Chapter 2

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///////Isaiah's pov//////

(1 month later)

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I looked around my room. I snake out everything besides my backpack and guitar. I stood up, took a shower, when I got out I wrapped a towel around me and got on a pair if shorts that are really short, and a shirt that is tie die. I put on my black high tops. I grabbed my stuff and was glad to leave this room. I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen, I see my parents at the table eating. I grab an apple and greet them with. "Bye, I am leaving. I forgetting something right? Oh yea, I am never coming back." I turn on my heels and walk out the door never looking back. I went to my truck and set my stuff in the back and sat in front. I pulled out of the drive way. I pulled the address up on my gps. I drove listening to the radio, roar was playing. It took five minutes to get there. I parked, leaving everything in the truck, I grabbed phone and keys and went to the house.

I walked to the house and right as I rang the doorbell I started to realize what I was doing. I started to panic. The door opened before I could change my mind. There was a lady with blonde short hair. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asked nervously.

"Umm, can I come in for a moment." I quietly asked.

"Ummm, sure. What is your name?" She asked well opening up the door. I step in and looked up, I moved my bangs to show my eye ad she froze.

"Isaiah, is that really you?" She questioned surprised.

"Yes, this is me."

"Sweetie, I missed you so much." She comes up to hug me.

"Why, did you give me away?" I ask well stoping her hug.

"There are different reasons." She tried to change the subject.

"Tell me one or I walk out that door." I threatened.

"Fine, the main reason was we did not have enough money, we thought you were a boy do we spent all our money for your things but when you came to be a girl, we had no money, we had to put you up for adoption."

"Yea yea yea."

My so called mom was going to started talking but a boys voice interrupted her.

"Mom, who's truck is in the front." I heard other boys voices by him. They walked to the living room and froze when they saw me.

"Who who are you?" I recognized that boy. No, I hate him. It was Niall. Great, just Great.-hint the sarcasm.

"Niall this is Isaiah." His mom starts and before I can do anything she moves my bangs to uncover my eye. You could even here him and the guys gasp.

"You? I missed you. I remember when I saw you at the hospital." Niall started, he acted like nothing happened at school.

"I am sorry but I need to leave and I am never coming back." I snapped and ran to my truck, I heard my name being shouted but I ignored it. I drove to a rundown park and parked. It was surprisingly nine at night, time flew. I laid my seat back and I slept in my truck. I am now homeless.

/////////Niall pov////////

I walked in to see Isaiah? I watched my mom move the bangs that had always been over her right eye. I saw the one and only white eye.

"You? I missed you. I remember when I saw you at the hospital." I can't believe I bullied my own sister. I feel so bad.

"I am sorry but I need to leave and I am never coming back." She snapped at me and ran out of the house, the boys chased her and called for her while I tried to get my mom to stop crying. I saw her truck drive away. The boys came in and mom left for her room. I feel bad. I told the boys I am going for a walk and left.

I walked in the dark to a run down park. I saw a truck, as I got closer I recognized it. I ran to it and looked in the drivers window. What I saw shocked me. It was Isaiah sleeping. Did she get kicked out of her other house. Oh man. I knocked on the window until she woke up and rolled down the window.

"What?" She spat.

"Why are you sleeping here?" I asked.

"Because Pluto is going to crash in to earth. What do you think. I have no stupid house to go to." She spat with sarcasm in the beginning. She has no place to go.

"Come home." I offered.

"I have no home." Wow she is stubborn. It started to sprinkle.

"Come to my house."

"Stay in my truck and sleep or go to the person who ruined my life house. Ummmm, I am good sleeping here." She was super stubborn.

"Fine." I opened her door and yanked her out of the truck, she was sitting up so that made it easier.

"Let go of me." She yanked her arm out and ran down the road. Oh shoot.

////////Isaiah pov////////

I don't know were I was running but I ended up in a ally. I slid down the wall and sat. It was freezing now, the rain and the wind picked up. I heard laughter, and I looked up. I saw about four guys, laughing and smiled when they saw me.

"Look who we have here." Commented the one in the front.

"Yes, who do we have here?" Asked another one. Before I know it was held a foot off the ground against the wall. The one holding me was a big guy. He was holding me by my throat. It hurt.

"What should we do with my pretty." Said the first one again. "We could knock you out, or take you away. We could hurt you. Which one would you prefer?" He asked me. I was running low on breathing so I couldn't talk.

"Which one should we do M?" He asked the guy holding my neck.

"I think we could do the second one because I know you like to do that." He answered.

"Sound splendid you know the drill, you two get the car." The other boys left to get some car as I felt a sharp pain in my side. I passed out moments later.

///////Niall's pov\\\\\\\\\\

I followed her, she was fast. She ran in to an ally and when I got there, four boys a little bit older then me we talking to her. I saw her get slammed against the wall and I heard laughing. I froze. I had no idea what to do. Soon I saw to boys leave and Isaiah got hit in the side hard. I saw her body go limp, she was unconscious. The grow her in to the car the the two boys had gotten. She was shoved in and I heard more laughs. I saw then drive away and then they were gone. I ran home. When I burst throw the door, I saw the boys in the living room and mom in the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen.

"Sweetie what is wrong?" She asked me.

"Isaiah has been kidnapped." I reply.

"What?" She was confused.

I golden her the hole story from finding her to her stubbornness and then to how she was shoved in the car.

"Oh no this is not good." Was all she said and I could tell it was the only thing she could say before she broke down in tears. "I finally get my daughter back and then the world takes her from me again."

"We will find her mom, don't worry." I was scared, I somewhat what her in our family and with us. I would not wish this to happen to her. I will find her. I swear I will.



Hey guys

Well I desired to change what I was thinking so this story should be Interesting.

Hope you somewhat like it.


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