Off to Mall (part 2)

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I finally drove into the parking lot after being in loads of traffic. I unbuckle Roland, place him on my hip and grab Henry's hand and we all go into the mall. We all walk into H and M and go to the little boys section. I found a couple outfits for Roland and some shoes for Henry. When we walked up to check out I heard someone say "Roland?"

Roland screamed, "papa" and ran into the mans arms.

I turned around and the man had picked up Roland. I quickly paid for the clothes and shoes and walked over to Roland and his "father".

"Excuse me are you Roland's father?" I asked him and looked at him and could clarify see the resemblance.

"Yes milady I am, and if you don't mind me asking who are you?"

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Regina and this is my son Henry. I found Roland in my back yard crying two days ago. He told me he was walking through the woods with you and some of your friends and he went to look inside a birds nest and when he was finished he couldn't find you. So as he was looking for you he wondered into my yard. I decided to take him in until we found his parents." I told him

"Ohh well thank you so much for finding him and taking care of him. What ever can I do to repay you?"

"It's ok. As long as I can continue to see Roland from time to time you owe me nothing. And oh, here are some clothes that I got him because I didn't know how long he would be with me or until I could find you."

"Ms.gina when are we going to the arcade?" Roland interrupted as his father put him back on the ground.

I bent down to his level. "Well sense we've found your Papa I'll have to ask him if it would be ok if you could come..." I began to say

"Of course you can go buddy, as long as I can come with you" he said look directly into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush and say "of course you can tag along"

"Mom can we please hurry up and go to the arcade before it closes" Henry says with a slight attitude, but I decide not to address it.

We began walking to the arcade, once we got there I told the boys to stay close together and the spend the tokens wisely. I was about to go pay for the tokens but Roland's dad insisted on paying for everything. But I wouldn't have that.

"No I got it, it's fine" I reassured him

"How about you pay for the tokens, and I'll pay for dinner" he says with a smile.

I didn't notice how handsome he looked and his smile was to die for. Then those wonderful blue eyes, I almost drowned in them. I count get over the fact that they looked as blue as the sea. I guess I was staring at him so long and forgot to respond.

"Um, Regina... Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look.

"I... Im fine. That sounds like a plan." I reply and I felt myself blushing.

I go up to the register to pay for the tokens, 100 hopefully will be enough. I give 40 to Henry, 40 to Roland, and 10 to his dad. I decided I'll play to and keep 10 for my self. The boys go take off, leaving me and his father alone.

"Ohh I never caught your name." I tell him with a smile.

"How rude of me, Im Robin." He says.

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