New Friends New Crush

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     The fall semester was just beginning when I was called to go get my two pupils who I would keep an eye on until they were comfortable here and with their powers.

     Opening the office door, I saw two girls sitting off to the side. One was a regular with soft black curly hair with a white head band to hold the curls back. Her blue sweater was the first thing I noticed about her outfit with gray pants and white sneakers, and the outfit off with a short snow white scarf around her neck. The other girl was a pure with light blond hair with a long red streak on the left side. Her hair was pulled down into two pony tails in the back that was pulled in front with an additional ponytail on the end.(Apple Jack style :) Her outfit was a rusty color shirt under a dark red jacket with ripped sleeves along with jet black shorts that cut right above her knee and some maroon sneakers.

     I walked over to them, "Hey there. My names Comet and I will show you around."

     The girl with curls looked at me with her vibrant blue eyes, "Are you the Comet, daughter of the Dark Matter the Mage of the Stars?"

     "Yep." She jumped up and shook my hand.

     "I am Anastasia."

     "Nice to meet you. And your name?" I forced my hand out of Ana's hands.

     "I am Ember, and you better remember that." She got up and walked out the door. Her amber eyes were full of pain. She looked like she was a fighter with the scare on her nose and the ripped jacket. So I walked out with Ana following me close behind. Ember was maybe a few feet behind.

     I gave both of them the same tour that River and Coal took me on. Ana seemed interested in everything that I had to say and even knew some history behind the school. She must have really down her research when looking up a good magic school. Ember, on the other hand, seemed uninterested in everything. She acted like she did not want to be here at all.

     Once I was finished with the tour, I lead them to their dorms, and by happenstance they were roommates just like my mentor River is mine. Also they were on the same floor as River and I. 

     "I call the left side," Ana exclaimed as she ran over, throwing her stuff on the left bed. Ember just narrowed her eyes at Ana and then put her stuff on the right bed. 

     "You guys can decorate your room how ever you want, as long as it is easy to take down since you will be staying in this room for only a year," I explained to them. Ana nodded her head while Ember just started unpacking. She did not have much with her, I wondered if she lived close so that she could get more things if she needed them.

     "So Comet, where is your room? You know, incase we need anything," Ana asked.

     "I am right down the hall, actually. Room 402, just remember to knock," I replied. Ana nodded her head and then started to unpack as well. "Alright then you two, see you around," I said before leaving down the hall to my room.


     A few weeks have passed, and Ember seems to have warmed up to me. However, she has been getting into so fights lately. Ana says something will just tick her off and then she flat out punches someone. The Headmaster told me that if Ember's attitude does not improve then she will be kicked out and I will have to with the consequences of her actions since I am her mentor.

     "You seem lost in thought," Kito said while he came out of the shadows, making me jump.

     "I told you not to do that when I am thinking," I said to him crossing my arms. Kito smiled before sitting next to me on the bench.

     "Comet!" I heard the familiar voice of Ana. Scanning the courtyard, I say her over by the oak tree that River, Coal, Kito, and I usually have lunch. I waved to her and she came rushing over with a beat up Ember.

     "Ember, what happened?" I stood up and Kito moved so she could sit. Ember had a some cuts on her hand with a runny bloody nose.

     "Some people were trash talking her again. I told her to let it go, but she just got mad and exploded." Ember looked at me with anger and then to Kito. She turned to hide her small blush. Kito didn't notice which was a little funny.

        "Ember, think before you act, whatever you do looks bad, and then everyone around you has to deal with the concequences," I told Ember, who turn and looked at me with an I-will-kill-you look.

     "Listen to her Ember. I hate to see you doing this to yourself," Ana said with concern in her voice. Ember looked at her and then down at the ground.

     "I can take her to the nurse," Kito said. Ember looked up at him with a bright red face.

     "No need, I can do it on my own," Ember replied standing up and walking away.

     "What are we going to do with her?" I asked aloud.

     "Aw, Ember has a crush," Ana said. Kito and looked at her with puzzled looks. Ember was hurt and all she can think about is Ember's reaction to Kito.

     "Well this isn't the first time," Kito replied rubbing the back of his neck. 


     Another month flew by, Ember had been improving on her behavior and Ana was keeping a good eye on her for me. Also Kito asked Ember if she wanted to have lunch with him for the past few weeks. I was a lightly jealous, but he was just my companion, so why should I be jealous. 

     "Hey Comet," Ana yelled as she ran over to meet me sitting under my favorite oak tree. I waved to her as she came closer before sitting next to me.

     "How has our Ember been?" I asked.

     "She has been doing great, her grades are up, she doesn't get into fights anymore, and her relationship with Kito is going well," she reported. I nodded. It was great to hear that Ember has been doing better ever since my pep-talk to her. However, I began to notice that I was starting to act like Ember's mother.

     "Good to hear. So I guess Ember and Kito are going to the Silent Moon Night Dance," I said with sorrow in my voice.

     "Yeah, some guys asked me, but I decided that I wanted to go with my mentor. You," Ana replied making me feel a bit better.

     "Sounds great," I said. "Maybe you, Ember, and I should go shopping before the dance." 

     "That would be so cool, I will tell Ember tonight so she knows," Ana said before waving good-bye and rushing off for another class.

     Maybe I should get something really head turning to surprise Kito, I thought to myself before shaking that thought out of my mind. He was going with Ember, not me.

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