The Calm Before the Sandstorm

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Killer dropped the paper in front of Kid as the red hair sat reclined on the couch. Kid raised an eyebrow as he stared at the page.

" You know I hate reading, Killer." The teen growled, " What is this?"

Killer just took a seat as he faced his leader. " That's the rank update Kid."

Kid immediately sat up, grabbing the sheet. His red eyes scanned the page, glancing at the current rank of the gangs at the school.

Last time, it had been a four way tie for first.

"We're second." Killer replied, knowing that Kid was a slow reader.

The paper dropped to the ground. " What did you say?" Kid asked, his voice raspy.

Killer didn't flinch. The usual faithful second-in-command was annoyed with Kid. " The Heart gang took the lead." The masked man said . " They defeated Arlong tod-"

At that moment, Kid's phone rang. Killer froze in shock that the old machine actually worked, and also that Kid had actually gotten someone to call him.

The red hair seemed to think the same thing. It took him awhile to think of the only person that could call him.

He ripped the phone open and fumbled around for the answer button.

" Akira?" Kid asked with a now uncertain voice.

Killer couldn't help but scowl under his mask at Kid's reaction. Trafalgar Law and his gang had just taken the lead! Didn't getting the title of stronger matter to Kid anymore?!

But the red hair delinquent seemed to have forgotten everything already. " Uh...sure, I'll be over right away." He spoke to the phone.

Then he snapped the device closed and got up immediately, Walking out of the door.

" Kid." Killer said as he stood up and followed as well. " We need to come up with a plan!" He exclaimed as he rushed to the hallway.

Kid just gave a wave off dismissal as he continued walking. " I'm busy right now, Killer." The teen growled. " We'll do it later."

Then he walked away, mumbling something about if he should ask Akira.

Killer stood in the hallway, shocked

At first he had been happy that Kid had found a friend, but right now Kid was turning into a big softie, getting ordered around by a girl!

He was bringing down the entire gang.

" There's a way to fix him." A new voice sounded.

Killer turned his face to find the orange haired girl who sat in his first hour class, Nami. She smiled as she walked up to him.

" What are you saying?" Killer asked with suspicion. There was something off with the way Nami smiled innocently as she spoke.

" I just want to offer my help." She replied. " You and I both know who is the cause of this, and I have a plan to change everything back to normal."

Killer was frowned as he considered Nami's words.

Akira was a good girl, but she was changing Kid too much. Finally the masked teen reached a conclusion.

This is for the best Kid.

"Fine, what's the plan?" Killer asked.


Akira POV


The object bursted into flames, sending fire and flour everywhere as it splattered across the table.

I looked up with uncertain eyes at Professor Shanks. A speck of cupcake rested on his face as he stood there with his arms crossed. His face was expressionless.

The classroom was completely silent.

Then he wiped the cream off his face and placed it in his mouth.

A wide grin came into his face. "Hmm...tasty and deadly." The teacher commented as he gave a laugh. Well, Full marks for creativity you guys."

I let out a sigh of relief as Luffy cheered happily from next to me.

Ace just smirked, crossing his arms. " I knew it was great." He arrogantly proclaimed." Since I did come up with the idea to make it."

I rolled my eyes at the comment. Technically it was Kid's recipe.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Law make a slight motion, pulling out a sharp knife to knock Ace's arrogance down a few pegs. But Professor Shanks beat him to it.

" Oh really Ace..." The professor said as he rubbed the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "Since you're so amazing, then you can clean up this mess too ."

The smirk fell off Ace's face, replaced with surprise as Professor Shanks threw him the mop. " I expect everything to be completely spotless, Discipline Head." He added.

Then he turned to the rest of the class who sat watching the scene. " You guys can have the class off today while Mr.Portgas cleans." With that being said, Professor Shanks walked out of the classroom.

Ace grumbled under his breathe as he set to work wiping up the mess. Luffy gave another laugh before plopping down in his seat, his arms behind his head.

I also sent an apologetic look at Ace before siting down next to Luffy.

At that moment the door banged open and a scowling red hair ran in.

Kid gazed around the room until his eyes fell on Luffy and me. " So what we get?" He asked as he noticed the cupcake mess spewed over the floor.

"Full Marks!" Luffy snickered.

I smiled too, " It was thanks to your cooking skills, Kid."

Kid grinned at the answer.

"More like deranged killing skills." Law muttered under his breath.

The comment was still heard by the red hair. Kid whipped around to face the tanned student. " What did you say?" He asked with a growl.

Law remained still, a fake smile plastered on his face. " I said you smell like rainbows and strawberries, Eustass-ya."

An irk mark formed on Kid's forehead, as he lifted a fist to pummel Law into the ground.

" Wait..Kid." I called out, to distract him. The red haired demon turned and glanced at me questioningly. "so uh...why were you late ?" I asked quickly, the first thought to come to my mind. " You missed first hour too, even though I called you."

