Chapter 21

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Stiles looked at Malia in utter shock. "Im sorry for doubting you." He said.

She smiled and looked at him, "Still getting you back." She said not forgetting the picture he took.

"Dammit." He whispered under his breathe.

They closed everything out but before they did Stiles took a picture of the glowing eyes to show to Scott. They walked out of the office and just when they thought when they were in the clear a bright flashlight popped up and shined right in their eyes. They put their hand over their faces to see who it was. Even then they couldn't get a good look. The figure got closer and closer until they saw who it was. It was Sheriff Stilinski.

"What are you two doing here at 11:30 at night?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"Well you see dad, Malia forgot her notebook for math and we wanted to come and grab it." Stiles said making up a lie.

Malia nodded going along with it.

"Ok there are two flaws in that lie. One, Malia hates math and I'm prett sure if anything she would be running away from school not toward it. Two, why would her notebook be in the administration office?" Sheriff Stilinski asked knowing that he caught Stiles in the lie.

"Ok you want the truth? Here's the truth, Malia and I were looking for evidence that Allison was still alive." Stiles said telling his das what he thought he wanted to hear.

"Stiles why would you guys do that? You guys were there at her funeral. You saw her go into the ground." The Sheriff said.

"But we didn't see her face." Malia said making a valid point. "It was a closed casket. So for all we know it could've been a replacement or something." She said.

"Ok, so you two are telling me you broke into the high school in the middle of the night to find evidence that your dead friend is still alive." Sheriff Stilinski said explaining their plan.

"Basically." Malia said.

"Ok you two need to get home right now. Go to sleep." Sheriff Stilinski ordered them.

"But dad." Stiles said upset.

"Now Stiles. And Malia does your father know about this?" He asked.

"No. He thinks I'm with Stiles which I am." Malia replied.

"You two go home now." The sheriff said repeating himself.

Malia and Stiles dragged their feet till the finally got to the jeep.

Malia looked at Stiles when they got in. "We aren't going home are we." She said already knowing his mind like her own.

"Of course not." He said with a chuckle.

They drove to Scott with surprising news. Stiles used the key he made for himself to let them in. They walked upstairs to Scott's room. Before they walked into the room they heard a sound coming from his room. Stiles decided to sneak up on him. Scott was singing Adele's 'Hello'. Just when Scott was hitting the high note Malia and Stiles barged in.

"Hello." Stiles said making up thag joke.

Scott jumped up, "Jesus Christ Stiles don't you knock?!" Scott said almost having a heart attack.

Stiles laughed, "Ok sure." He said sarcastically. "

"But we're not here to disturb you from your singing." Malia said.

"Yeah, we are actually here to tell you something." Stiles said.

"Wh-what is it? Who died?" Scott asked getting worried.

"No one died. Literally. Even people we thought died haven't." Malia said hoping Scott would catch on to the huge hint she dropped.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asked still confused.

"You know how you kept insisting me and Isaac were crazy to believe that Allison was alive?" She asked trying to jog his memory.

"Yeah. What about it?" Scott asked.

"Well be prepared to take it all back." Stiles said pulling out his phone. He showed Scott the picture of the glowing eyes.

"So what? It's two glowing eyes." Scott said not getting the big deal.

"Do you know what colors those are?" Malia asked Scott.

"Yeah yellow." He said still not getting the big deal.

"What werewolf has yellow eyes?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Omega's." Scott said.

"And aren't yellow the eyes of someone who's just been turned?" Malia asked.

"Yeah." Scott said. Then finally he got it, "oh my god! You really think Allison is an Omega?!" He asked shocked they believe it.

"Who else could it be? That is the face I saw in the hallway." Malia said confidently.

"That could've been Liam, Isaac or Hayden. But it couldn't have been Allison." Scott said sure that he was right.

"Ok so why not ask all three where they were at the time?" Stiles asked.

So Scott did. He called Liam to find out thag he was with Hayden making out behind the buses. Then he went downstairs to talk to Isaac who had gotten better. He learned that Isaac was still in English and never left the class.

Stiles and Malia looked at him and said "I told you so."

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