Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: so just a heads up this is going to skip a year ahead that way Delilah can just get back to London and the story can continue cause I was at a lost with the story in New York.. continue.)

A year and a half later..

My stomach began to grow butterflies as I stared out the window of the airplane, my heart felt like it was smiling and doing flips.

I glanced away from the lit up view of London and down at my intertwined with the man sitting next to me.

I moved my eyes to his face and smiled, watching him as he slept. I couldn't help it; I smiled as I anxiously looked around the plane.

I bit my lip, a year ago this place was so dreadful. Somewhere that I had desperately wanted to leave and forget.

But now I was a new me, and I missed London with my whole heart. I didn't deserve to hate it because of a person, I deserved happiness. And I wanted to share this place with him.

I jumped up and down in my seat ad we began to land causing Zaid to wake up, he stared at me for a minute and I stared back, then he burst in laughter.

After we got settled outside the plane I grabbed Z's hand and ran outside. I shouted London inside my head and took a deep breath, "smells the same!"

Zaid turned to me and scrunched his nose, "You're weird as fuck."

I shrugged and let go of his hand, skipping through the crowds of people looking like zombies in this dark light.

The air was chilly and rain was drizzling from the gray, visible clouds that hid some of the stars and I stopped in my tracks.

I missed London, I did.

I belonged here, I belonged in these foreign streets, surrounding by the sweetest people with the cutest accents, the place where rain is the new sun.

This was my home and I know now that I shouldn't have let anyone changed that.

Z came up next to me and huffed, his breath visible in the October air. "It's really cold out babe." I smiled and looked up.

"London!" Hayden squeaked jumping through the door and outside. "Delilah hurry, the sun is rising!"

Her fingers pointed toward the amazing sunrise that was showing an array of colors, "I know! Wow!"

She turned to me and hugged me tightly, "I cannot believe we're here Del! Exactly where we always wanted to be." Her smile said the words she wasn't saying, and I knew this is where me and her were meant to be together.

Delilah and Hayden, taking on London, England. One step at a time.

"Let's go," I said pushing that thought out of my brain and grabbing his hand, leading him towards a bus.

We arrived at our hotel almost two hours later, Z was upset that I had dragged out the ride so much but I couldn't help that I had missed my favorite place ever.

Even after we were checked into the hotel and in our room I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat outside on the balcony.

The air was even more cold now, everytime I breathed out the puff of air would become a small cloud of my own.

Our hotel looked over the hustling city, the lights shining everywhere, every direction. The moon glazed everything too.

Music was faintly heard playing in the far distance, cars buzzing passed, it was almost an overwhelming sense of happiness I felt.

Only a year had passed, but a year from this magical place was a year to far.

"Delilah," Zaid said, "Please come to bed now. I don't want you to catch a cold."

A part of me wanted to run through our hotel door, right onto the streets and just keep running, reliving my old self once again. But another part of me remained myself now, the calmer side.

I glanced down at the ring on my finger, it's diamonds shining brighter than any star, and I sighed.

He reached for me and I obliged. Following him in and laying next to him.

My body was turned frozen, and as he draped his arms around me and fastly dozed off I stayed awake, staring at the dark ceiling.

The silence inside the room was suicide itself, knowing what great things laid out before me.

I bit my lip fighting my urge to go outside.

Just stay put Delilah, I told myself over and over.

Suddenly I snapped, before I knew it I was slowly pushing Zaids arms away from me and slipping out of the bed. I grabbed my coat and kissed Zaid's forehead before opening the door to our shared room and dashing onto the now busy street of London.

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