Home sweet Home

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When Ame woke up, she was chained to a white lab table. She still had on her uniform. Her neck felt as if it was wrapped in cold metal and she knew it was her 'dog collar'. She struggled to get free and pulled on the chains so hard that her wrist started to bleed. Ame looked at her surroundings but there was no point. She knew where she was and where everything was at. The needles and surgical tools were to her right. The duct tape, blood bags and pills to her left along with other torturing equipment.
"Nice to see that my little monster is awake," She couldn't see her captor but she already knew who it was.
When she heard his deep raspy voice, she broke into a cold sweat, tears started to brim her eyes and a lump took form in her throat.
When she didn't answer, he spoke again, "Nice to see you finally come home, and this time you brought friends..."
Her ears were too clogged with her own thoughts to hear him. 'I have to get out. He'll hurt me again. Can't let that happen. It's just a dream. I can't be back here again. Get up. Wake up wake up wake up.' She thought to herself.
"Well don't worry about your friends-well at least your human friends."he tapped on his bearded chin.
She snapped to attention when the words slipped from his thin lips, "Don't you dare touch them! You got me back, just leave them alone!"
Doctor clucked, "No, your friends are far too interesting. Especially the Atlantean."
She pulled the chains harder as they started to weaken against her newfound strength, "You sick bastard! Haven't you hurt me enough? Just stop! You're a maniac, a psychopath! You-" her collar beeped and she felt a shocking pain-literally shocking.
The electricity raced through her veins, skin, and bones. Ame's screams were dried. Tears burned her green eyes. She screamed harder as her skin felt as if it had ignited into flames. The pain stopped but only for a brief moment as Doctor upped the pain dosage.
"I have a whole new set of tests for you," he shouted over her screams, "and I do believe that you're of age, so now we can get to more...sexual experiments." He pushed the button of the remote stopping the pain and rubbed her legs.
"Get off me you sick fuck!" She spat at him.
He angrily wiped the spit off and smashed the button again sending a shock wave through her body.
Kaldur pulled at the bars on his cage. "We have to help her!"
"We can't, we tired!" Robin said, trying to kick the bars again. He was right. They couldn't do anything. They have on inhibitor collars. All they could do was watch in horror as they feared that their friend might be beaten to death. They just had to wait until the league showed up. But Robin called the league 30 minutes ago. And who knows how long they have. How long Ame had.


Time ticked on with no sign of the league showing. Doctor already started doing his experiments, such as, would these pills make her get sick, how fast her wounds healed and much more. She passed out many times from the pain.
"Wake up!" He pushed the button to the collar and she screamed on cue. "We still have to make up for lost time!" He kicked her, "I know you're stronger than that." Since she was so weak, Doctor didn't see why she need to be chained anymore and had long got rid of the chains.
As the torture continued, Ame's skin began to light up. Her veins glowed amber. She was out of breath and couldn't see straight. It felt as if her lungs collapsed. Her hearing was going in and out but she could still hear the faint screams of her teammate telling her to rise. Thing is they could see her but she couldn't see them.
They saw the man stop shaking her as he yelled to what seemed like himself,"What do you care?! She left you!"
Connor and Kaldur tried at their bars again. Since Kid was the closest to the keys, he tried to use his lanky arms to get the them but to no prevail. Sian tried kicking the bars while M'gann tried to get the collar off. Artemis tried to slide through the cage bars but was stopped when it reached her hips. Then Robin tried,"Come on, come on," He was out.
"Excellent job, Robin!" Kaldur cried out.
But they were too late.
Ame laid on the floor as Doctor kicked and beat her senseless. She lost far to much blood, and too many bones have been broken. As she laid, she heard her heartbeat slow in pace. Her heart was in her ears. Her breath caught in her throat.
"Ame's not getting up." Wally whispered.
Robin stopped at M'gann's cage and looked to his friend. 
M'gann turned around in her cage, looked to the glass,"What?"
Doctor pressed the button to awaken Ame but she didn't move. Not an inch. He stopped and checked her pulse. "Hm." He hummed, picked her up and placed her on the table. He moved her head so that she would be looking to the group. She looked as if she was in slumber minis her eyes being wide and black as night. Her face, covered in dried blood. Her veins still glowed an amber color. "Now that you're unconscious..."he slipped on blue latex gloves. He grabbed a needle but before he could angle it, it was kicked out his hand. He received another kick but to his face. The fight last only a few minutes for the whole team ganged up on him.
They grabbed Ame, chained him to the lab table and left once he was knocked out. The League could get him but for right now, Ame was priority. Once in the ship, M'gann went straight for a hospital and the rest of the team desperately tried to revive her. Kaldur put his ear to her chest, hoping to hear the sweet sound of her heartbeat. He listened:

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