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Monday people. The day we all hate. But, not today it's not! I LOVE TODAY!


You must think I'm pretty fucked up for being so excited for a practical exam, but that's not the point.

Monday. The only possible day in the week where you can actually see Jacob playing the God damn BASS!

And did I mention how sexy he looks when he plays that shit? No? Well, I'll mention it now.

He looks sexy with that Bass.

So sexy that he beats Channing Tatum's look in A Good Day To Die Hard (?) 22 Jumpstreet. Do you know how sexy that looks? VERY.

He just sat there on top of the amplifier, plucking the strings and making such wonderful melodies emit from that lousy old instrument. I have no fucking idea what song he just played, but it sounded amazing AF. And I'm not even kidding.

I couldn't help but stare at him throughout the whole fucking subject.

And do you know what happened? DO YOU?

It was my turn, and I had to come up and sing. Little did I know, he was the one helping with the instruments and shit (good for you Aylene, the Gods of love must be really looking down on you today). And he called out to me, like:

"Hey, Lin. Sing with a loud voice, okay? You gotta help me out so I can play better."

Bitch, you don't need my help to play better, you're like fucking STEVE VAI IF ONLY HE PLAYED THE BASS.

And I'm all like:

"Uh... Yeah, okay."

Honestly, I don't even know if I sounded creepy or not. But, who cares?


Jesus Christ, stop being so perfect, you gorgeous motherfucker.

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