The Corpse

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"I require.... information." Liano started, keeping his voice slow and his tone frigid.

The man in front of him whimpered. It was clear that the man had taken his threat seriously. Good, Liano thought with an evil smirk. It meant that he didn't have to try half as hard as he normally would have to. Less effort was more than a good thing. The faster he got out of here, the better for both of them. He only had a little bit of time before the trio from hell descended on them.

"What do you know about an ex- Tod Zerstören Erdhenne named Jarrett Dietrich?" He asked calmly.

If anything, the man paled further. It was too bad for poor Mr. Don Ridley that he had caught the man when he was under so much pressure. Normally, he would wait for the man to give him the information he needed. As it was, time was not on his side this time. He had other things to do, other people to find. It was strange though, to have to be so blunt, but it was a nice change.

This time, there was no careful maneuvering, no spending weeks following someone, no wasting his time learning useless facts about his quarry. There was no charming people into slowly giving up their secrets.

Besides, every one would soon know that making him angry was the fastest way to disappear.

The man, or rat, in front of him was shaking, but spilled anyways. "J. Metzger Dietrich, 37 years old, born in Germany to a traveling gypsy and a normal present. Goes by the nickname Metzger, or the butcher. No wife or children, but he hunted down his parents and killed them. Some say he sold parts of their corpses to the local butcher shops. Known for his butcher knife as his preferred weapon, but has been known to use things like a saw or his fists. Close range fighter. Prefers to overpower his prey and watch the light go out of their eyes. Extremely violent temper. Metzger isn't known to be the type that can be bought. He prefers to fight for a cause. He has a hatred for those in his ex- gang, especially the other Erdhenne that changed instead of staying strong." The man stopped and thought for a second.

"He has been known to work in groups, but is just as likely to turn on his team as he is their prey. Metzger hates all weakness, and has a special hatred towards those with physical disabilities." The fool whimpered again. "That's all I know! And I only know that much because the bosses put out a message about the man months ago. He never works this far south, normally, but he was seen around here four or so months ago. Killed a guy who had a messed up arm from a gun shot gone wrong. Cut off the guys arm and stuffed it down his throat until he choked and died. Nasty guy."

Liano considered this for a moment. If he wasn't the only one hunting the man, it would be more difficult, but if most people had an avoid or die order, as he liked to call them, then if he followed the bodies, he would get there first. Actually, he didn't even care about getting there first, so long as the man was still breathing and could... answer a few questions.

He nodded, more to himself than Ridley. "Good enough, Mr. Ridley." He told the man. "Thank you for proving your usefulness. Have a nice afterlife." He raised his gun and placed the barrel on the back of the other man's head.

"No! No, no, no, please! Pl- please spare me! Please! I promise, y- you won't regret it!" Ridley sniveled.

Liano, clearly hidden from the man's view, allowed himself to roll his eyes. Honestly, what a coward. But, he thought with consideration, the man had given up the information without much work on his part. He supposed he could spare the pathetic man's life. "Do you swear on your life that none shall hear of our little meeting?"

If the man didn't agree, Liano would kill him. He needed as few people as possible to know of his little hunt. The more people that knew, the greater chance that someone would spill his little secret to someone that didn't need to know.

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