Chapter 17: Information Frustration

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Up top is just a drawing I did of myself in the Naruto stages. Each different age as the anime progresses, as you can tell. I'm only 13, so my older versions for Shippuden and The Last are obviously my personal estimate. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Narrator POV~

Two days had passed and the Chunin Exams were finally here. Students from other villages were gathering at the Hidden Leaf to sign up and participants for the exams. But as far as you were concerned, you wondered if you would be able to make it through the exams with only your Taijutsu.

Sure, Lee would be going by the same standards, but you knew his skill was still a lot better than yours. Even after all those weeks of training, you still were unsure if you stood a chance against any of the other villages. You had a feeling of doubt, but quickly regained yourself. You did promise him, after all. Promised you'll be careful. And you had no intention of going back on your word.

Currently, you were wandering the village, deep in thought. You had no idea of what the Chunin Exams would be like, so you decided it'd be best to prepare with your instincts. Sure, you could ask one of the other Sensei, such as Kakashi, but you didn't want to be a bother. You knew well that most of the leaf Shinobi competing were also lost in the dark. They didn't get much information about the exams, and you were no exception to that rule.

With a sigh, you trudged forwards along the streets of Konoha, not really having a specific destination in mind. You glanced up from the dusty roads to catch a glimpse of where your feet were taking you, and to your surprise, you saw three Shinobi from the Sand Village. It only reminded you more of the other kinds of strong ninja signing up for the exams.

One of the boys had deep red hair and piercing green eyes, outlined in black, and had a gourd slung over his back. Another wore all black, and had a bandaged item on his back side, with purple face-paint neatly applied to his face. The final member of the group, being a girl, had blonde hair, and a giant fan strung to her back. They all seemed to have some sort of weapons on their backs, which interested you, in a sense.

Without making eye contact, you walked by the three and continued on your way. You could tell that one of them looked back and was gazing at you. So you did the same and it turned out to be the red-haired one. He looked to you with a slight look of curiousness, maybe even suspicion. Without a word, he turned away and continued walking. You did the same, doing your best to pay no mind to the past event.

Sighing for the second time, you decided that you needed a nap of sorts. You had a few hours before you were supposed to meet with your team, so why not spend the time for yourself and enjoy it? Be the one person who isn't training and actually relax. So when the time comes, you'll be well-rested and eager to take on the day. Made sense enough to you, so you began trudging home in a slightly slumped posture.


With your house in sight, you actually thought you were going to earn the rest you needed. But people had other plans in store for you. Just as you were about to grip your doorknob and turn the handle, you felt a hand grip your should and whip you around to face them. It was Naruto.

"Naruto, what is it this time?" You questioned, expression and tone unintentionally nonchalant.

Before replying, he gave you a pleading look and folded his hands together as if he were praying to you. "I've got a major favor to ask you," he then paused to look around, then looked back to you. "What do you know about the Chunin Exams?" He asked.

"What?" You quizzed, expression turning dumbfounded.

"C'mon, tell me, tell me. I know we're on different teams and all, but you gotta tell me something! I need to know, please tell me-!" He babbled.

"Hold on, jeez, calm yourself. What are you talking about? My team got just as much information as yours. Sorry, but I am of no help to you." You said, regaining your posture and folding your arms across your chest.

He groaned and slumped over, arms dangling freely as he mourned. "Awe man... this bites." He complained.

When he finally stood up straight, you gave a small laugh as he still looked disappointed. "Sorry Naruto, but I'm just as left in the dust as you are. Even if you asked everyone in the village, I doubt they'd tell you. It's best to go in blind and learn as you go, in this situation." You explained, trying to get your point across.

He shook his head. "Yeah, I guess you're right..." he then placed his hands into his pockets. "Well, I guess I'll meet you at the exams then." He grinned.

You smiled back with a nod. "See you at the exams." You agreed.

You both nodded and turned away from each other. Naruto walked away with his hands casually in his pockets, usual grin plastered across his face. You smiled lightly and at last opened the door to your small house, and stepped inside. It felt good to be home again, even though you had been there just a few hours ago. It gave you a sense of comfort, amass all the chaos you usually heard outside from the neighbors. It was home, and you were happy to have it.

You were about to head for your room and flop onto your bed, but then noticed pieces of paper strewn across the floor. Not remembering leaving that mess there before, you ignored it and chose to clean it up later. Right now, you wanted to sleep, and sleep only.

You stepped towards your bedroom door, and creaked it open. Not even bothering to shut the door, because you knew you were alone, you fell onto your bed and groaned. Remembering to set an alarm, you slowly moved your arm to the annoying box from hell and set the time for 9:45. You needed to meet Guy-Sensei, Lee, Neji and Tenten at 10:00, so that seemed reasonable enough to you.

You moved your arm back to on top of your pillow, and fell asleep.

Chunin Exams, huh? They don't sound all that bad.

Oh yes, chapter written indeed. And I've got some news... *Long Pause* I got my phone back. *Wiggles Eyebrows* So look forward to more updates more often.

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