Kid straightened up at my question, completely forgetting Law in the process. His scowl was gone from his face, replaced with a firm line and his eyes refused to make eye contact.

" Well...Akira..I was..." The words stumbled out of his mouth, making it hard to understand. "...I mean I wanted to."

I raised an eyebrow with surprise and wary. Kid was acting nervous now. What did he do this time?

Finally the red hair took a breath and looked straight at me with crimson eyes. " Akira, go to homecomi-"


A mop flew out of nowhere and rammed into Kid's face slamming him back into the wall.

I turned my head in the direction the mop came from to find Ace who was standing there emotionless.

"Oops..." He said as he put on a small smile." Must have slipped..."

"Yeah...and flown half-way across the room" Law commented, trying to keep the smirk off his own face.

Kid growled as he shot up from his posturing on the ground. His eyes burned with anger now."...You did that on purpose Portgus!" He screamed as he lunged for the freckled teen.

Ace gracefully leaped out of the way, smirking as he shot a bullet of fire out of his index finger.

Kid reacted by grabbing a the metal desk and using it as a shield. The metal burst into flames as it made contact with the fire.

The entire class shook from the attacks as students took cover or ran out screaming.

Suddenly a hand fell on my shoulder. I glanced up to see Law. " Miss Akira." He said in as even voice. " I seemed to have forgotten my medical book in our homeroom. Would you mind getting it for me?"

I didn't believe him one bit, but the classroom seemed like it was about to come crashing down. I gave a quick nod before racing out the door with the other students .

My mind turned back to the conversation as I raced down the hall. What did Kid want to ask me?

I let out a sigh as I made another turn. I really hope they don't destroy the class or Professor Shanks is gonna freak.


"She gone now, you know." Law stated as Ace sent another flame Kid's way.

The raven haired boy's head shot up at the comment as he looked around for Akira. He cursed under his breathe as when he realized that she really wasn't here.

The raven haired teen glared at Law. He sent her away just to annoy us.

Ace leaped down from the trashed teacher's desk and made a bee line for the door.


A metal fist slammed him into the adjacent wall before he could race out.

" Where do you think you're going?" Kid growled as he stared daggers at the disciplinary head.

Ace just flashed a smile, unfazed by Kid's menacing glare. " I need to ask Akira to homecoming." He replied as he moved his head an inch to the left to avoid getting impaled by a metallic spear.

Anger flared up in Kid's mind. No way was he letting that bastard ask her!

Kid was about to attack again when the classroom door banged open loudly.


Killer barged into the room. "Captain!" He shouted before he realized the scene before him.

Kid turned his head towards His second-in-command. " What now, Killer." He scowled.

Killer snapped back as he remembered his mission. " Oh yeah, uhh....Crocodile's found a new target."

Kid considered the new information for a second.

Crocodile was a senior at the school for the past ten years. He ran an underground drug business and purposely failed each year to oversee the business. The guy had no interest in the title of strongest, but he did help get rid of unwanted people.

A new target meant there would be less competition, since Crocodile was a ruthless fighter,.....but it really wasn't that important to know.

There was more to this if Killer had come all the way to tell him.

" Why are you telling me this Killer?" Kid finally asked with narrowed eyes.

The masked man turned his head to the ground, a wave a doubt flowing into his mind. Then he remembered the morning episode with Kid, and quickly steeled his resolve.

"It's Akira." Killer replied, waiting for the effect.

Silence filled the entire room. Ace stopped squirming in Kid's grasp. Luffy's head shot up from his desk which he had fallen asleep on. And the smirk on Law's face fell off.

Just outside of the building a huge explosion erupted.

Right on schedule.

A mass of students were streaming out of the classrooms.

" The fight's starting!" Someone screamed.

" Man that girl looks so weak, she won't last 5 minutes." Another person exclaimed.

Inside the classroom, Kid released Ace, cursing wildly in his head, before running straight for the exit. Three other teens did the exact same thing.

Soon the room was completely empty.

Killer stood in the classroom, watching as his captain and the other hotshots ran out of the door. The mask covered the look of guilt on his face.

He had done the correct thing.....right?


Gonna end it here, \(^_^)/ because I'm evil like that....

But I am writing the next part as you read this....wondering when to post it :P

honestly I was losing interest in this story but you guys seem to like it so I'll try updating more.

So any guesses what's gonna happen next..O.O....? Or suggestions?

Good job to everyone who guesses crocodile...

and I noticed from comments that quite a few of you don't like how Nami's mean >_>

....but I assure you that she is only mean for now, probably, lol

Oh...and I dedicate to people who comment or vote, and also I do it based on if their comment made me laugh XD, but I upload stories from my phone. so usually it takes awhile for a dedication >_> since Im lazy...

Anyway vote comment and share for faster updates \(^_^)/


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