Chapter 7 - I Missed You

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At 7.30 I made my way over to Union Square Park, the place where I'd asked Pete to meet me. I still don't know why I did it, why I asked him. The question came out, and before I knew it, it was too late. What would I say when I got there? When he asked me why I'd asked him to meet me, what would I say? I didn't even know. I guess a part of me just missed him I guess, a pretty big part.

I was running a little late, what with my hesitation to actually go at all slowing me down a bit. When I finally reached our meeting spot I wasn't surprised to see him waiting there already. Standing across the street outside Forever 21 I just watched him for a while. It had been so long since I'd seen him, I just wanted to drink him in. He hadn't changed. Yeah his hair was a little longer, he'd bulked out a bit and his style was a bit different, but other than that he was just same old Pete. He didn't stand still for a second, constantly fidgeting, grabbing at his hair, rubbing his chin and turning in circles looking out for me I suppose. He looked nervous, anxiety radiated off of him. He was feeling exactly the same way as me.

I was getting lost in my own little world, when my phone ringing decided to break me out of my little spell.

"Hello?" I said, not taking my eyes off of Pete so having no idea who was calling me.

"Lauren? It's Harry." Oh my god, talk about bad timing.

"Oh hey, Harry. How are you?"

"I'm good. I had a missed call from you earlier. Just wanted to make sure you were ok." Why did he have to be so sweet?

"I'm fine. I had a little accident and I could have used some help, but it's all sorted now. Nothing to worry about."

"What kind of accident?"

"The clumsy kind. Ummm, Harry, now's not really a good time. I'm meeting a friend and I'm running super late."

"Sure, that's ok. I just wanted to let you know I've booked us a table at my favourite restaurant tomorrow night at 7. I'll pick you up..."

"Harry, I..."

"It's about time I took you out properly."

"I guess. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Did I really want to be doing this?

"It's a date."

How much of a bitch am I? I'm standing here looking across the street at my ex who I'm pretty sure I'm still in love with and at the same time I've somehow agreed to going on a date with another guy. There's no way around this. I'm gonna have to tell Pete. Meeting for coffee or lunch with Harry was one thing, but going out for dinner at some fancy restaurant was another. Chances are the press would snap us. Ever since Harry's Dad passed away they've not left him alone. We literally had to drive out to the middle of nowhere to get some peace when we did meet up. I didn't want Peter finding out about me and Harry from some magazine. I'd have to tell him. I'd have to tell him tonight.

"Hey," I called out with a nervous smile, once I'd finally built up the courage to cross the road and grab his attention.

"Hi. Where were you?" He asked, furrowing his brows and adjusting his backpack on his shoulder.

"Just running a little late is all."

"Haven't you always?" He smirked.

"I guess I have."

For a minute we just stared at each other, not a word passed our lips, not a sound. It was just me and him for a second. Knowing it couldn't stay like that I broke the silence, saying the first thing that popped into my head.

"You've got a new jacket."

"You've got a new lipstick."

"You noticed my lipstick?" I couldn't help but laugh.

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