A Scapel and a Hat

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*Ding* *Ding*

Luffy and I rushed through the almost empty hallway, as the tardy bell chimed in the distance.

"We're not gonna make it!" I screamed to him as we rounded the final corner.

Classroom doors were slowly closing as we ran towards the very end of the hallway.

Luffy ran forward with a final burst of energy,

"We will make it." he said firmly through clenched teeth. Then he stretched out his rubber hand and grasped the door handle that was 20ft away.

A smile came to his face.

Suddenly we shot forward like a bullet released from a gun.

"Yahoooo!!" shouted Luffy as the wind blew through his raven hair and forced his straw hat backwards.

"I'm gonna dieeeeeee..." I yelled as I griped Luffy tight around the waist and shut my eyes.


My arms were torn from Luffy as I fell backwards from a back-breaking force. The world around me spun dizzyingly and my ears rang with Luffy's childish laughter.

I gripped my forehead as painful shockwaves beat against my skull.

As my eyes slowly refocused I looked up to see the classroom door shut.

Luffy stood on the other side, a concerned look on his face.

He banged hard on the glass of the classroom, causing it to shake wildly, "Akirraaaaa!!!" he screamed over and over again.

I guess I didn't make it.

I wasn't fast enough....

I tried put on a small smile, "It's okay Luffy.." I whispered quietly.

"No!" he shouted back, "We're Nakama...!"

"Luffy... "I whispered.

"I won't leave you..." He said back.



Suddenly, Professor Mikawk opened the door and gave both of us an agitated look." Really you guys?" he growled with annoyance" This isn't a soap opera."

Luffy huffed at the comment , "Aww come on Professor Mihawk.....can't you feel the moment?" He whined as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah..where's your heart?" I added as I stood up and dusted myself off.

"What heart?" Professor Mihawk asked in a tone that could freeze hell over, causing both me and Luffy to stop moving.

Then he whipped his golden eyes to Luffy, "Stop interrupting my class, and Sit down now!" he ordered with absolute authority.

Luffy nodded quickly, flashing me an apologetic look, before disappearing into the classroom.

I didn't have time to respond back before Mihawk turned his icy gaze back to me.

I froze like an animal caught in the headlights.

A long silence came over us.

"You should go get a tardy slip." he finally said, with his mouth formed in a disapproving frown.

I shook my own head up and down frantically as I turned around to do as he suggested. At that moment, I felt a thin drop of liquid to fall down from my forehead.

Mihawk suddenly stepped in front of me, blocking my way, "You're bleeding." he stated.

"Oh it's fine..." I insisted with a forced smile as I patted my head to prove I was fine.

I held in a cringe as the pain jolted through my skull, "See.....I can barely feel it, you know, slamming your face in the wall isn't as bad as it seems."

"Am I really that scary that you have to lie?" Mihawk asked, telling me that he didn't believe my act one bit.

"Uhhh......yes" I replied.

Mihawk raised his eyebrow an inch.

"....I mean No...." I quickly changed, "Definitely n-not scary at all!"

Mihawk just rubbed his temples and let out a tired sigh, "Just go to the nurse's office." he said before stepping out of my way.

I hustled down the hallway, gripping my head to prevent blood from falling on the floor.


I entered the pure white room marked Nurse's office, and promptly collapsed on the nearest bed that was set up along the wall.

Okay so maybe I did lie.

My head really was killing me right now.

It felt like someone put a jackhammer in my brain and decided to leave it on.

"Miss Akira?" asked a deep voice.

I weakly glanced to find Law standing next to the bed in his usual attire, except now he was holding a clipboard.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask through gritted teeth.

"I'm the Assistant Doctor." replied Law.

The answer caused me to sit up, which was the wrong choice. Ahh...it hurt like hell!

"But you're a student..." I huffed with confusion.

"Yeah." he answered with a slight grin," but so many people get injured here so the principle assigned me to help out."

I looked around the empty room and raised an eyebrow, "But no ones here besides me." I stated.

Law nodded, "That's true," he murmured as he glanced around too, " usually people are smart enough not to get hurt on the first day of the week."

"Oh...." I mumbled. Then my mind processed what he had said..."HEY!" I frowned, which caused Law to grin even wider.

"Whatever," I muttered as I crossed my arms, "Just hurry up and fix me." I said, pointing to my head.

"Hmmm......It seems to be bleeding." Law stated as he rubbed his chin.

No really? I had no idea...

I was about to retort back, but then I noticed a silver glint flash from Law's pocket. He skillfully flipped out a familiar sharpened scalpel.

A disturbing smile now filled his face. "This will only hurt a lot." he said in a cold voice.

I started freaking out, "What kind of a doctor are you!" I screamed practically clawing up the wall like a cat, "You're not suppose to say that!"

Law let out a sigh from the other side of the bed, "First of all...I'm not gonna lie like other doctors, because no matter what they say.....it's gonna hurt."

Then in the blink of an eyes, he was next to me. I felt his tattooed arm pinning me down firmly , "Second.." he said with his face inches away from mine, "I don't think you have any say in this matter."

