Not safe

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By time Kaldur got up, his warm marshmallow was gone. Ame had left long before he woke up so she could use the bathroom, but didn't come back, because she fell asleep on the toilet. This was the perfect time to question Kaldur on the two's late night activities.
"Well Sebastian it's nice to see you're awake." Wally taunted.
Kaldur got up from the couch, "Please, my friend, stop calling me that. I do not even have a Jamaican accent. Nor am I a crab."
"Well you just remind me of him, with you bossing people around." Wally stated, "So what were you and lover girl doing last night?"
"What do you mean?"
Sian formed an icy hand and shoved it in Kaldur's face,"If you slept with my sister, I'll kill you and sell your parts to the Bait shop." He pulled on Aqualad's collar.
"Chill, Sian,"Wally and Robin tried pulling the angry boy off of the Atlantean,"I'm pretty sure he just slept with her. Not slept with her."
The rest of the team, who had been silently listening to their dispute, now peaked their heads up from their cereal bowls. Robin was the first to speak, "We saw the truth or dare cards, and there were some pretty nasty things written on them."
Kaldur blushed "We did not do what you think we did."
"Really?" Artemis walked to their leader,"Then why did we find y'all snuggled together on the couch?"
"And Ame likes to keep to herself so you definitely did something to make her cozy up with you." Wally sped over to Kaldur's left side, "Any secrets you want to spill? Help a brother out."
Kaldur put his hands up in defense, "There are no secrets to tell. And I do not think Sian would like you to hit on his sister."
Sian darkly loomed over the speedster and smacked him hard on the back of his redhead,"Stop hitting on my sister, you perv!"
The team circled around Kaldur, and M'gann stepped forward, "No, you have to tell us what happened."
"Nothing happened."
"Really, because the closet would beg to differ," Connor said, opening the closet door, reveling the coats and jackets all on the floor.
Kaldur's blush spread to his ears, "Really, it was nothing,"
Sian squinted his eyes at Kaldur,"I had a feeling she liked you but if you anything to hurt her feelings-"
"What are we talking about?" Ame yawned,"And why are y'all up so early?"
"Ame, it's 12 in the afternoon." Connor said.
"Oh shit." Ame hugged Sian who awkwardly took it,"Well how was y'all's night?"
"We should ask the same,"Robin smirked,"You two do anything fun while we were gone?"
"No? I don't think so."
Sian went to ask about the hickies on her neck but then the all call went off. It informed the team of an upcoming mission,"We'll talk about it later."
Bane had been trading Cobra Venom to a mysterious buyer with a checkered past. Their mission was to put a stop to the trade, find out who the buyer was and how they had enough money to buy it from him. Ame was in the bathroom and wasn't shown the pictures taken of the man but was later shown in the ship. No one noticed but she broke into a cold sweat and stopped talking for the remainder of the ride. What could possibly go wrong?
Ame's POV
Everything was going wrong. It was him. He was back. He's gonna take me again. He's gonna hurt me again.
As we stepped out the Bioship, my heart dropped. "K-Kaldur, I have a bad feeling about this."
M'gann hovered over to me, "You're looking a little pale, are you ok?"
Wally put a hand to my head, "Yea, Ame, you're burning up."
"Maybe you should stay in the Bioship, and keep watch." Kaldur said, placing a calming hand on my shoulder.
"No, it's just that I don't like this place. It's just that-"
"Ame, really," Artemis said appearing next to me, "You're swaying on your feet, just go back in the ship."
"Come with me." I say.
"Come with me, we don't have to come back here again. Let's just go," I take Kaldur's hand, hoping that he wouldn't ask questions and just come with me.
"Ok, you've clearly lost it. Ame we can't just leave, we have a mission." Robin said.
"Well if y'all aren't coming then I'm going with you."
Kaldur came back into the conversation, "Ame, you are ill. You must stay."
"No, I'm going." I say holding his hand tightly.
"Don't be an idiot Ame,"Sian grabbed my arm,"If you don't feel good then you should stay."
"I'm going to keep y'all safe."
"Save from what?"
There was a loud bang coming from inside the building. Instead of running away like I wanted, we ran towards the sound. It was hard for me to go into that lab again. It was dark and dull, just like I remembered it. I shudder as we walk from room to room. Blood stains everywhere. My blood stains. The smell was rancid, like there was a body rotting but it's always had that smell. I was too busy in my feelings that I didn't even notice that they stumbled into my room. Small dried bloody handprints splattered on the wall, along with scratches.
"What the hell..."
"This guy is sick."
"The hands are so small..."
"What happened to the person that lived here?"
"...More than likely died of their injures."
My teammates said as I let my mind wonder. They asked more questions but I stayed as still as a statue. I bit my lip and tried to hold the tears, I tried not to run, to shake in fear, to get sick, to break down.
Sian was the only one to notice my state, "Ame? What's wrong?"
I said nothing as all the eyes of my teammates landed on me.
He approached me but my eye stayed on the cold stone floor. The team raced to me as I crumbled to the floor. I didn't even feel the pain of the fall.
I felt like I couldn't breathe. My vision was fading as was my hearing.
In my mind, I was back in this cell. I was chained to my bed as usual. Doctor came in and started his studies. He would cut the skin here, then tear the tissue there. Snap bones, steal blood. Tested your strength. Work you until you can't stand. Mentally, physically. Just keep bleeding. Keep sweating. Keep working. No food. No water. No sleep. No peace. No freedom. No escape. No hope.

No sanity.

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