The Greatest Lesson

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Guren's P.O.V

I burst through the doors of our team's headquarters. The surprised and weary faces of new recruits greet me. I ignore their gasps and frantically place (f/n) in the nearest bed. I cough and spit as I try to regain my breath. I haven't collected my thoughts and continue to take action without consideration of consequence. I quickly locate a jagged shard of shattered glass and lift it to my wrist. Tears pour from my eyes out of desperation. I am about to pierce my flesh when Yuu latches on to my arm. He tugs furiously, locking me in an upper body hold. I struggle beneath his grasp, my sanity teetering on the edge. Yuu grunts as I flip my hip around and knee him in the rib cage. He winces, but manages to scream out towards me. "Guren stop! You're going to loose too much blood!" I halt, falling to my knees in defeat. I cry out in dread filled sobs.

"I don't care. I have to save her. I need to protect her. Even if it means giving up my life. She needs human blood in order to heal." Yuu walks up behind me and puts his arm on my shoulder. He quells his emotions enough to speak encouragingly.

"But, what happens when she wakes up and you're not here? Is that really what she would want, Guren?" My breath catches at his impactful words. He is right. I feel a part of me break inside. I release my hold on the shard of glass and it clatters to the ground. Mika motions for Yuu to leave and he obeys. Mika then proceeds to kneel beside me. I stare at him, my eyes sore and puffy from my tears.

"If you really want to help (f/n) then Shinoa will take you to the infirmary and take blood using the proper apparatus. That way we will be able to feed her to support her healing. Kimizuki and I will bandage her wounds. Demons have curative properties in the same realm as vampires. She will make a recovery in a few days, so don't worry." He places his hand on my shoulder and I nod in recognition. I leave the room and march towards the infirmary.


A week shortly passes by despite the feeling of time standing still. I stir in my sleep and groggily open my eyes. The room around me comes into focus. I work my way from head to toe, observing the red stained bandages that cover the majority of (f/n)'s body. It's been a tiring 6 days without food or sleep, waiting for (f/n)'s return. "If you could see me now, what would you think of me? You would probably hiss and call me a pathetic, spineless rat." I chuckle at myself, the longing for her snide remarks growing inside of me. Without her, it is as if our lives have halted completely. "I really am pathetic. We all are." I growl and grit my teeth together. I squeeze my eyes shut to stop my tears from flowing. For the past week, not a single battle plan has been drawn. Everyone remains unmoving, lounging with dread in the main living area. If (f/n) were here we would have already drafted a full-fledged attack, planned perfectly to a tee. But, on our own, we can only accomplish nothing. All this time we have relied on her, feeding off of her strength, courage and bravery. Now that she is gone, we have lost all direction. Suddenly, a distant memory crosses my idle mind.

You need to believe in yourself.

A man can possess all the strength his mind can conjure, but if he has no skill of his own then all the power he gains is useless.

That's right. If I am only able to rely on the strength of others then I will never accomplish the things I desire. All this time we had been relying on (f/n) when we needed to believe in ourselves. Without a will of our own we have no right to rebuild this crippled world. I smile warmly, realizing the strength that (f/n) has truly given me. Her ability to impact the will of others is beyond admiral. I stand with urgency. A new air of determination encompasses my being. The gleam of undying passion lurks in my eyes.

I push the door to the main quarters open with all my force. The loud crash startles the others from their seats. They look to me with fear and I shoot them a disapproving glare. "I am disgraced by the lack of professionalism coming from this room. I ought to punish you for your disappointing behavior. Look alive soldiers." I bark commands, as if it were second nature. I am their Commander and they are my troops. If I let my guard fall then they lose their focus. They stare at me wide eyed and straighten their stature. "All this time we have relied on (f/n) when we needed to trust in ourselves. If we are unable to act on our own with confidence and tact then what right do we have to rebuild this world?" I can see the light soak back into their derelict eyes with the sudden realization of my words. They smile warmly, recognizing their insolence. I continue my speech with full force. "First we must produce a battle plan. The square of Shibuya will be our destination. Shinya and Yoichi, you will be in charge of your own squadrons of sniper class recruits. After this meeting you will locate all that you can find, vampires and humans. During the battle you will situate yourselves in the three corporate buildings South of the square, we are counting on you for back up. Yuu and Kimizuki will lead a troop approaching from the South East. Mitsuba and Shinoa will lead a troop arriving from the South West. Finally, Mika, Ferid and Crowley will handle the front lines, approaching directly from the South. Considering I have no weapon, I will remain here and treat the wounded. Mika, return to Sanguinem and alert Ferid. Shinoa organize the human troops. We depart in 24 hours. I am counting on you."

The room remains silent for a few moments. The team is still recovering from their shock. Once they are situated with the current development, they stand. I am saluted and we depart for our duties.


I make my way to the room where (f/n) is staying. I have already prepared the necessary supplies for the recently departed troops. Ferid was impressed with my rapid action, originally expecting me to flail and falter. My head throbs in irritation from his eccentric expressions. Once I reach the room, the tray of supplies I am holding clatters to the ground. I stand, unbelieving of the sight before me.

Your P.O.V

I feel my joints ache as I stir in my bed. Slowly, my eyes open and I am faced with darkness. I reach my hand upwards and pull the gauze that covers my eyes. Once removed, I begin to remove the remaining bandages that encase me. Finally, I pull the IV from my forearm. I am startled by a loud noise and I snap my head towards it. I am met with the overjoyed face of Commander Guren, racing towards me at full speed. He smothers me, wrapping my being in a warm yet desperate embrace. My lungs are compressed and I cough, unable to breath. I hear him sniffle and I pull away to see his watery eyes. I smile gently and wipe the tears from his cheeks. "Why are you crying?" I ask knowingly. He cups my cheek with his hand and my heart ignites with his touch.

"I almost lost you." He wheezes, laughing lightly, and runs his thumb back and forth across my cheek. I blush heavily and cast my gaze downward in embarrassment. He pulls on my chin blithely and I stare into his eyes. I push a few rogue strands away from his face and he leans in to peck my lips. His lips are soft like velvet, leaving me wanting more.

"Where are the others?" I question and he sits down on the bed beside me, taking my hand in his. He replies nonchalantly.

"The troops have already departed for our final battle." At first I am astonished, but I soon laugh at my lack of belief in my friends. I lean my head against his shoulder and curl into his chest. I can feel his heartbeat lap violently against my cheek. He really cares about me. All this time he had been causing himself stress and grief waiting for my return. Yet, he was still able to focus and bring together two very different people for a mutual cause. I smile to myself.

"I'm proud of you." I whisper and he stiffens. "You have matured so much in my short absence. At this rate, you'll end up leaving me behind." I laugh dryly and he pulls me in tighter.

"I will never leave you behind again. From this day forward you will remain by my side. You cannot get rid of me." He chides and I trace circles around his back.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

We remain in each other's embrace for a few moments before I hop promptly off the bed. I bend forward so that my nose is almost touching his, shooting him a devilish grin. "What are you doing?" He interrogates me.

"A Commander should not be chained to his base, while his soldiers fight valiantly in his honor. Our team needs you. You are their beacon of hope. We're leaving."

A Demon's Eternal Vow (Guren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now