The beginning

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The team had been told of Black Canary's protégés but didn't believe it until they saw two figures next to her.
"Team, this is Sian," Black Canary pointed to the lean boy,"He's still working on the hero name."
The boy was about Canary's height. His body was lean and it looked as if the muscle were mainly in his toned arms. He had curly black hair that hid within his beanie. His nose was soft but his grey eyes looked as if they could cut diamonds. He had thick eyebrows that were sporting a ring piercing on the left one. He also had a little mole under his right eye. His costume showed off his arms as he wore a white fur vest. He had a black turtleneck underneath it with some cargo pants and army boots.
"And this is his sister, Amethyst, or Ame for short," BC explained.
Ame had a purple complexion and 3 dark blue dots under her left eye. Her right eye was hidden under her bangs. Her eyes were odd to the team because the whites were black and she had no pupils, just big green irises. Her lips were plump with snake bites on them and her ears were pointed. One ear had 3 piercing while the other had one. Her long thick light blue hair was tied up in a tight ponytail which stopped at her waist. She had wide hips and she probably wore a C-cup. Her costume had a dark blue leotard with a white X on her chest. It had black long sleeves and long black leggings. The sleeves had gold rings around the ends of them.
Wally laughed, "So you're a Crystal gem? Saving the world with Steven, Garnet and Pearl?"
Artemis smacked him on the back of his redhead,"Wally!"
Ame giggled,"Nah, I'm too busy stuffing my face at the Big Donut."
They noticed a little accent in her voice. Wally smirked at Artemis,"See. She gets the joke."
"Welcome to the team," Aqualad greeted as he held his hand out to them.
"Yeah, welcome to the team."Ame was shocked by the male's beautiful and stumbled back,"Mierda-I mean, thanks."
"Hey Ame." Sian put his fingers to his lips,"Wipe that drool off your lip."
"Shut up." Ame blushed.
"My name's Kaldur'ahm."Sian shook Kaldur's hand,"But my friends call me Kaldur."
He went to shake Ame's hand. She had a strong grip that he wasn't expecting. They looked each other in the eyes.
"Is it cool if I call you Kal?" Ame asked.
Wally sped in between them,"Name's Wally, but you can call me the Wallman."
Sian narrowed his eyes,"But isn't Wally shorter?"
"Hey man, trying to snag a hot babe," Wally whispered to Sian,"Don't question it dude."
"That hot babe, is my sister." Sian crossed his arms."
Artemis pinched Wally's ear and pulled him away,"Wally will flirt with any thing that walks."
"Except for you."Wally skulked.
The green Martian flew in between the two,"Enough you two." She looked to Amethyst,"It's so nice to have another female on the team! I'm Miss Martian, or Miss M or M'gann, or Megan or-"
"Try not to scare her M'gann," Robin warned, "This is-"
Sian put up a hand,"We all know who you are, Boywonder."
"Oh, I know you know who I am," Robin pointed to Connor, who stand by himself,"That's Connor. I know he wasn't gonna introduce himself."
Ame blushed when Connor turned around,"Is everyone on this team hot?"
"Don't boost Wally's ego." Artemis said.
"Now that introductions are out of the way, I'm leaving for a...'hot date'" BC walked towards the Zeta Tubes,"Why don't y'all hang out and get to know each other?"
"And it's a Friday too! And Friday means pizza, games, and Truth or Dare!" Robin said.
"Yeah!" Wally clapped his hands together, "Let's start! Y'all wanna eat or play?"
"We all know you just want to eat." Artemis mouthed off to the redhead.
"You gotta problem with that?"
"I do actually. Especially when it's my food you're eating."
"Maybe you should label it."
"I did!"
Sian uncrossed his arms,"Do they always argue?"
"Yes." The team said in unison.

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