Chapter 23

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Stiles P.O.V:
All I saw when I woke up was moments at a time.

"Sir are you awake?"

He blacked out again before waking up.

"Sir. Hey stay awake." The familiar voice said.

Where was she? I needed to see her.

"M-mal?" I asked looking for his other half.

"Sir you need to relax." The medic said.

"Where is she?" I asked. "Malia!" I screamed out for her.

"She is in another ambulance ahead of us." The medic said trying to calm him down.

I felt a panic attack underway. I couldn't even tell that I was bleeding. All that mattered to me was Malia and if she was ok. Minutes later I felt the ambulance stop moving. I saw the door open and two paramedics pulled me out. They wheeled me into the hospital.  My eyes were on the prowl for Malia. He caught a glimpse of her. She had blood running down her face. He could see shards of glass in her arm. She had neck brace on her. What did I do to her?

Author's P.O.V:
"M-mal." He said trying to get her attention. He knew it was a waste. He tried to get up to see her but doctors held him down.

Melissa saw two teens go through. The first was unrecognizable but she knew who the second one was as soon as she saw his face.

"Stiles please don't move. You could cause more damage to yourself." Melissa warned him.

"I don't care. I need to see her!" He cried.

Melissa looked at the paramedic that brought Stiles in.

"The girl in the first bus. Fractured skull. Broken ribs." The medic told Melissa.

"O-oh god!" Stiles cried in guilt hearing everything the paramedic said.

"Malia." Melissa said piecing together the puzzle.

"Please help her." Stiles told Melissa.

She nodded and left him to got to Malia. She looked at her, blood was streaming down her face. "Doc what's wrong with her?" Melissa asked the doctor.

"We have a 17 year old with a skull fracture, broken ribs, mild concussion. The list goes on and on with this girl. I'm surprised she survived the crash." The doctor said.

Melissa looked down at Malia who was unconscious. She brushed Malia's hair back. She left the room and wiped her tears away. She knew she had to call Scott and the Sheriff. Melissa went behind her desk and dialed Scott's number.

"Yeah mom?" Scott asked waking up from sleep.

"Honey. It's about Stiles and Malia." She said knowing what was about to follow. "They were in a car accident. Stiles has a couple broken bones but it was Malia who took most of the impact." Melissa told her son.

Scott was already out the door by the end of it. In a matter of minutes he was at the hospital. On his way over he called Lydia and told her everything. He saw his mom. "Where are they?" He asked.

Melissa showed him to Stiles' room.

"Scott. I did this." Stiles said as he saw Scott enter. He continued to blame himself for what happened.

"Stiles how could this be your fault?" Scott asked walking over to his best friend.

"We shouldn't have been there. We should've been past the stop sign." Stiles said as that moment replayed like a movie in his mind.

Scott took his hand. He tried to take away Stiles' pain. "Why can't I take away your pain?" He asked confused.

"Because I'm not in pain. Not like Malia." Stiles said. "Scott you have to help her. You have to save her." Stiles said letting a tear slip out of his eye.

Melissa called the Sheriff and told him they same thing she told Scott.

Scott could hear Malia's doctor talking about surgery. He slipped into her room. "Malia if you're listening I need you to know that you can't go out like this." Scott whispered to Malia who was now intubated. "You have to be strong. The pack needs you Mal." Scott said. He took her hand and began taking away her pain. He groaned as he felt all her pain transfer to him.

Lydia and the Sheriff entered at the same time. Melissa stood up and took them to Stiles.

"Thank god." The sheriff said letting out a sigh of relief. He went over and tried to hug his son.

Lydia looked at Stiles who was lying in bed with a sling on. "Malia. Where is she?" Lydia asked.

"I-i don't know. They won't let me see her." Stiles said.

Lydia could hear the voices in her head getting louder as they whispered Malia's name.

She left the room now on the hunt for Malia. On her hunt she ran into Scott. "Lydia. What are you doing?" Scott asked.

"I-i don't know. I just know something is gonna happen." She said before entering the dark room Malia resided in.

Before she could say anything two doctors walked in. "I'm sorry but we have to take her up to Surgery now." One of the doctors said to Lydia.

Lydia nodded letting them take her up. She was now alone in the room. But the only thing was she wasn't alone. The voices were with her getting louder and louder by the second. Until finally Lydia let out a scream. That can only mean one thing.


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