Chapter 7: Sparring Match

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Noooooo!! It's the seventh chapter!!! IT'S ASYMMETRICAL!!! *Resists the urge to make two eighth chapters* Okay, let's get this over with before I completely flip...

~Your POV~

I ran for about five minutes more, finally reaching my house. After the sudden change in plans, a decided to take a shower.

I walked into the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the closet in my hallway. I turned on the water, undressed, and stepped into the steaming washer.

~~Time Skip~~

After I had finished my shower, I changed my bandages into fresher ones, put on my normal outfit, and started to brush/comb my hair.

Once I was finished with that, I looked through my fridge and cupboards to find instant cook Ramen.

I pulled out one of the Ramen Bowls and poured in the noodles. After adding water, I used my Fire Jutsu to heat it up.

I sat down at my table and started to enjoy the taste of my easy-make lunch. When I finished, I washed off my bowl and set it on the Drying Wrack.

After that, I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and pulled open the giant piece of wood.

I smiled at the sight of a grinning Lee standing in my doorway. "Hello (Y/n)! I have returned from my mission!"

"Hey Lee! So, you still up for that Training?" I asked.

"Am I? Of course! Let us get a move on!" He shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my house as I shut the door behind us.

Once we arrived at the Training Grounds, we started practicing our punches and kicks on they Practice Dummies.

When we were finished with that, we decided to have a Friendly Sparring Match.

We both stood a few feet away, getting into a defense position, readying for any possible attack.

"One rule: Only Taijutsu may be used," Lee inquired.

I nodded and bent forwards a little, ready to dodge or run. We both mentally counted: '5... 4... 3... 2... 1!'

We ran at each other full speed. He tried punching, but I blocked with my right arm. I placed my foot on his fist and pushed myself up, flipping backwards.

We both grinned. I ran at him once more, planning to punch him. But as I expected, he blocked with his arm, so I went and kicked at his legs, knocking him over.

But he landed into his hands and sprung backwards. 'He's a tough target to hit... And he's super fast, I don't think I'll ever land a hit on him like this..! But maybe--'

I came up with a plan. First, I'd go at him, acting as a punch. But when he blocks, I'll go for another punch, if he blocks with his other hand, I'll grab his wrists and flip him over and pin him to the ground.

I smirked and started to put my plan to action. I rushed at him at full speed once more. I went in for a punch and like planned he blocked.

I swiftly changed fists and tried another punch. Like before, he blocked with his other arm.

I took the opportunity to grab his wrists, I planted my feet to the ground and then flipped over the top of him.

Once I landed on the other side of him, I pushed his body down into the ground, hands behind his back.

I put my knee on top of his back and smirked with victory. "Round 1: (Y/n)!" I cheered.

Lee just laughed. "I suppose you win this round, but I will win the next time!" He joked, playing along with the act.

I let him go and helped him up. He started doing weird stances and making weird noises. "I will be fast as lightning! You will not see me coming!" He exaggerated.

I laughed and started acting like I was terrified of his words. "Oh no! It's the beast of Konoha Village! Everybody run for your lives!" I laughed with a hint of sarcasm.

We both just laughed and laughed until we eventually hit the floor, exhausted from all the fun we were having.

"You are the most youthful person I know (Y/n)," Lee stated, looking at me as we lay sprawled out across the grassy dirt floor.

"You think so? Does my youth surpass you, oh Youthful One?" I joked.

"It may be so. And I am proud to have been defeated by you..!" He grinned.

I laughed. But then my head started to ache like it had before when Akuma's voice started talking to me.

"I'm coming, you better be ready..!" The voice hissed.

My breath hitched in my throat as I immediately sat up and gripped my head tightly.

Lee sat up with a worried expression. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"N-No! I'm fine! R-Really..!" I reassured.

"You may as well surrender now, because you never know what could happen to your friends..! A terrible 'accident' could happen..!" He teased.

My vision started going blurry and I got lightheaded. I started to wobble a bit until my vision went completely black.

~Lee's POV~

As (Y/n) passed out, she started to fall over. I caught her before she hit the ground. I picked her up and started running towards her house.

Once I reached her house, I opened the door-remembering that she left it unlocked- and ran to her room.

I placed her on her bed and quickly went back to shut the front door. When I was done with that, I grab the first rag I could find and ran it under the sink.

Once it was soaked with cold water, I went back to (Y/n)'s room and placed it on her forehead.

'I wonder what caused the sudden migraine?' I thought, pondering on all of the possibilities.

After about 10 minutes she woke up. "What? Where am I?" She asked, drowsiness in her voice.

"I took you home after you passed out at the Training Grounds," I explained taking the rag and placing it in her bathroom sink.

I walked back and sat down in a chair next to her bed. "What happened?" I asked, looking down at the floor.

"What is the real story behind you passing out all of the time at random occasions?"

I hope you're enjoying! And sorry for all of the cliffhanger chapters and then not updating... Anyway, I'll see yah next time! BUH-BYE!!

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