Love, Nature, Darkness

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     I awoke to Kito asleep next to me, filling me with happiness. Something seemed to bother him last night, but I did not want to ask him right away. I got ready without trying not to wake him since he had been up most of the night, probably, and I wanted to see if there was a small pond anywhere so I could scrub of some grim off from the past few days. 

     I exited the tent to see Coal sitting next to the blazing fire while the unknown boy still slept. Coal glanced at me and flashed a smile only to look back at the flames and going back into deep thought. It seems that this mission is making everyone a little tense. I am as well. 

     I remember what my father said to me when he came. It was only a few days ago, but his warning still rings in my head. Be careful, and do not trust Kito. I understood that we might be going somewhere dangerous, but why would he tell me not to trust my companion. Kito has always been there for me even if I thought I did not need anyone. 

     Walking by the boys, I went of into the forest and walked to the stream which feed into three small pools. A little oasis all to myself. I placed my towel near the edge of the water and then took of my clothes and hung them up on a tree near by. The cold water felt refreshing in the misty air, some may say that going into a cold pool and coming out in the cold is a bad idea, but I rather enjoy it. I wet my hair and brushed out some twigs and leafs, no idea how those got in there. Then I scrubbed my body to get all the sweat off. 

     After a little soak, I grabbed my towel and got out of the little oasis drying myself of until I heard someone say, "Oh. My. Lunar." I wrapped the towel around me and focused on making a ball of light to blast someone with. Turning around, I saw Kito with his back to me covering his eyes.

     "Kito, what they hell are you doing?!" I yelled. I saw a shiver go down his spine from my voice.

     "I woke up and saw that you were not there, so I got up and asked Coal where you went. He told me that you walked off into the woods. So I tracked your scent to this place," he said almost turning around only to turn back to face the forest," I only saw your bu-back." 

     "You saw my butt," I replied sarcastically. Kito laughed a bit.

     "Well, I saw that too because your butt is at the end of your back," he said with sarcasm back.

     "Stay facing the forest while I get dressed or you will get more than just a harmless ball of light," I told him while I put on my undergarments and socks. I looked at him every now and then to check if he was looking, but he never did. I put on a light silver elbow length shirt with dark gray pants and tied my short black boots on. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and put on my black leather, finger less, gloves. Since I know that my real magic has something to do with celestial magic, I changed my wardrobe a bit. I thought that I might have nature magics, like my mom, but I guess I inherited my dad's magic. Kito thinks I look like a beast, but I just like the style a lot more than my old one. 

     "You done yet?" Kito asked.

     "Yes I am done," I replied. He turned around and I met his violet eyes again. A smile plastered on his face, but his eyes still seemed troubled. "Kito, is something wrong?" His smile started to diminish after I asked. 

     "I talked with Ember a bit last night, and..." He paused to collect his thoughts, but he almost seemed sad. He looked down at the ground trying to avoid my eye contact.

     "And?" I asked. He looked at me with a bit of tears in his eyes. Then suddenly he ran over and hugged me tight.

     "I know where we are going. I know what that place is. I know because I use to live there before my parents where killed. We are going straight to where I could lose you. I do not want to lose you or anyone else for that matter, I want you to stay alive long enough to have a family with me." He placed his mouth close to my ear, "Promise me that you will stay by me no matter what happens." He moved away form my ear and looked at me. Face-to-face, just an inch away form each other. 

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