Time Will Tell

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     Some months had pasted since the moment where Kito betrayed us. I always thought his sent smelled strange. It's as if he had some dragon in him, but the rest of him did not smell right. He smelled like an old enemy to me, but then when Comet said he was a shadow, everything made sense. 

     Shadows are believed to be the ancestors of all life. They represent the coherent choice of light and dark, good and evil. Shadows had been created by the beings of life know as the essence holders, from what I remember, and the Drians, who were beings of the darkness. Apparently shadows were created by a small sect of both groups that wanted to end the war between both beings. However, that is all anyone has to offer on how shadows came to be, but there is nothing about their history. All we know is that they control the Beyond and are planning on raising something that they call their master.

     Comet, during all of this, has been getting some special training at home. I decided to tag along with her since I knew she would need the company. She and I also decided that we would become companions since Kito's broke after he turned on us. Her father also thought that it would be a good idea since both of us act like sisters. However, something is off about her. Sometimes we will be talking about a funny memory about our family, never know how we get on the subject, and all of a sudden, she stops talking when we get to the mother portion of the talk. I know she said her mother passed away a while back, but she said she got over it. I just wish she could let me in a little to tell me what is wrong.



     My footsteps echoed through the grand halls of my house, well mansion. I turned a corner and saw the hall I called the family hall as a child. I could remember running down the hall and hiding behind one of the pillars while my mother looked for me. I could still be her voice as she said "I got you my little star." 

     Lots of things have changed. I always thought that what Kito, I mean Kalzerin, said was not real. I thought I was still dreaming. Everything happened so fast that I could not believe that he betrayed us and betrayed me. That all this time he lied, but something seemed to real about our relationship. I just wished I could have seen that he was to go to be true, but he did not kill me when he had the chance because he cared. However, he was right when he said that he would kill me next time, but I just wish that we could be together. Maybe in another time, it could have happened.

     I continued my walk into the parlor where River sat drinking some herbal tea. The tea set rested on the white oak coffee table in the middle of the rectangular room. Tall arched windows let an abundance of light from the mid-day sun in to fill the beige walls with dark trim for contrast. A white rug with gold detail brightened the dark spruce floor while the table with the tea set and two silver love sets, on either side of the table, laid a top the rug. On the left and right walls, bookshelves held books of stories, history, and magic along with some knickknacks. Meanwhile, the oak door had a matching wood table on either side that held some knickknacks as well. 

     River sat in front of the middle large window on the comfy window bench. Her blue eyes gazing out at the landscape beyond. I walked over and sat down with some space between us. She cradled her cup before turning to look at me and then back to the world beyond.

     "So how have your personal lessons been?" she asked before taking another sip of her tea.

     "They have been going well. But I know that is not why you wanted to talk with me about," I said while turning my body towards her and laid my back against the wall. I pulled one of my legs up to rest my arm while I waited for her response.

     "You are correct. I wanted to ask you about why you have these lessons that I cannot know about? Do you need them to portect yourself? Or do you need them because of something he said? What are they for?" she asked turning to met my eyes. Concern lined her voice and laid in her eyes.

     "It has a bit to do with what Kito said, but it mainly has to do with my mother," I replied turning my face to the window so she could not see what I was feeling.

     "What does your mother have to do with this? You said she died a few years ago, so why is she important now?" River asked with the same volume of concern. It felt good to know how much she worried about me since sometimes my dad does not.

     "My father said that the woman who was my mother was not the real her. He said that she was a deity that became human to have me,"  I told her to her face. She just stared back at me with a puzzled face. "My father told me about my mother. He said that when she was pregnant with me, she told him the truth. Apparently I am suppose to be the protector of humanity and that I have the power to create peace. That was what I was born to be, a hero that can defeat the Master." I pulled my legs into my chest a buried my head in them. I felt River's hand rubbing my shoulder to comfort me, but everything that my father told me still overwhelms me. I wonder how any of this can be true.

     "Hey, that doesn't change you. It changes what you are capable of, but it does not change who you are. Our parents do not define us, they just lay the basis for what we, ourselves, can accomplish whether that is making a huge ice sculpture with a single wave of our hand or having the power to save the world," River said with a comforting, sympathetic voice. She was right though. During these past months, I felt that I would become something like my mother, an all powerful person that will have to kill in order to bring peace. That was what my lessons where teaching me. They said that I would have to defeat my enemies with all of my power. However, River is right. My mother would want me to decide how I use my powers. All she told my father was that I would bring peace. So from now on I am going to be learning how to make peace in my own way.

      I always thought that if I told River this truth that she would agree with everyone else. That my mother blessed me with these powers so I could use them to defeat anyone who would compromise the peace she created. I felt that no one was listening to me, but I should have never judged River. She has been by my side always. I should have told her sooner so that I could have been learning how to make my own peace to share.

     I wrapped my arms around River and just cried. She told me everything that I needed just like my mom. River rubbed my back and held me close. 

      "Thank you," I said between sobs.

     "You're welcome," she replied as the tea explored the spruce floor.

Life as a Mage: Moon's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now