An Unexpected Ally

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Your P.O.V

The air is still and the smell of dust lingers. We sit in silence and search our thoughts for a feasible plan of action. Attack seems futile, our only option is to convince the vampires to join us. But even a feat such as that is unsteady. I look towards Mika with urgency and he returns my distained expression. "Will Ferid Bathory be willing to negotiate?" I question with uncertainty. Mika hesitates for a moment and grits his teeth. I shouldn't have asked, the answer is clear.

"We don't have another choice. A war against the vampires is not in our cards." Mika speaks unwillingly. I am left in shock, but it is the truth. The vampires are too strong for us to defeat. I nod my head in acknowledgement. The atmosphere in the room remains heavy. All eyes are cast downward with doubt. I rise from my seat and exit the room. Mika follows behind me. We must prepare for our meeting with calculated precision.

Mika and I gather outside of our base. He gives me a reassuring grin and I take his feigned confidence with appreciation. We are about to start on our journey when we are interrupted by a loud cough. We turn to find the rest of the squad standing impatiently behind us. "You didn't think we were going to let you go alone, did you?" Mitsuba snarls with a light-hearted tone. I look towards Guren and he appears to be lost in thought. His eyes stare out aimlessly and I blush when his attention returns to me. I turn around rapidly and pull my charcoal hood over my head. Mika does the same and we begin to walk towards the Vampires' base. As we walk, I recall the events of the day before and blush a heavy crimson. I reach my hand out to touch my cheek in surprise at my unusual feelings.

We approach the outskirts of the Vampires' main city, Sanguinem. We walk without hesitation or regret. As we pass by, several low level vampires snap their heads our way. We ignore their hisses, but it is evident that several have sped off to alert their superiors. Within minutes we have been surrounded by an intimidating group of nobles. Ferid and Crowley stalk forward through the dense crowd. Sinister grins are plastered across their arrogant faces. One of the nobles places their hand on Ferid's shoulder and leans in to whisper. "They don't appear to be wearing the Imperial Demon Army's uniform." Ferid chuckles to himself and steps towards Mika.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it Mika dear?" He reaches towards Mika's hood and Mika violently grabs his hand before it can reach him. Mika pulls down his hood to reveal his glistening crimson orbs. Ferid's eyes widen with shock. He vaunts. "Finally filled your sinful urges I see." This time I reach for my hood and shake my head to loosen my locks. I open my eyes slowly to meet Ferid's gaze. At first he is surprised, then he chuckles to himself under his breath.

"Play time is over." I snarl and fold my arms. He rebukes with tactical precision.

"A pretty girl like you has a lot of guts coming to a place like this." I am in no mood to fall prey to his childish games. I silence him with my cold stare; my eyes pierce his farce like daggers. His mindless smirk transitions to seriousness.

"We did not come here to fight, we came to negotiate." I bark towards him, my impatience dwelling in my throat. He realizes my grimness and motions for me to follow. We stalk down a large marble hallway; the architecture mesmerizes me with its exquisite beauty. I gush with awe and Guren punches my shoulder to remind me why we are here. We reach a large office where Ferid sits at the head of a business fashion table. He implores me to speak and I repeat my speech for the second time. At first, Ferid's expression is rather comical with my romanticized blabber, but it soon turns to stone. I can see the realization ignite within his sly pupils. I have captured his attention and must deal the finishing blow. I repeat my facts with stern resolve and, as I finish, he snickers with disbelief.

"You have peaked my interest, little (l/n). I will provide you with soldiers to fight back against the Imperial Demon Army and the Hiiragi brigade, but there is one condition. You must prove your loyalty by fighting alongside and defending us vampires with your life. Then, I will release the children to you. Is that acceptable?" He prods me, hoping I will falter. I do not let him finish his performance before I reply swiftly.

"I swear by it." I reach my hand out and he extends his in return. We shake firmly, but before he can pull away I shoot him a determined glare. I can feel him shiver at my intensity. I stand and gather the rest of the squad. As we are exiting the overly gaudy room, Ferid hands us a parting remark.

"Make sure you keep up your end of the bargain Miss (l/n). I look forward to seeing the world you create." I smile to myself. Shortly after, we exit Sanguinem grounds and walk along the streets back towards our headquarters. Little did we know that an ambush awaited us.

Everyone chats in a carefree manneramongst one another. The air is devoid of concern or worry. Suddenly, therubble of a disturbed building clatters to the ground. I halt the processionand listen intently for any sign of oncoming danger. A flash of lightningpierces the Earth in the center of our formation, sending us retreating inseparate directions. With the group separated, we are vulnerable and I searchdesperately for the others. As the dust clears away I am left in terror at thesight before me. 

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