Chapter 36

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"Ok as much as I would love for you guys to finish this, Malia sweetie we have to go." Peter said now in rush.

"Ok." Malia said.

Peter walked through the crowd of teenagers with Malia behind him.

Stiles ran to stop her. "Mal you can't go with him. You don't know what you're doing." Stiles said trying to convince her to stay.

"Actually I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm getting away from you." Malia said walking out the door leaving the people she loved and cared about behind.

"Malia please don't end our epic love story like this." Stiles said begging her to stay and give him one more chance.

"That story already ended." Malia said before meeting Peter down at the car.

Stiles stood there and watched the love of his life leave him.

"Where did you even get this?" Malia asked looking at the mustang.

"I kept it here for safe keeping." Peter explained.

Malia got in the passenger seat of the car, "so where are we going?" She asked again.

"Im in the mood for some Bourbon and Beignets." Peter said.

"I didn't asked what you were hungry for. I asked where we were going." Malia said not getting it.

Peter started driving, "Yup you're my daughter. We're going to New Orleans."
Stiles walked back in the loft with a big frown on his face.

"You just let her leave?!" Isaac exclaimed in disappointed.

Stiles looked up now pissed. "You don't get to say anything! You're the whole reason why we're hear!"

"How did I possibly do that? Im not the one who kissed my girlfriends best friend for the SECOND time!" Isaac yelled.

"We were doing fine me and Malia and then you came along and ruined it." Stiles said restraining himself from punching Isaac.

"I ruined it? I'm pretty sure you did that on your own. I helped her, I was there for her!" Isaac said.

Stiles punched Isaac square between the eyes. Scott got there in time before anything worse happened and held him back.

"No, no it's fine let him go. But you know if he's gonna punch me let's give him a reason. Has Malia ever been the little spoon? Because I'm pretty sure last night she was." Isaac said bringing up what happened last night.

"You son of bitch!" Stiles screamed and tried with all of his might to get lose of Scott and punch him again.

"She doesn't like you Isaac get over it and just stop it already." Lydia said not liking the way any of this is going.

"And you're one to talk? You just can't keep your hands to yourself can you? This is the second time that you kissed your "best friends" boyfriend. You're right back to sophomore year when all you cared about was yourself." Isaac fired back at her.

"That's not true! Malia is my best friend! I would never hurt her." Lydia said as tears burned her eyes.

"But you did. Twice." Isaac said saying the same words Malia did before. "But you know what? I don't care. I'm gonna be a good friend- if the two of you knows what that means- and find Malia and stop her from doing something she regrets." Isaac said before leaving them just like Malia did.

Scott finally let go of Stiles.

"W-we have to go. Now." Stiles said in urgency. "If we hurry we can still catch up to them." Stiles said talking about Peter and Malia.

"Stiles I'm not sure about that. She sounded pretty serious about leaving." Scott said.

"She is your beta! You're gonna let her leave with Peter?!" Stiles asked baffled.

Scott nodded realizing Stiles was right.

They all ran down to the jeep and sped to catch up with Malia and Peter.
Malia was looking out the window at the quick mart sign. They stopped at the gas station for food and drinks.

Peter got back in the car with a bunch of snacks and drinks. "I didn't know what you wanted mainly because you didn't talk to me so I just got you some chips and a water." Peter said setting them by her.

She still didn't say anything. All she could think about is if whether or not she made the right decision of leaving.

"Malia. I know that I'm not dad of the year but believe me when I say if I knew about you, if I knew that you were my daughter sooner I would've been there for you." Peter said with a tone that sounded like he really meant it.

"Really?" Malia said looking at him in shock.

"Hah. No I can't believe you fell for that." Peter said with a chuckle.

"I can't believe that I'm here with the one guy I hate most in this world." Malia whispered to herself.

Peter heard it though, "what about Stiles? Isn't he the guy you hate most in this world right now?" Peter asked getting back on the road.

"What are my rules?" Malia asked him.

"Got it." Peter said shutting up about Stiles.
Stiles was speeding he was lucky his dad was the sheriff because if he wasn't Stiles wouldn't even be allowed to drive.

"Hey Stiles how about you slow down just a tiny bit." Lydia said holding on for dear life.

"Lydia I am chasing the one girl I love more than life itself. I will slow down when I have her here with me." Stiles said not listening to anything Lydia said.

"Reasonable but wouldn't you like to be ALIVE to see her!" Lydia exclaimed.

"Lydia shut up and stop whining." Stiles said before picking up the speed.

"Oh god Im gonna die." Lydia said to herself.

"And please Lydia don't use death unless we're actually going to die." Stiles said hearing her anyway.

"How do you even know where to go?" Scott asked.

"Well remember that one time Malia got lost in the mall?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah..." Scott said vividly remembering that day.

"Ever since then I put the track my iPhone on her phone so I know where she is at all times." Stiles said.

"Creepy but very effective." Scott said.
Isaac was looking through Peter's stuff trying to find out where the hell they could possibly be heading. He found a picture of Peter with two other guys at a bar. That wasn't helping find Malia. Then he turned his head and saw a board just like Stiles old mystery board in his living room. There was a pin pointing to Louisiana. That must be where they are going. He took a picture of it so he wouldn't have to memorize it. He ran out of the house and didn't even bother with the door he broke down.

He called Derek.

"Hello?" Derek answered.

"Derek I need you to help me with something." Isaac said running to Scott's.

"Yeah what it is it?" Derek asked.

"Just meet me at Scott's in 5 minutes." Isaac said before hanging up.

Isaac grabbed an old bagged and packed it with extra clothes and a toothbrush. He is probably the only one who thought this through and it showed. He heard a honk outside the door it was Derek. He ran out and towards the car.

"So you gonna tell me where we're going?" Derek asked.


Well I literally just wrote this because I totally forgot I didn't write today so I know it isn't my best but you know I did all that I could do in thirty minutes. Comment why you think they're headed to New Orleans.💕

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