The Doctor

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Some days, he thought, were not worth getting out of bed. This just so happened to be one of them. He had woken early that morning, knowing exactly what would need to happen for the next part of his plan to work.

He needed to let the idiots use him as a punching bag for long enough that they let him see a doctor. More specifically, he needed to get hurt enough so that he could get into a room alone with Dr. Kai Tyler, the next person on his list that he needed to contact.

The man usually worked at the hospital, but had gone to the prison to help several times when the cases were too severe for the nurse to take care of. Of course, as soon as he was taken to the infirmary, he was going to demand to speak to a doctor, insisting that a nurse wouldn't be able to do a good enough job.

This, in layman's terms, was going to suck. He mentally rolled his eyes and hid a sigh as he stared down at his morning meal. This was hardly the first time he had allowed himself to get hurt for the sake of a case. But there was something different about today. He was going to do more than get caught somewhere he shouldn't be. He was going to poke and prod at their prides to get a reaction. With some luck, he would be able to get hurt without breaking anything. He needed to be able to heal quickly. Trying to gather information with a cast wasn't his idea of a good night. 

He was sitting at the table in the cafeteria, waiting for the fools to show up to get this started. He took a bite of what he assumed was toast, but looked more like soaked brick. It was disgusting enough to make him wish he could spit it out, but alas, he would need the calories to heal.

It was funny, in a strange, possibly psychotic way, how much he actually wanted a good fight. Sure, he wouldn't exactly be fighting back, and he would have to make it look like he took a bad beating without actually getting too hurt, but, he couldnt deny how much he wanted a good fight right now. 

The murmurs around him were easily ignored as he waited for the morons to decide that bothering him was worth whatever they might lose. If, of course, they had the thought processes of an ant, which he was strongly skeptical of. That didn't mean he wasn't keeping a part of his mind open for possibly useful information. He doubted that anyone would divulge their deepest, darkest secrets in the mess hall, but that was assuming they were intelligent. 

That wasn't to say they were all idiots. He knew better than to think that, but there were a vast majority of the people he had met that were sadly lacking in the brain cell department,.

Sure enough, he had been seated for less than ten minutes before the idiot quad decided to bother him. He needed to annoy them enough to make them actually hurt him. Luckily, or unfortunately, he was strangely good at getting a rise out of people by a natural mix of aloofness and insults.

"Hey there girly." The lead idiot greeted, reaching for his tray. "Give me that. You're on a diet, right fatty?"

Liano resisted the urge to sigh. "Oh look who crawled out of his mothers ass this morning. How's it feel to be away from your mom for the first time in your life?"

The other man sneered, and the rest of his little groupies closed in on him. "You think you're so much better than us just because you, what, had a fancy suit when you came in? Please, like that makes any difference in here." The guy scoffed at him.

"No, I think I'm better than you because at least I was planned. You are simply the result of a faulty condom." He said dryly. "Now, if you would leave, I have more important people to speak to. Like an ant. I suppose you are used to being compared to one, seeing as you have similar brain functions."

The lead idiot shoved him towards the table and laughed when his head hit the table. He blinked, well, that was one way to make it seem like he was hurt more than he actually was. Head injuries always bled more than most other places. "Guess Mr. Tough Guy isn't so tough after all."

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