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The sound of laughter, and music blasted my ear drums as we all entered the gigantic neon lite arcade located on the north side of the campus.

I glanced up from my uncomfortable position, hanging over Kid's shoulder, my mouth wide open. The arcade was swarming with other students gathered in their own groups. Video games lined one wall, T.Vs hung from the celing, and a food court sat right in the center, with mouthwatering smells that wafted from it.

The loud atmosphere completely overwhelmed me, and I wasn't the only one. Kid immediately tensed up, letting out a low growl like a caged dog and Law leaned against the wall close to the exit, a emotionless expression plastered on his face.

Ace and Zoro on the other hand completely disappeared the moment we entered. Ace ran straight for the food court and Zoro charged to the bar on the other side of the building.

"Tch.....drunk pigs" I heard Sanji mutter with annoyance.

I watched as he casually gazed around the Arcade. Then he suddenly froze.

His face lite up and hearts flew out of his eyes as he rushed off with his arms waving widely in the air.

"Naaammmiii!!!! Rooobbinnnn!!" He screamed, as the blonde haired flirt flung himself towards an orange haired girl and raven haired girl. They had also been in my class.

Luffy followed Sanji happily, and Kid trudged along behind him. Law remained leaning against the wall.

"Sanji?....Don't you have detention right now?" I heard the orange haired girl ask with confusion.

"We did, Nami." Interrupted Luffy as he popped his face in front of the two girls." But it was boooooring so Ace let us go here.

Nami's face flushed a light tint of pink as she saw Luffy, but Luffy didn't notice. Instead he started picking his nose with a playful grin stuck on his face." Oh,...this is Akira, " he added, as he gestured to me who was STILL hanging over Kid's shoulder. "Remember..... she's that new girl in our class."

Nami's eyes widened in shock as she turned to us, probably surprised from the sight of Kid. Then they fell on me and narrowed .

I felt a chill go down my spine as she scrutinized me. There was a silence, and then the glare dissapeared, replaced with a fake smile.

"I'm Nami... " she said happily as if everything were normal, "I'm part of Luffy's gang..." I felt the icy breeze again, but just for a moment before it vanished.

The other raven haired girl also walked up to us, "I'm Robin, nice to meet you." she greeted in an even tone.

After I nodded to both of them, Nami possessively grabbed Luffy's arm and pulled him over to a group of claw machines that were filled with the cutest stuffed animals alive.

"Luffy..."she giggled, "Can you win me that bunny?.."she asked as she twisted a lock of her orange hair.

As Luffy examined the prize, Nami glared at me one last time before turning back. I felt like she didn't like me that much.

Luffy stood up straighter."Yosh!" He said with a determined look in his eyes, "I'll definentely win you it." He said smiling, "....cuz were friends."Then he pulled out his wallet and turned to the machine.

I watched Nami's face deflate a bit, "Yeah....friend." she mumbled.

Suddenly, Kid abruptly placed me down. I wobbled a bit at the fact that I was on solid ground again. He pointed to the claw machine next to Luffy's.

"Which one?" He asked in a low voice.

I glanced at him confused. Kid raised his pale hand and tapped on the glass of the Claw machine. "Which one do you want." he asked again a bit louder.

I turned quickly to the glass, realizing that he wanted me to chose an animal. Even though he was now my "friend," his forcefulness still scared me. I mean the guy had wanted to kill me the day before.

As I gazed around the pile of toys, My eyes found it....A medium sized panda bear , it's fluffy head sticking out among the other animals, as I soft brown eyes called to me.

It was love at first sight...

I shook my head, composing my self.

"Umm...The Panda..."I said as casually as possible, but on the inside I was dying from its cuteness.

Kid nodded, a glint of determination also in his eyes, "I'll definitely get it." he muttered as he inserted a quarter.

(30 minutes later)

It only took around $20 and the past half hour to discover that both Kid and Luffy sucked at claw machine.

"Try Again." blared the automatic voice for the hundredth time, as the metal claw grazed the bunny's ear.

"Aww man...I was so close!" complained Luffy as he fished into his pocket for yet another quarter.

