Chapter Two

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A/N: thats what the apartment looks like. leave me alone okay? I know the apartment is a bit unrealistic but idc it's my story.

Shit my eyes burn.

For the last hour I have been awake trying my best to fall back asleep. Sleep is the only time I don't feel the need to kill myself off.

It's the one time she's not on my mind.. intentionally at least.

Every morning when I wake up I stare the ceiling. I wont dare to look anywhere else because I know that if I do something will trigger her and shot her into my thoughts.

But even now, as I'm staring up at the white ceiling I can see the smile on her face as she jumped on the bed.

"Delilahhhh! You've got to come jump with meee!" Hayden screamed giggling.

My eyes definitely had hearts in them by now. My smile reached further than the United States as I watched her.

"Errm, that's okay babe. You enjoy it." I said nodding at her as her smile faded away.

"Del." She said crossing her arms, looking at me.

"Hayd." I said back unable to cover my smile.

She started to pout, which was my ultimate weakness. She knew it too, damn it.

She stood on top of the bed, with the enormous window behind her pouting. Her arms crossed and her eyes directly looking into mine.

"Please?" She asked again.

I sighed, "all right you got me. I'm coming."

"Yay!" She yelled as she hopped off the bed and rushed to me, kissing my cheek then grabbing my hand and guiding me back to the bed with her.

I stepped up onto it and we soon both began to jump as high as we could. My thoughts were jumbled as I watched her smile glow up the room more than the city lights behind her.

She suddenly stopped and her mouth fell open, "my god Del look at this!"

I moved over to where she was staring out the window and I saw what she was looking at.

The sun was setting over London now, it's colors turning an array of primary colors. I giggled as I studied Haydens face. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was just hanging open.

She shoved her phone into my hand, "take a picture of me now!"

I smiled and kissed her forehead then moved behind her to take a bunch of pictures that she would later edit and post.

She loved showing off this place. For as young as we were we got lucky being able to live here.

By now I was halfway down the road from my apartment. All the memories were to drowning and I couldn't stand to be there ever. If it didn't hurt so much I'd ditch the damn place for a new one, but the smallest part of me had hope that one day she'd return and want me and our home again.

I pulled out my phone to text the only person in London who I considered a friend.

In reality he annoyed the shit out of me, but he was the only person who took my side in the breakup. The rest of them choose Hayden.

Not that I can blame them, I'd choose her over myself anyday.

Ezra: same spot?

Me: obviously.

Me and Ezra had known each other for a while. At least a year. Me and Hayden met him one night when we were out clubbing. Hayden said he was a nice person and got his number, then started to invite him over more and more.

I don't even fucking know how me and him became friends, cause I didn't like him around Hayden at all. She was to beautiful to be hanging around boys.

But for some reason he choose to stick with me in the end and not her.

"Hey, there she is!" Ezra said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I glared at him, "Shut up."

"You look lov-"

I cut him off before he could even finsih, "I swear if you fucking compliment me I'll push you off this bridge."

"Damn Del, have you been going to your anger management classes?" He laughed.

I glared at him, staying quiet. Fuck that. I don't need anyone telling me how to act when the only person I care about left me for a prick.

"Have you heard from her?" He asked looking at me.

"What do you think?" I snapped. He always brings her up. Even if I ask him not to. Maybe he thinks he's doing me a favor, but in reality it makes it worse.

"Delilah you're fine, please come out and hang with us. I miss you." Hayden pleaded me.

"No Hayden I don't need to see him looking at you. I'll kill him."

She laughed, "Del, if he'd be looking at anyone it'd be you."

I looked at her confused, "what?"

She smiled and shook her head, "nothing love. Please come out I wanna spend time with you."

I crossed my arms and looked at the wall, "then make him leave."

She walked over to me and put her hands on my shoulders and leaned down to my ear.

Her words quickly persuaded me to get the fuck out in the living room with her and whatever the hell his name is.

She guided me out holding my hand, he looked up at us the moment we entered the living room.

"I got her!" Hayden said mentally giving herself a proud hug.

He looked down at our hands for a mere second then smiled and focused on Hayden, "great."

"Earth to Delilah!" Ezra said waving his hand in front of my face.

I jumped a bit, "sorry. I just.. I was.."

I trailed off and he put his hand on my arm, "it's okay. I know."

I sigh and as we began walking he started telling me about something I had no interest in, but I listened to his words, and for the first time Hayden wasn't on my mind.

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