And with that he plunged the sharp scalpel downward, straight for my skull.

I let out a my largest shriek and then did what any other sane person would do in this situation.



The bright light hit my eyes as they fluttered open. Am I in heaven?

God...is that you?

Then I felt the pain. Damnit...guess I didn't die.

I reached for my skull and felt rough strings in my matted hair, "What is this?" I grummbled with confusion.

"Stitches." Law voice replied back as i felt him bonk my head.

I scowled as I gazed around. We were still in the nurse's office. Law had pulled up a chair and was sitting next to my bed.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped at him, " You stabbed me with a scapel!"

"Stop shouting," Law complained as he rubbed his ears. ," Anyway the scalpel was just to scare you," He explained in his calm voice, " So you would faint and I could give you stitches without you struggling."

"You didn't have to pretend to almost kill me!" I growled back.

Law shruged, "It was more entertaining this way." he said with a sly grin.


The ringing of the bell interrupted my angry glare.

"That's the bell for second hour." Law stated, "You should be okay to leave." he added as he stood up and handed me a small mirror.

I gazed at my reflection. Pure white, knitted stitches ran down from the side of my forehead to higher in my skull.

"The wound should heal in a week" Law continued to talkas he started organizing medical equipment on a nearby table.

My face fell as I lightly traced the scar with my finger. It looked much worse then it felt. Bright red blood surrounded it, only emphasizing the damage of the jagged scar.

"I don't really want to go back to class." I murmured to Law. " A lot of people will stare."

Law stopped rummaging around the medical equipment.

A silence filled the room.

Then I suddenly felt a warm cap drawn over my head, covering everything above my eyes.

It was Law's fluffy cap.

He didn't make eye contact with me, "Just wear that for now." he muttered.

I started at him with surprise. After a few seconds I finally found words, "Thank you..." I whispered.

Law heard it anyway. He turned to me with cold eyes, "Don't think i'm doing this for you." he said quickly," I just want to be alone, and your presence is making that quite hard."

My gratitude shattered, "Well I don't want to be here anyway!" I grumbled with annoyance as I got up and stormed out of the room.


My footsteps rang against the marble floors as I weaved through the crowd of people making their way to their next class.

Quite a few stopped and stared at me. Other pointed and whispered to each other.

I subconsciously pulled down Law's cap even more.

The scar wasn't showing right?

I finally reached my next class: Explosions 101

Whoever came up with these courses was definitely mental.

As I walked in I noticed a couple of familiar people. Ace sat reclined in the back with Marco sitting next to him. Luffy was sleeping in the corner, hugging a piece of meat. Nami was sitting next to Luffy, talking to Robin.

A few other people I didn't know were also sitting in the room.

As I finished scanning the people, my eyes rested on the scowling red-hair who sat separate from everyone. His pale arms were covered with bruises and scratches, but besides that he seemed okay.

"Hey Kid." I said with a grin as I came up and plopped down next to him.

Kid gazed up with surprise at the sound of my voice. He smiled, but as he looked at me closer, his smile fell from his face.

"Akira." he suddenly said in a blood curdling whisper. His eyes filled with malice, "Why are you wearing his cap?"

I realized that Kid's intense gaze was trained on Law's fluffy cap, "He gave it to me..." Was all I could say before the door slammed open again.

Law walked into the room.

Everyone stared up in shock at his dark blue hair which was now clearly visible.

He smirked when he caught sight of Kid's angered face and promptly gave him the finger.

The chair creaked loudly as Kid stood up. In a flash, he was gripping Law by the shirt.

" What are you planning, Trafalgar." he growled as he slammed Law's body against the wall.

Law just smiled," Nothing at all Eustass-ya." He replied in his usual expressionless tone.


The door opened once again as a well-dressed, red-haired man walked in. He trudged over to the blackboard and began writing.

" Hello class, I am Professor Shanks," he started as he scribbled his name messily on the board.

His hand froze as a wave of energy erupted from his body, forcing everyone into silence. "Kid and Law, sit down before I send you to detention." he ordered without turning around.

Kid scowled before sitting back in his seat.

Law patted his shirt and then sat on my other side. "Nice hat." he commented.

I stared at him confused at his sudden niceness.Was he bipolar or something?

I heard a growl emit from Kid's direction.

"I said stop, Both of you." Professor Shanks interrupted with a raise voice. Then he turned around.

His tanned face was perfect except for three large gashes that covered his right eye.

He cleared his voice, "Today we will be working in groups of 5 to make explosions." He said as he pulled out a sheet of paper, " I will now read the groups I have assigned. Switching is not allowled."

He stared at each one of us before turning back to the page.

"Akira." he called.

Of course I was first...

"Luffy.." I grinned as Luffy let out a cheer.

"Ace......." I heard Ace give a small yes from his seat.

"Kid and Law"

My mind froze at the last two names...

Wait....what?! Was Professor Shanks insane!?


Done with this chapter...typed it all on my phone :P

So what do you guys think about Law, is he just a misunderstood guy or a bastard? O.o

Anyway thanks to everyone who reads this ^_^

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