Trust Me

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Akira POV

Nami rushed ahead, her feet clanging against the hard floor as she held her rod high above her head. She slashed downward while giving a loud cry, aiming straight for Crocodile's head.

The weapon streaked through the scarred man's face as dry sand spewed out. Crocodile gave a wide smirk and threw his balled up fist into Nami's side, sending her flying to the right.

Her back slammed heavily into the wall, causing the roof to tremble slightly. She groaned as she sat slumped on the ground.

I gritted my teeth, fighting through the pain that was screaming from my own side wound. My arm lifted as I sent a barrage of dark spiked shadows straight at Crocodile.

Even with Nami's distraction, the shadows passed through him like nothing.

Crocodile turned to me when he noticed the attack. His grin widened.

" Now where we're we?" He asked in a cold voice as he took a step closer.

I took a step back, and realized I was up against the wall.

Crocodile held out his gleaming hook, examining the tip with great interest. Then he turned his sickly pale face back up.

" I run a small drug business here." He said in a low voice as he placed his other hand on the base of his hook.

" And the one thing you have to learn in my line of how to dispose of your enemies." He added as he unscrewed the base. Underneath the gold covering was a pitch black hook coated in a purple shine.

" Poison. One scratch and the victim is dead in five seconds." Crocodile muttered as his dark eyes shifted up to my face. " You should feel honored, being the first to test my new weapon."

A shiver crawled down my spine as he took a large step forward, his hook displayed high.

My hand shot out in panic as I forced the shadows along the ground to weave around his legs and stop him.

"Not going to work, Brat." Crocodile spat as his feet detached in a cloud of sand and reformed again.

He was only a meter away now. I could see the indigo gas that seeped from the holes of his hook and smell the dizzying scent that came along with it.

His teeth gleamed brightly in the darkness of the room, as he leaned closer. The spark in his eye showed the sadistic enjoyment that he was currently having.

The world around me began to spin as the sickly smell entered my nose.

I couldn't tell the floor from the ceiling...

I heard Crocodiles footsteps close by, as his image seemed to split and twirl.

Is this really it?

* Step*

Am I actually going to die here?

* Step*

"HAVE FUN IN HELL, BRAT." Crocodile screamed.

I clenched my eyes shut.

"Storm tempo!" Another voice croaked out.


A torrent of waves crashed into Crocodile and smashed him into the wall. I felt the waves slam into me as well.The waves covered me in a blanket of icy cold, drowning me in its embrace.

As the waves seeped away, I coughed out water. My eyes slowly cracked open to find Crocodile lying face down on the floor. His body lay there motionless. The ground around him was covered in drenched sand, colored dark from the weight of the water.

My High School Hell (One piece Fan-Fic) [Continued by Da_Vocaloid]Where stories live. Discover now