An Emotion I've Never Felt

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Guren's P.O.V

Once we return to the base, we hook Mirai up to an IV and begin to run diagnostics. The blood sample is drawn and run through a rusty test machine. It will take until morning for the results to be processed, so all we can do is wait. But, surprisingly, the atmosphere is uplifted and jubilant. Everyone laughs and cheers as they share drinks together. Finally, we can be a family again. I smile with warmth and Shinoa latches onto my sleeve. She sniffles slightly. "(f/n) was able to complete more in two days, then I have in 5 months." I pat her on the head and she looks up to me.

"Everything happens when it is meant to Shinoa." I smile lightly as I speak and she smiles back. "We are all together again, that's what matters." She finally lets go of my sleeve and runs to join the others. Speaking of which, (f/n) is nowhere to be found. I silently exit the main living space and stalk down the hallway. Suddenly, I overhear muted sobs from one of the adjoining bedrooms. I walk towards the door and slowly prop it open. I emerge cautiously and notice (f/n) crawled up in a bed. I sit down beside her and whisper comfortingly to her. "You saved my life today and for that I am eternally grateful." I place my hand lightly on her shoulder and the sobs come to a sudden halt. She springs forward and latches herself around my neck, sniffling into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and rest my lips against the top of her head. I let her cry until she is ready to talk. She pulls away from me and begins to talk in weary spurts.

"I've always been alone. I have never had friends or family. Everyone would always single me out, calling me a freak and a monster. I wore a hood to hide myself from the world in hopes of disappearing into the darkness. Hoping they would forget about me. But now, I have become the one thing I told myself I never was and I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I will lose the precious people I have gained these past few days." I feel my heart wrench in pain at her words. I thought she was conceited and naïve, but I was foolish. Everyone in this world has suffered. My heart begins to warm and I feel the undeniable urge to protect and cherish this priceless girl. I reach my hand towards her cheek and caress it gently. She recoils at my touch, but slowly sinks into my embrace.

"You have nothing to worry about. You have brought everyone unfathomable happiness in your short stay here. You have become a cherished friend of everyone in this building. We would give our lives for you. The world is changing and the future holds great promise. You are part of our family now so please don't hide from us (f/n)." I coax with adoration. I can feel (f/n)'s mood shift in rejoice and happiness. I stand to exit the room and motion for her to follow me, but she politely declines.

"I will be out in a few minutes." She chuckles and I nod my head in acknowledgement.

A few minutes pass by and (f/n) has not returned. Everyone continues to laugh and smile without acknowledging (f/n)'s absence. I grit my teeth with frustration. Suddenly, a petit figure drifts into the doorframe. Everyone freezes and looks towards the door. Yuu's and Kimizuki's jaws plunge towards the floor. The girls stare wide eyed in awe and giggle with giddy. Yoichi and Mika blush, while turning their faces away. Shinya drools from the corner of his mouth and I resist the urge to slaughter him. (f/n) shifts her balance uneasily and fiddles her thumbs together. Her gaze is cast downward and a crimson blush covers her cheeks. She looks up towards me and I feel my heartbeat skip in my chest. She no longer wears her protective cloak. Her (e/c) irises dance as the light reflects off them like diamonds. Her (h/l) (h/c) locks fall gently, creating the perfect frame around her dainty face. A mesmerizing work of art materializes. My eyes wander uncontrollably and fall upon her chest. Her evident cleavage is displayed proudly in a white tank top. I follow the outline of her curves down to her toes. She wears a pair of army green cargo pants. My body tingles uncontrollably and I cover my light blush with my sweaty palm. I shift out of discomfort and nervousness. I notice the sharp tooth that peeks out from below her top lip. She catches my gaze and waits intently for my response. I feel time slow around me and the room erupts in a warm brilliance. I step forward and open my mouth to speak, but I am thrown to the side as Shinoa and Mitsuba tackle her.

They begin to poke and prod her in a fit of questions. The expression on (f/n)'s face becomes overwhelmed and I giggle to myself. I am unable to speak to (f/n) for most of the night due to the girls' monopoly of her time. A pang of jealousy rushes through my veins as the boys salivate and whisper. I smile arrogantly to myself, knowing that they could never defeat me.

The girls dress her up in different clothes and play around with her hair until everyone has fallen asleep except for Shinya and me. (f/n) has blacked out from the overwhelming excitement and dozes peacefully in my lap. I gently run my fingers through her delicate locks. Shinya inches closer to me and whispers into my ear. "You think she would go for someone like me." He hisses and I lean forward to grab him by the collar. He chuckles at my violent outburst and I let go, knowing he is jesting. "But it is truly unusual to see the man devoid of all affection fall so blatantly for a demon girl." He vaunts and I snicker under my breath. "So you aren't going to deny it, interesting." Shinya implores with surprise. He smiles warmly and leaves the room to catch some sleep before the start of another stressful day. I lay my head back against the wall and close my eyes. Have I really fallen for this girl? Suddenly, a memory of her unforgettable smile flashes across my thoughts and I feel my heart begin to race. I vow to protect this girl with all the power of my being. As I drift into slumber with a precious lamb nuzzled in my lap, my dreams become filled with sweet merriment.    

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