Fanatic of the Dramatic

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Guren's P.O.V

She stares me down with grueling intensity. My temples saturate with sweat and I grit my teeth with anticipation. She flashes a smirk and pulls her hand out from behind her. "I have no intention of combing that disgusting mind of yours for a traumatic trial to put you through. So, this will be your challenge." The cold iron dances in the sunlight. Dangling from her dainty palms is a pendant in the shape of a cross. "All you have to do is retrieve this pendant from me and I will lend you my power." She taunts, offering me a challenge. She holds the object directly out from her side to tease me. I grin snidely. This will be easy. I sprint forward, but she disappears. I stand motionless, frozen in shock. Before I can react, a mass materializes behind me and touches me with a single finger. My body tingles and then sears with pain. Electricity runs through my veins and I cry out in agony. I land on my knees, clutching my chest. Slowly, I stagger to me feet.

"Is that the best you can do?" I hiss and take a step forward. I haven't moved a foot when another surge of electricity runs through me. I stagger, but manage to pick myself up. "I didn't even go for the attack that time! That's just sick and twisted." I shout out of irritation, but she just laughs hysterically at me. This is just a game to her. I feel the blood boil in my chest and I straighten my stature. A dark aura encompasses me and I stare her down. "This isn't a game." I dash towards her and she disappears, but before she can attack from behind I dodge. I side-step left, avoiding her attack. Once she is in reach, I pivot and lift my leg. My kick collides with her wrist and she grabs my ankle mid-air. She lets go and extends her arm towards me. She opens her palm, revealing the pendant.

"There is more to this war then brute force. A man can possess all the power his simple mind can conjure, but if he has no skill of his own then the power he gains is useless. I wanted to see if you not only had the skill, but also the heart and determination. Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel Guren, you have gained my approval." She smiles softly towards me, a warm brilliance fills the air around her and wraps me in a blanket of comfort. She is wiser then I could have ever imagined. A slight blush falls on my cheeks and I turn away to hide my embarrassment. She lets an adorable giggle escape and pats me on the shoulder.


Your P.O.V

Everyone has gathered in the main room of our claustrophobic living quarters. An air of seriousness lingers. "We need to save Mirai." Kimizuki demands and everyone nods in agreement.

"If we try to infiltrate the Imperial Army's main base, then we will be decimated." Yuu counters. Everyone also nods in agreement at this statement. The tension in the atmosphere grows.

"We don't need to infiltrate when we already have access." Guren cockily sneers. "I am still trusted by the Army and have full access to the research wing. (f/n) and I will head back to the base and make contact with Shinya. He will be more than willing to join our troop. From there we will locate and retrieve Mirai and meet up with the rest of you at the corporate building Southeast of the North gate." Everyone smiles shyly. This is the commander they have dedicated their lives to. I now see the reasoning for his desperate rescue. He is a cunning and heroic man who they look up to. I give him a slight nudge on the shoulder and he looks towards me with wonder. I give him a thumbs up and an encouraging smile. At first he blushes curtly, but then returns my warm gesture.

"Any objections? Good. Let's head out." Shinoa commands and we rise from our seats. Our next stop, Shibuya.

Guren and I walk side by side as we approach the gate to the Imperial Demon Army's base. We remain silent as the truth settles in. "I guess you had better equip your weapon." I tease, poking at his midsection. He grits his teeth at my remark, but he stops. He holds the pendant tightly in his grasp and presses it to his chest. I feel him call for me and my body begins to glow with unimaginable brilliance. Suddenly, I am transported to a baron wasteland. I begin to search the area around me, but all I can find is dust and despair. That is when I see it. My eyes widen and I feel my chest ignite. His memories.

A Demon's Eternal Vow (Guren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now