANG* I felt the wind knock out of me, as my back cracked against the plaster.The metallic flavor of blood filled my mouth as I accidentally bit down on my tongue to stop from screaming.

"That was MY seat, "a low voice growled.

I cracked open an eye to see a spiked flame haired boy with aviation goggles. His pale face scowled deeply, as his red eyes glared at me.

I tried to gasp for air as his muscular arms tightened around my neck, but nothing would come....Black spots began to appear in my vision.

A natural instinct entered my mind and my power took over....My power...the one that my "parents" had hated me for...the one that I hated as well

A icy chill filled the room as hundreds of shadows drew closer to me. They viciously clawed at the red-hair's furry coat. I noticed his eyes widen slightly and then narrow at the sight, "So you're one of us...." he muttered." Well, it doesn't matter...."

Then he lifted his arm high above his head, and slowly released it. The heavy fist came barreling down with the force of a lion.

Before I could send my shadows to block the attack a voice boomed, "STOP!"

A well-dressed man with a trimmed beard and golden eyes entered into the room.

"Professor Mihawk?!" Shouted the red-head , as he immediately released me and hid his hands behind his back."'re early.."

Professor Mihawk just let out a tired sigh. "Kid." He said as he rubbed his temples, " ...Detention!"


"No buts! " Then Mihawk turned his attention to the blonde haired and moss haired duo that had returned to facing off with each other. "Sanji.. Zoro, stop fighting...." Next he turned to the raven haired boy, "Luffy! no eating in my class...." finally he looked passed me and into the corner, "Law...put the scalpel down. "

I turned my head to see The tanned guy, Law, magically holding a wickedly sharp scapel. He frowned and swiftly put it away.

Mihawk's golden gaze then landed on me, "You must be Akira." he stated coldly as he crossed his arms ." Already causing trouble on your first day...?"

His icy gaze tore through me. Sending shivers down my back. Then Mihawk turned back to the ones he had called out, "All of you will be join Kid in Saturday detention too Akira."

I heard grumbles sound from Zoro and Sanji. Law emotionlessly stared at Mihawk , and Luffy just grinned, "I already had detention anyway." he snickered as he continued to stuff his face with meat.

Mihawk let out another sigh, "...I hate my job." I heard him mutter as he turned towards the board, "Okay class today we will learn about The history of the sword."

As the class focused on the lecture, Kid walked passed me, purposely ramming into my shoulder. As he did that he gave a sadistic grin, "This isn't over...scum." he muttered.

I gave a small gulp and quickly shuffled to the back of the classroom, taking refugee in a corner that looked rather welcoming.


The rest of the school day was quite uneventful compared to this morning. The entire time was just me trying my best to avoid Kid, who made it clear that he wanted to kill me. I didn't attend any other classes and even skipped out on lunch when I saw his flaming hair, impatiently waiting by the cafeteria.

By the end of school, I was both physically and mentally weak from lack of food, and the constant worrying.

My legs slowly took me to the dorm I would be staying at....

I entered a carpeted hallway, that had wooden doors with rooms numbers listed every few meters.



This one was the dorm I would stay at for this week. I tiredly knocked on the door. After a few minutes, it creaked open, and the striped masked man from homeroom popped his head out.

"Hi, I'm Akira," I said trying to make a good impression," I'm suppose to room with you for a week, or until I join a gan-

Suddenly a familiar rough voice echoed from behind the door.

"KILLER!"It scowled, "Who the Hell is it?!"

My words froze in my

My heart stopped beating as Kid swung open the door and stood next to Killer.

He stared at me, as his scowl slowly turned into a grin. "Oh....So You're our new roommate?" He asked.

I turned around quickly, " mistake..wrong room, I'll just be goi-

I couldn't even finish before Kid's pale arms firmly wrapped around my waist." You're not getting away this time....roommate." he laughed evilly as he dragged me into the room.

I watched helplessly as the door slammed shut and the light from the hallway dissapeared.

Goodbye cruel was nice knowing you.


Yay done with my first chapter.

Probably will not continue unless people like this story ^~^ but it was fun writing it.



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