The Bond

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So, normally, I wouldn't make a note on my stories, but I owe you guys an apology. Here's the link to my blog to let you guys know what's going on with me!

His heart was breaking. He hadn't even thought it was possible. Somehow, even when he was choking on his own blood, Hillyer had managed to get the last words in. Four little words. Four tiny words, just a few simple syllables had torn out his already dead heart.

I created the list.

Mr. Hillyer had created the list. Wendell had told him that he wasn't sure which of them had created the list, however, there was one obvious thing. One person created the list to help Liano find out who was connected to Sophie's death. Another person had done the opposite, killing sweet Sophie, and planned this. One person tried to help Liano without actually saying anything until it was too late.  But the other had created a hit on Sophie. And that other person had been Julian.

The fact that Julian had fallen so far was almost enough to make his heart stop. It didn't make any sense. His friend was many things, cruel, sarcastic, yet, Liano had never had a better best friend. Sure, they had drifted apart, but Liano had never once doubted that Julian would be there for him, just as he would be there for his friend. 

Then again, only Jul, Sophie, the monster, and him knew what had happened to Sophie in the foster home. Only four people knew that she had been raped, and only three of them knew it was her greatest fear that it would happen again. That Julian, that his one time best friend, would have been able to not only plan something like this, but go through with it, was enough to make him sick.

He swallowed down the bile that tried to rise in his throat and tried not to throw up. Everything was wrong with this entire situation. A part of him wished that the man was lying, that maybe the mastermind behind this incident was now dead, but he knew better. 

That meant that the person he had been hunting the entire time had been his best friend. He shook his head again and stumbled away from the body of Cyril Hillyer. It wasn't right, it wasn't fair. He couldn't hurt the other. He had never been able to. He felt awful after punching them once, and that was after he and his friends, he mentally sneered the word, had beaten sweet Sophie. Sure, he hadn't really spoken to Julian after that, but he still felt awful about it.

Julian was the one person that had known him from a young age. Julian had been there for him as he discovered himself, and pushed his boundaries. Sure, he had distanced himself over the years, and even though they didn't really know each other anymore, he knew the other boy better than any other person ever could. Julian had known his dreams, and everything that he had gone through, Liano knew that he didn't have to go through it alone.

The sound of his friends nose breaking under his power had caused shivers to go down his spine, but not the normal ones. No, these were filled with guilt and horror instead of pleasure and excitement. Even hurting Sophie had caused the good shiver that always made him hate himself a little more.

It wasn't right. And it didn't make any sense. Julian was smart, determined, and calculated every possible move that anyone could make against him several dozen times before he moved. He tried to tell himself that maybe it was an accident. Maybe the other hadn't actually meant to kill her, and simply wanted to show her that it wasn't as safe as she always seemed to think it was.

That was a good lesson to learn, and a necessary one.

But no, if Sophie was dead, and she certainly was, then it had to have been planned by the other. He couldn't see Julian taking it this far, even if he always hated the younger red head. Then again, he hadn't exactly expected to take this nightmare so far either.

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