Authors Note (Challenge): Please Read

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Hi fans!

So, you have all been so incredible and the amount of support I have had for this story is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed! The amount of you invested in this fanfic is still such a shock! Anyway, I never make these so this is really important. As you saw on chapter ten the best comment won the chance to hear what the plot twist will be in the upcoming future. I have decided to be a bit different here and I am going to set up a little challenge. Here is how it is going to go. I would LOVE if I could get you, my wonderful and sexy fans, to help me out.

I would really like a cover for this fanfic that isn't so boring. I want to do an edit but unfortunately I don't know how and I am not at all artistic. So one of the options you can do is create me a cover for this story! Do whatever you want with it, be creative and fun. I want to see what you can all come up with :)

Another option is that in a future chapter I would really like to have either the boys or Ashton write a song. The song has to connect to the plot or express Ashton's feelings for Calum or his fears of the fans/hate/or even his past. If someone would like to create a song I will use it in the chapter and you will get full credit for the song. Or if you have any suggestions of a song already out there that matches that criteria then feel free to let me know.

My last option is a little more random but oh well. Since I have been writing I have gained so many new fans and it is a dream come true for me! I wanted to be a little silly and fun and have a cute name for all of you fans, i.e. Directioners, Mixers, 5SOS Fam, JCat! If you could come up with a cute little name I could call all of you, my fans, that would make my day! :)

All you have to do is choose which option you want to do and send it to me via email: It's that simple. The deadline is November 9th! I would really appreciate if you all took part in this challenge.

Now comes the fun part for all of you! You didn't think I would do all of this and not give you something in return did you? Here's to hoping I get at least a couple people do something for each option. The person who has the best story cover, song, or fan name will get a reward! What is the reward? The person with the best in each option will get the opportunity to have a sneak peak at chapter 12! I will write up a part of it and send it to you! So if you are one of those fans who cannot wait for the next chapter to see what is going to happen, this is your way to find out what is going to happen in the next chapter before everyone else finds out!

So, I have no idea how well this will turn out. Highly likely that none of you will do any of this. I just wanted to be different and give an opportunity for you all to win a sneak peak at chapter 12. I really hope this goes well, we will see. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I just thought it would be a cool way to get all of you involved and a chance to get a sneak peak at what is to come in the next chapter :)

Thank you all for reading this and for any of you who are willing or going to take part in this! I love you all <3

Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood Hensley Shelley xxxxxx

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