Saving Guren

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Your P.O.V

We arrive at the Imperial Army's temporary base in Shinjuku to draw Guren out from the rest of the group. We watch intently from the balcony of a nearby-dilapidated building.

"We need an explosion to draw their attention and lead them away from the camp grounds." Shinoa hollers. She really does have the stature and level head of a good commander. I smile to myself.

"I'm all about reckless." Yuu boasts and jumps down from the balcony.

"I guess I had better get into position." I state nonchalantly. I saunter off devoid of urgency and giggle at Shinoa's eye roll. I stop in my tracks and spin back around, putting my hand to my forehead in salute. "You guys have got this." I smile brightly, hoping everyone can feel my support in their hearts. I disappear out of sight and move with lightning fast intensity to my position. Suddenly, a loud crash is heard as a car slams head on into a light pole, knocking it over onto the concrete. My face contorts with unimpressed doubt. Is this guy serious? But, I am not left doubtful for long as the army comes rushing to the scene. I lay flat on my belly with my arms propped under my chin. "You-hoo..." I taunt, waving my fingers in the air. Their heads snap in my direction and I flash them a cunning grin. Kureto steps forward and places his hand on his sword, ready to attack. But, Guren sticks his arm out and stops him.

"I will handle this." He hisses with a black aura encompassing his being. I contort my mouth into an exaggerated 'O' shape and tease him.

"Will you be able to keep up with me this time, or am I too fast for you." He bounds forward and before I can react, he is in front of me. I am sent tumbling from the wall I sit on, but I am able to land on my feet. This is going to be fun. I dart from place to place in a milliseconds time, but he does not lose pace. Finally, we reach the clearing where our plan will take action. "Now!" I bellow to the rooftops and the others begin their incantation.

"Mas-a-rha... Mas-a-rha..." They chant in unison, with their weapons plunged into the ground in front of them. A purple haze encloses the area. Guren is too focused on me, bloodlust looming in his eyes, to notice Shinoa. Carefully, she creeps forward with her eyes held shut. She reaches her hand out and places it flat against Guren's back. But, he is too late to react.

"Rend!" Shinoa screeches, her eyes shooting open with a purple glow. Guren falls to his knees and cries out in agony. He begins to scratch at his body, then his face. Suddenly, a large, ominous mass rips apart from his back and his limp body tumbles to the ground. The black mass radiates a sinister aura and soon takes the form of a high school girl. "Mahiru..." I hear Shinoa whisper with a tinge of pain in her voice.

"Run Shinoa! Get Guren out of here!" I cry out to her and wave my hand to signal her exit. She wraps Guren's arm around her shoulder to balance his weight. She stumbles as she steps and eventually makes her way out of the barrier. Now it is just me and the demon. She seethes with anger, her nostrils flare with every breath.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? I think that it's time that I wiped the floor with your insolent human blood." She screams and sprints towards me at full force. Her sword pointed to pierce my heart. I snicker to myself.

"Me? Human? Your mistake..." I open my eyes and they glow an iridescent gold. The air around me contorts into a vortex of black dust. From the black dust materializes a black iron sword encrusted with gold trim and red rubies. I easily dodge her attack by pivoting right, kicking the square of her back as she passes. She stumbles forward, but quickly regains her balance. "A pathetic excuse for a demon like you should know when to shut her pretty little mouth." I cringe with ferocity.

Yuu's P.O.V

Shinoa rushes towards me with Guren attached to her side. She quickly lays him down and checks his vitals. He's alive. I rejoice, but my attention is grabbed by the searing black mass in front of me. When the mass dissipates, (f/n) floats with glowing gold eyes and a menacing dark aura. My legs tremble with fear. This is the true power of a demon. I am unable to tear my eyes from her. She is the epitome of power. I am no match for her. Mahiru charges toward (f/n) like an animalistic beast, her teeth gnarling and her blade sharp. (f/n) easily evades her second attack by drifting out of the way. She leans against her sword and fakes a yawn, angering Mahiru. "You bitch!" Mahiru squeals and leaps forward, slashing at (f/n). (f/n) plants her foot into the ground and pivots. Her kick sends Mahiru crashing into the barrier, coughing up blood as she collides with the ground. (f/n) stalks over to Mahiru, her movements are lewd and she picks Mahiru up by the neck. Mahiru grabs (f/n)'s arms, struggling to break free. (f/n) tosses her aside and she rolls across the ground. Mahiru staggers to stand up and re-equips her sword. She musters what little strength she has left to hold her sword confidently forward, but (f/n) is too fast. Like a flash of light, no, a blur, she has thrust her sword through Miharu's heart. The possessive demon explodes in the air like a cloud of dust and little particles fall around us. We release the barrier and (f/n) staggers over to us.

"Is your friend alright?" She questions wearily. Her breathing wheezes as she speaks.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned about yourself, you idiot." Kimizuki barks and rushes to her side. He lets her lean against him and we walk towards our base. Guren is safe. Everything is going to get better from here.

We quickly get Guren into a bed and use the medical supplies we scrounged up to set up an IV. We get him changed out of his army uniform and into cargo shorts and a t-shirt. Now we sit and wait for him to wake up. It's hard to believe (f/n) was that menacing demon given how sweet and shy she is in person. The girls have taken a liking to her and continue to tease her. Everyone is laughing and smiling like a family again. I can feel my heart start to warm in my chest.

"It seems we're out of drinks." Mitsuba whines.

"Don'tworry, I'll go grab some more." (f/n) boasts with a friendly glow. She skips out of the room in merriment. Suddenly, Guren begins to stir and we all snap our heads in his direction. Shinoa and I rush over to his side and wait for him to open his eyes. Slowly his lids begin to flutter and his pupils dilate as the world around him comes into focus.    

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