It all comes crashing down

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No. No. Nuh-uh. No way. This isn't happening! This isn't happening! I begin to breath heavily. The tears are forming in my eyes but I will not let them fall. My chest actually hurts. My heart is shattered into ten gazillion pieces. I can't breath. I fall forward onto the floor. I'm clutching my chest.

"Is he having a heart attack?!" Mr. Chair asks.

"No." Is all Piggy says in response. Someone knocks on the door.

"Can get" I say quietly.

"I got it buddy." Mr. Chair gets up and opens the door. It's Skully again.

"Cry wants Stephano downstairs now. Alone." He says. Piggy gets up and goes to the door.

"Why does he want Stephano?" Piggy asks, defensively.

"I don't know. He wants to talk to him I guess. Just send him down." Then he walks away. They close the door and look at me. I stand up.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Mr. Chair asks.

"Yeah." I answer. I slowly walk down the stairs. Cry is waiting for me at the table. He smiles at me.

"Ah! Stephano." He says, cheerfully.

"Cry." I say coldly.

"So I assume Piggy told you what happened." He says.

"Yeah. That news isn't killing me or anything. I'm completely fine with it." I say sarcastically.

"Wait really?" He asks.

"No, not fucking really!" I scream in his face. He pulls back a little.

"Okay! Don't get all angry Frenchman on me!"

"That's fucking racist, you asshole!!" He smirks.

"So.... Your reason for living is marrying me. How does that feel, Stephano..?"

"It hurts like a moefoe. Thanks for asking, asshole."

"Good. And guess what else?! I get to live here with you guys forever and ever and ever. You have to constantly watch me and Pewdie kiss and hug and cuddle. It's gonna destroy you!!" He smiles.

"Not if I kill myself first."

"If you can get your hands on anything."

"You've seen what my teeth can do. I can also get my hands on rope, and my bedroom is on the second floor. A jump out of that window could kill me."

"Why haven't you jumped yet then?"

"I was waiting."

"Waiting for what? Pewds to love you back? You should've known that would never happen." The tears are slowly dripping from my eyes.

"He could've!! He still could."

"No he couldn't. Face it Stephano. You were friend zoned since the day he first met you. Nothing could've ever between you two." My tears are falling like rain.

"STOP IT!!" I scream, throwing my hands over my ears.

"It'd be useless to confess now. You'll just get the "I'm sorry. Let's just be bro's" talk. That would be more painful than this." I can't hear this anymore!! I swing at his stupid masked face. He dodges it with ease. He swings and hits me directly between the eyes. I fall backwards

onto the floor. Cry goes to swing again, but someone steps in front of me. It's Skully.

"That's enough, Cry!" He yells. Cry stares at him for a minute before lowering his fist and stepping back. Skully helps me to my feet.

"Go back upstairs, Stephano. I'll handle this." I nod and head back up to my room. Before I open the door, I listen to Piggy and Mr. Chair talk.

"Cry tried to bribe me to kill Stephano." Piggy says.

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