Practice Makes Perfect

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     The next day, after all of us soaked in what had happened yesterday, we got up to meet in the courtyard of Comet's summer home. I was a little concerned about what would happen since Ethren was the one calling us all together. 

     "You seem deep in thought," a blank voice said as I turned a corner. I looked up to see Ethren who wore a black short sleeve jacket with silver designs on the collar, shoulders, and on either sides of the zipper. Underneath, he wore a plane gray shirt with jet black pants and boots. 

     His cold silver eyes looked down at me, waiting for a response. I did not know what to say. 

     "Yeah," I said. That was all that could come into my mind. Out of all the things I could have said I could only manage one word.

     "Well come on," he replied leading me to the courtyard.


     Once there, I saw that everyone was standing around. I was the last to come which was not normal for me, but I debated if I should come at all.

     "Alright. Everyone except Comet and Kalzerin line up here," Ethren commanded pointing to an area in front of him. Ember stood in front of him then Flore lined up next to her left side. Everyone then followed suite, and I was at the end of the line.

     "Good. Now, I will go down the line, and I want to know, your name, magic, and combat skill," he instructed. "Let's start with you," he said pointing to Ember.

     "Ember. I am a fire mage, and I have hand-to-hand and close combat skills," Ember replied.

     "Hand-to-hand. Never heard that before with a fire mage. Next," he said moving down the line.

     "Flore. I have nature manipulation(the growing of plants or making them move) and earth movement and creation. Combat skill would be long distance and archery," Flore said. Ethren nodded with approval. 

     "River. I am a water dragon. My combat skills would be long distance and swordsmanship," River said.

     "Good to know that we have another dragon. Next," Ethren said as he moved onto Coal.

     "Coal. I am also a fire mage, but I deal with long distance and close combat," Coal said. Ethren just nodded before moving to me. 

     "Ana. I am a regular water mage, and I have no combat skill," I said looking down at the ground. 

     "No combat skill," he said. I looked up at him then to everyone else. Then it hit me. I was the only regular. Everyone else was a pure mage. Meaning that I definitely was not on their level. 

     "Yes, I have no combat skill," I replied looking at the ground. I could see Ethren's shoes in my vision. They were not moving away, they just stayed planted where they stood.

     "Well, we will have to work on that," he said. I looked up at him. His dark eyes seemed comforting while I was screaming inside. 

     "No," I said. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I just backed away from Ethren while looking down.

      "What do you mean by 'no'?" he asked.

     "Ethren," I heard Kalzerin say to ensure his brother would not hurt me.

     "Answer me," Ethren said in a soft, harsh tone. I looked around me and say everyone's concerned face. I turned to look at Ethren.

     "I don't want to be a battle mage. I was going to U.M.T. to learn how to be healer and care taker. I want to work in the medical field because I want to help people, not kill them. So I think it would be best for me to go home and forget about this," I replied with tears filling my eyes. Comet was going to come over to comfort me before Ethren stopped her. 

Life as a Mage: Moon's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now