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Ya'll know what happened today?

I was walking to the restroom with Mandy, when Vincent and Jacob passed by playing tag (?)

I don't even know man.

Vincent was just chasing Jacob going like:


And Jacob's like:


And they ran, and Jacob's slippers fell off.

When I went outside the door, I saw Vincent hiding by the wall, in my suspicion, trying to surprise Jacob.

I looked at him like:

"What the fuck are you doing."

And he looks at me like:


And like the helpful friend that I' am, I stayed quiet.

But here's the dumb part.

I kept on walking, making a turn for the restroom, and I could see Jacob hiding behind the pillar. Like, half of his forehead was peeking out. I assumed that he was trying to surprise Vincent, but then he just jumped out with a scream before Mandy and I could reach the restroom door.

I was there like:


And he was like:

"Shiet. Didn't work."

I just stood still. Not flinching. And eventually laughing at his stupidity.

And then there's the dumber part.

After laughing at his dumb act, I started to take a step for the bathroom, until Vincent appeared from behind the wall, lounging at Jacob like a crazy bull.

I was pretty surprised, but Jacob looked like he just shit his pants.

Vincent was like:


And Jacob's just like:


In more like, high pitched screaming and shit. Or was it just my imagination?

Either way.

I laughed until I pissed myself.

Not literally.

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