Chapter 8

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/////Isaiah's pov//////

I woke up to some one yelling. I open my eyes to see main man and M heading towards me. I sit up right as they gets to me.

"We have a surprise for you princess." Main man grabs my hair so I can't move and then M unlocks my chains. I felt weird to feel the weight off on my arms and ankles. M grabs my arms behind my arm and main man lets go. M shoves me out the door and for the first time in a while I was blinded from the light. I looked around and m shoved me in to a room and I was forced to sit down. One of the other boys who helped m came to me and the next thing I know is I was falling in to unconisness.

////////M's pov////////

I shoved her unconscious body in to the truck. I went to the drivers seat as main man got in to the seat next to me.

I start edit he truck and backed out of the gravel drive way. I drove the four mile gravel rode that lead to the high way. Our hide out was far from the highway and it was surrounded by big evergreens. I turned to the right and went on with the tree hour trip.

The first original plan of selling her but we found a old warehouse were every two weeks they hold a girl sell were anyone can sell girls, we put Isaiah in. I loved this plan, we make lots of money and she gets off our hands. It is a win for us and a lose for her, perfect. I was interrupted from. My thought by a phone ring. I turned to see Main man who was really called Jason who answered it.

"Hello?" He answered.

"What?......... How could he.............uggg, stop him.......thanks Louis." He ended and signed.

"Was that Louis?" I asked.

"Yea, Niall went to a private investigator. The sooner we get her gone the better." We both sigh and then we drive then now hour the rest of the way

We pulled up to the address. I unbuckled and then got the still unconscious Isaiah. I followed Jason in to the building and I was soon treated by the owner, a friend of mine. Max.

"Hey guys, long time no see." He greets.

"Hey, were do we put her?" I asked referring to Isaiah.

"In that room." He points to a door in the corner. I nod and carry her to the door and open it. There was about nine other, who were either still out of awake just not able to move. I throw her on the ground and leave. I join the others and join in their conversation.

//////Isaiah's pov////////

I woke up and looked around. Where was I? I sit up and see about nine other girls in the small room, the room was about half of a class room. I look to see four out of nine were awake.

"Hi." I weakly greet.

"Hi, I am Violet, do you know why we are hear?" She greets and asked me.

"No." I was confused.

"I do, we are getting sold to boys. Ugg. It's like we are a car or a house. No one pays attention to our opinion yet when they don't want us anymore they sell us."

"Oh." Was all I was able to say. My brain could not think not even process it. I heard some one talking outside the room but it was muffled.

"Man, they are starting." I sit there confused and then soon someone comes in and takes a sleeping girl. I try to look out the door but it shut soon. After that there was six more. Soon Violet was leaving but then someone grabbed me and I had to wait next to the small stage.

"This is Violet." The person with a microphone says. The boys start bidding higher and higher, I didn't even know want the end number was. When someone came to get her she attacked. She tried to run, she made it half way to the door but then a bullet stopped her. I squeezed my eyes shut. I was shoved up on stage with someone tightly holding on to me.

"This is Isaiah, she is our last one." He says, the bidding starts at 50 and soon I lose count. When it finishes, two brown haired blue eye man came and grabbed me. One on each side. I was hastily shoved out of the building and in to a car. When they shut the door I tried to open int but the child proof lock was on. Ugg. They got in the front and we drove away.

We must have been in the car for more then four hours but I dare not shut my eyes. I lost track of the streets. Soon we stopped in front of a one story house in the woods. I was dragged out of the car and in to the house. I was shoved down the stairs in to a large room with doors leading off of it.

"Your the special one, you get to be in the it room." Says one of them. What? The other one grabbed a uncomfortable chair from the sides and puts it in the corner and then I was soon shoved in to it. In an instant my arms were tied to the armrest but not just my wrists my elbows to so I could barely move. They then tied my ankles after that.

"So you get to see all the action that happens in hear instead of having your own little room." I figured out that the stronger one was taller and then the smart looking one was shorter and had almost blue eyes.

"Here is the deal we will leave your mouth untied as long as you do not talk. You will listen and do as your are told, never go against the rules. Any questions?" Says the short one. He will be shorty and the other one who is taller well he tall. Weird, I don't care.

"Good, now I have to check on the others." Shorty states and then leaves. Tall sits at the table in the center. What do I do now? I soon fell asleep after trying to calm my hunger by chewing air. It never worked. Well with me luck.

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