The Wanderer

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Liano rolled his eyes as soon as he was sure he had finally lost the last of his tail. For a trio of an assassin, and infiltration specialist, and an explosives expert, Hardy, MacAllister, and Parker were strangely horrible at trying to follow someone.

Considering who Parker was, he couldn't say he was too surprised that she was the first of them that he spotted. It had taken less than a minute before he spotted MacAllister. Hardy was the hardest to find, but the easiest to ditch. MacAllister was the most determined though.

Once he had, though, he could finally try and actually spot Seth Wendell. He started in the seediest bar in town. He had ducked into a restaurant and slicked his hair back, changing into a crimson long sleeved shirt with black jeans. It was easy enough to make sure that no one saw him.

After a few moments of deliberation, he used his cane. He knew that most people who were hiding from the law would probably ditch something like his cane, but he refused to do so. His cane had more uses than most people would ever imagine.

Three bars later, and he finally saw the first sign of Seth Wendell's trail of despair. He opened the door, and walked in. At first, none of them really reacted. But his cane clanked on the floor, and the entire room avoided looking at him. He hid a smirk, and walked over to the bar tender.

He took a seat on one of the stools, spinning the his cane so that the fox on the top was clearly visible.

The bar tender looked away, polishing a glass. "Have you seen the rose that follows the wanderer?" The bar tender asked. The man was shorter than Liano was, and dressed in pure black with a white apron. His hair was lighter than Liano's, but grey was starting to show at the other man's temple.

He smirked at the bar tender. There was something amusing about the other man's fear towards him. He knew it was simply the screwed up part of his mind saying that, but it didn't make it less funny.

"I'd guess that she's expecting me." Liano answered.


He just smirked.

"She's in the back." The other man told him. Liano nodded and stood. The bar tender poured a double shot of something and slid it across the bar. Liano caught it, and raised his eyebrow. "She's in a mood." The other explained.

Liano picked up the glass and nodded in thanks, before heading towards the back.

He wasn't stupid enough to actually drink the thing. He hadn't actually been in this bar before, but he was well known enough to be considered a threat to most people.

If this place was any nicer, Liano knew that he would have had to approach this place differently, and not as himself. This place, though, wouldn't dare call the police on him.

For six months, people had been looking for him, but never seeing him. It was funny, in a way. He didn't cringe away from law enforcement of any kind. In fact, in this case, reacting was a weakness that he couldn't afford to have.

People were expecting him to react one way, so he didn't. It was something he had been doing for years. Never before had he needed to react so differently to every situation, but f there was anything he was good at doing, it was knowing how to adapt.

And in this situation, it was better to be cautious than dead.

"Come in." A woman told him through the door. He rolled his eyes. Honestly, the woman couldn't help but be a bit of a control freak.

He did as she asked though.

Rosalina Nestor was, in a word, stunning. Her hair was dark as night and was tied back in a pony tail. Her skin was both flawless and human, with olive undertones and a light blush. She had a curvy figure that any hot blooded male would drool over, and seductive dark brown eyes that watched those around her with an equally dark glee.

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