A Vow For Eternity

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Your P.O.V

We sprint at full capacity towards the square in Shibuya, keeping pace effortlessly. Despite our searing joints, we continue to push forward. The adrenaline carries us as we fly. I look towards Guren and his face is laced with ferocity and determination. I can tell from the intoxicating glare in his eyes, that he so desperately wanted to fight alongside his comrades. For a commander, the call of imminent battle is an addictive taste. Like a hungry dog salivating before it feasts, Guren's expression contorts with desire. In this moment I made an existential vow. A vow of eternal devotion. A vow only a demon can make.

From this moment forward I will watch over and protect Guren with all the power in my being.

I promise to bring him the eternal happiness he deserves in this desecrated wasteland. No matter the outcome, he will prevail.

The square erupts into view as we pass the last few corporate buildings. We arrive just as the battle is about to commence. Our army, vampires and humans, looms intimidatingly over the battlefield. Our dense numbers and carnal atmosphere consume the square. The remaining members of the Imperial Demon Army stare us down with haughty smirks. Suddenly, they charge forward towards our primary lines of defense. Their speed and agility is inhumanly terrifying. It isn't difficult to acknowledge the reason behind their extensive capabilities. They have defeated their demons and become them themselves. I feel my stomach knot at the agonizing thought of each demon's unnecessary demise. Despite our immense numbers, the Imperial Demon army easily cuts down our forces at a frightening pace. But, there is an exquisite beauty among the madness. In each direction I face, I witness vampires and humans working alongside each other, protecting each other, for the same cause. I feel my chest warm at the sudden realization.

Guren grabs me by the sleeve and pulls me tightly towards his chest. He wraps his arms firmly around my waist and whispers into my ear. His words tickle as they dance across my skin. "Are you ready?" I nod as I curl deeper into his strong yet comforting embrace. The world around us erupts into a gentle luminescence and my clothes flutter to the ground beneath Guren. Where I was once nuzzled emerges an onyx blade, the katana of the Demon King. Guren plants his foot into the barren Earth and bursts forward, bounding into the heart of battle. In his peripheral he spots a vampire, a blade threatening to plunge into his chest. Guren sidesteps and pivots left, approaching the demon soldier from behind. Then, he kicks his heel into the soldier's calf, causing him to fall to his knees. He finishes the assault by slicing clean through the soldier's right wrist. Unfortunately, this does not kill the soldier and he scampers off into the distance. Guren reaches an apologetic and welcoming hand out to the vampire. He hesitates for a moment before latching on to Guren's grasp, propelling himself forward so that he can return to battle.

The battle continues with unfaltering intensity. Stifling blows are dealt to both sides, but only casualties befall our soldiers. Our crippling army is unable to slay a single of the opposition's force. Still, we continue to fight. The loud rasp of metal hitting metal echoes in my troubled ears. Shortly after, the carnage begins to slow. I cringe as I take in our surroundings. Shinoa grunts as she uses debris to prop up her wounded leg. The bright crimson of a clean cut glistens in the sun. Mika coughs furiously, to clear his lungs of the blood splattered on crushing impact. Mitsuba and Kimizuki have disappeared from the battlefield and my temples sweat profusely out of worry. All the while, Guren continues to attack with full force. I begin to feel his muscles weaken at their over exhaustion. He pants, pushing his body to its limit. My eyes water from the impending doom that hangs over our heads. At this rate, our forces will be decimated. I think desperately, combing my thoughts for a savior.

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