Another claw machine buzzed, "Try aga-


The mechanical voice was suddenly cut off as the smell of burnt metal filled the air. I turned around to find Kid, his arms raised over the badly dented machine. I raised my eyebrow as he continued to scowl at the box.

"It was mocking me." he growled.

Then he pulled out a five dollar bill and inserted it in. His hand gripped tightly around the controller and his finger was primed to press the button.

As the claw started moving again,my stomach cried out for food. *RUMBLE* I glanced at my watch to find that it was almost 2 ...and I hadn't even eaten lunch.


"Umm..I'm gonna get something to eat." I said to no one in particular. Kid and Luffy were too focused on the game to notice me slowly backing away.

A loud curse and crash of metal filled the air just before I melted into the crowd.



Ughh..... shut up stomach. I followed the tantalizing scent of fresh pizza, pushing my way through the crowd as I gripped my stomach.

My eyes were focused on the food court. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed my collar.

*SLAM* another hand threw me against the wall, pinning my arms with its slimy fingers. I saw stars in my vision from the impact. Long fingers wrapped around my neck, squeezing hard.

"You sure she's the one?" asked a gruff voice.

"Shut us Hatchen." barked the voice holding me.

" Sorry Arlong.." Hatchen apologized.

I opened my eyes and saw the guy known as Arlong standing in front me. He was a muscular purple guy with a long jagged nose and a malicious grin on his face.

"YOU'RE PURPLE!?"Was all I managed to scream.

His grip immediately tightened, causing my lungs to start burning.

"You got a problem with that..girl?" he asked menacingly. Guess the skin color was a touchy topic for him.

I shook my head, but he didn't loosen his grip, "all humans are WEAK." he continued, "I'm gonna enjoy killing you, " he said as a smile came to his face, "our gang will take the lead then..."

I clawed at his hands, and kicked hard with my feet . My mind and heart were racing. I took in breathes of air futilely trying to calm down enough to call my shadows to help me. The whole strangling thing was making this task very hard to do.

My lungs felt like they were going to explode, and the students around paid no attention to the purple guy who was strangling a poor defenseless girl. Was this normal?!...This school so messed up.

Suddenly, the room temperature fell drastically.

"Room" spoke an icy voice .

Dead silence filled the room as a blue dome encased Me and Arlong.

Footsteps resounded against the floor as they approached us.

"Shambles" the voice spoke again.

I was teleported out of Arlong's fierce hands and next to the person. My lungs gratefully took in air as I coughed out hard.

"Law." I heard Arlong growl, "what do you want...."

Law just casually grabbed the nodachi that hung on his back, "If you don't want to become sushi, I suggest you leave." he said coldly.

Arlong seemed furious at that comment, but he held it in as Law completely unsheathed his sword. The metal screeched as it gleamed brightly in the air.

"Fine...I'll leave." he finally said, backing away slowly, "Let's go Hatchen."

The two guys walked away, leaving me and Law alone.

"And I was hoping to fight someone." Law said almost sadly as he placed his sword back.

I continued to sit on the ground."Thanks..."I mumbled as my heart beat returned to normal. Law stared at me for a moment before offering a hand.

"I don't believe we've been formally introduced..." he said quietly, "I'm Trafalgar Law."

I smiled as I took the hand, "Akira." I said. Law nodded, his two golden earrings glistened as he moved his head and his dark hair shifted from under his fur cap.

As I stood up and patted off the dust, a question came to my mind." umm....not to sound ungrateful," I said as I rubbed my head, " but why did you help me..."

Law gazed ahead thoughtfully for a couple a seconds. Then he turned to me with his his expressionless face transformed into one of amusement.

"I think you're interesting, Ms. Akira" he said politely as he flashed a small grin.

Then he walked away, disappearing into the crowd just as quickly as he had appeared.

I was left there in confusion...

what the hell does he mean by interesting!


Lol...done with this chapter, tried to make it somewhat long since I won't update for the next few days ^^...

Tell me what you guys think
\(>~<)/....was Nami too mean? should she be with luffy? and I would ask who you think Akira should be with, but I want to write a few more chapters before I ask you guys :P .

And thanks to the people who voted and commented, I'm glad you like this story....(/^_^)/

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My High School Hell (One piece Fan-Fic) [Continued by Da_Vocaloid]Where stories live. Discover now