Chapter 26

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Malia woke up to see Stiles wasn't by her. She looked around in a panic.

"Stiles?" Malia said looking for him.

"Stiles?!" Malia said louder and more scared.

Melissa heard her and rushed into the room. "Malia calm down. Stiles went to get you breakfast. Lydia should be here soon." Melissa said trying to calm Malia down.

Malia let out a sigh of relief and laid back in bed. "Can I get you anything?" Melissa asked.

"No." Malia said shaking her head.

"Ok. Just let me know if you need anything." Melissa said.

Malia nodded as Melissa closed her door. Malia looked out of her window at the rain droplets. She remembered when she and her sister used to bet on which droplet would fall down first. She started to tear up at thought of her family. Her sister, the one she brutally murdered.

She heard her door open. She wiped her tears away quickly. But it wasn't quick enough for Stiles not to see.

"Hey what's wrong?" Stiles asked setting their breakfast on the table. His smile quickly turned into a frown as he sat beside her taking her hand.

"Nothing." Malia said faking a smile.

"Hey you can tell me anything." Stiles said moving her bangs out of her eyes so he could look into them.

"I miss them Stiles." Malia said breaking down into tears over her mother and sister.

Stiles hugged her as he let Malia cry into his chest. "I know you do baby." Stiles said holding her.

Lydia had horrible timing because she walked in with more flowers and balloons. Stiles turned to her and made a face that meant happiness isn't in right now.

Malia stopped crying as soon as she heard Lydia. She wiped away her tears and put on a smile. "Hey Lyds." Malia said sniffling.

"Mal. What happened?" Lydia said putting everything down and sitting opposite of Stiles.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Malia said lying right through her fake smile. "I actually have to brush my teeth." Malia said weakly getting up from her bed.

Stiles held onto her and walked her to the bathroom carefully.

Malia locked the door and ran the water to cover her crying. She sat on the cover of the toilet and cried it all out. She hated being vulnerable in front of people. Finally she pulled it together and looked through the bag of stuff Stiles brought from the house. She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste. She brushed her teeth and washed off her face to cover up the fact that she was crying. She walked out of the bathroom and the number of people multiplied. Now Scott and Kira were here.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" Malia asked surprised.

"We're here to check on you." Scott said.

"Thanks Scott but I already got two of those." Malia said looking at Stiles and Lydia.

Scott laughed, "True but no harm in more right?" He said. "Plus my mom is here most of the time anyway and I don't see her a lot anymore." Scott said.

Malia giggled and for once had a genuine smile on.

"So what'd you bring Stiles?" Malia asked feeling hungry.

"Well I got your favorite." Stiles said grabbing the bag of food.

"Deer?" Malia asked as though she's been craving it.

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