Chapter 7

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///////Isaiah's pov///////

I woke up and I know my eyes were read nd puff. I put my self to sleep by crying. The boys tried to comfort me but the chains won't let me. I sit up and felt the sourness from the beating last night. I did find out something. Niall can see me some how. I know he will try to find me. I watch as Garret and beck sleep. I looked around trying to find a camera or something. I kept looking an trying to move the chains. They were somewhat heavy but I could now move them slightly. I say there looking for a way out. I felt watched.

/////Niall's pov//////

I woke up around noon and pulled out the laptop. I see her waking up as well. She sat up and looked around. She was in deep though, she moved the chains but they still looked heavy. What she did next surprised me.

"Niall, I know you are watching this. I feel watched and what I heard M say proved my thoughts." She starts.

"I need you. I don't care want you have done to my in the past but I I need you know. You are giving me hope. Please don't stop looking, I believe in you." She was about to continue but then the main man came in with M.

"Looks like princess is up." Greeted main man. He walked over and and held her chin to face him.

"Let go of me." She says in a small voice.

"Or what your boyfriend will come to save you. Here is reality, it has been five days, know one has came yet. They are glad you are out of their life. They always hated you. You are stuck with us."he says in a horrible tone.

"Never ever say that. I will never give up hope." She screams in their faces and she was able to stand, she was wobbling. A bit but she held her ground.

"What are you going to do brat?." Asked M and he shoves her to the wall, she winces in pain.

"I will survive, you can't break me, I will never give up. I will make it. You will be in jail. I will put you there if it is the last thing I do." She spats, they were mad.

"Really, I think I already have." With that he started punching and kicking her until to could stand it no more and she fell limp and then the screen when out. I checked the time it was one. I had a meeting with a private investigator at four. I hoped up, put the lap top away and went to take a shower. I cleaned myself and then I changed in to dark jeans and a white shirt. I grabbed my phone and wallet and got food. I meet Zayin and Harry in the kitchen.

"Hey mate." Greets Harry.

"Hey." I made a piece of peanut butter toast.

"What got you in a hurry?" Asked zayin.

"I have a meeting." I reply shortly.

"Make sure they find her. I will personally kill them my self." States Harry. I stood there in shock, how did he know?


"I know when something is up, we both are with you 100%, we know your not happy and we hate that so go get your girl." Zayin informs.

"Thanks guys." I walked out and called for a taxi. I had my dark hoodie and hood on with sunglasses so no one spotted me. In ten minutes flat I was at the building. I had ten minutes to spare so I sat in the waiting room. I looked through a magazine which had one direction on it. They talked about how I was down and what I said about my sister. Wow news gets around fast. I was called up to the desk and then lead to a office. I saw a man in the office chair.

"Hello, Mr. Horin." He states.

"Good afternoon, please call me Niall." I inform.

"Ok, down to business, you want me to find your sister."

"Yes, she was kidnapped and then the police can't help."

"I see, do you have the paperwork filled out?"

"I do." I had him two sheets of paper with all of her info and a school picture along with a recent photo she had on her face book before she left.

"Ok,I was ill do what I can." I left and time flew because it was five. I call a delivery for pizza and when I got to the hotel it was there. I paid and went upstairs. I saw Louis watching tv so I went to the kitchen grabbed three slices and went to my room. I locked the door and got out the lap top. I saw Isaiah sitting there bruised and broken, she was crying. She must have gotten it bad. The boys were still knocked out. I want to hug her and tell her this was just a bad dream but of course it wasn't. I stared at her and then a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I say.

"Harry." I put the laptop in my suit case and then unlock the door.


"How was the meeting?"

"Ok, he is going to do everything he can. He will contact me with any info."

"Oh, did u get pizza?"


"Ok, do you want to do anything, you have been in your room a lot we are getting worried."

"I am fine, I just need some space."

"Ok." He shut the door and I got out my lap top. I open it up to see that she was sleeping I hope. I saw her faintly breathing, that's a good sign. I watched until my eyes started to drip. I put it away and fell in to a deep sleep.

////Main man's pov/////

"Ok boys, we have a problem on our hands." I start.

"What?" Asked M, wow he is so stupid.

"We have to get rid of her she will blow our cover. I have fond some options." I told the group of four.

They were waiting for me to continue.

"We can either, sell her, which I have someone paying good money for her or we can just put her in the basement and forget about her." Either option causes her to suffer so anyone is fine.

"I like the first, we can get her off our hands and make money."

"Ok, deal we will deliver her in the morning." I walk out the door and leaving them to get a good night sleep.

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