The Boom

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Everything felt heavy. His head was pounding, and the little bit of harsh light that seemed to make it through his closed eyelids was enough to make him wish he was blind. He made a mental note to never do that again. Sure, it shouldn't have done much more than knock him out and, if the idiot, Tyler, hadn't screwed up too much, then he should be pretty much free.

He tried to raise his hand to his eyes, but was stopped by a clinking sound. It seemed that no one was stupid enough to trust him to stay asleep, which was, irritatingly, probably a good idea. Too bad for them, he was too good for them.

Liano shifted slightly, and sure enough, right under where his arm rested, was a small key. Perfect. He could have broken out, or simply picked the lock on the cuffs, but he had made a totally different decision. He had made this as easy on himself as possible. He shifted slightly, grimacing when the key stuck to his skin, and maneuvered his arm until his hand could pull the key from his skin. It took only a moment before he was free.

Calmly, and with as much grace as he could force his sluggish body to have, he sat up, swung his legs off of the bed, and stood. His legs felt like jello, which was enough to tell him that he had been asleep for at least a day. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be many side effects. His head hurt, his body felt like lead, and he was fairly certain that his vision wasn't supposed to blur like that, but overall, he was fine. He carefully pulled out the iv, and glanced around the room.

There was a small closet in the corner that he was fairly certain held his clothes, and a small door leading to the bathroom.

He whistled lowly. This was much better than he expected. It seemed that Kai Tyler was smart enough to realize that if he failed his task, he would be thrown in jail with the other perverted assholes.

For a moment, he considered telling Thomas about the good doctor's habit anyways, but decided against it for now. After it was known that he was up and killed, he would send a message to the man telling him to take a good look at the other man.

If it wasn't for the fact that he needed to actually get out of the prison in the first place, he wouldn't have ever even spoken to the man.

Liano wasn't stupid, he realized that he had to protect the doctor for a while. It made him feel slightly sick, but he would put up with it, until he had avenged Sophie. After that, well, the man was fair game.

He slowly walked over to the closet and saw his suit calmly resting inside with the plastic over it telling him that it had been fresh from the cleaners. He glanced over to the bathroom, and resisted the urge to sigh. He wanted a long, hot shower, but he only had a limited amount of time before someone came in, and couldn't trust that only the doctor would be the one tending to him. After all, the man couldn't be too obvious. If anyone knew that he was being blackmailed, it was over for both of them.

With a small sigh, he grabbed the hanger and took it to the bathroom. He hung it on the back of the door, and leaned over to wash his face. Once that was done, he stripped off the horrid hospital gown and changed into his suit, sighing quietly again. This time though, was because of pleasure.

He straightened his hair as much as he could, and pulled a small ribbon out of his pocket. It was a dark purple one that had been a gag gift from Sophie that he never wore. He had only kept it because he felt sick at the thought of throwing something from her away. Now, though, he both regretted it and was glad for it.

He rolled his eyes in the mirror, before tying his hair back. He stared at his appearance, not as perfect as usual, but he would make due.

With that, he left the bathroom, and the hospital room, pulling his cane from where it had been resting against the wall. He hid a smirk. Sure, he had to release the pervert from his debt, and had to cash in more favors than he had ever imagined he would, but, he thought with a small laugh, even prison couldn't hold him.

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