Chapter 11 - No Buts

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After explaining to Pete all of the research I'd done into Roosevelt and the underground subway station we went straight over to his place, a last ditch attempt to try and find any more clues.

The anger Pete was feeling over what Harry had done, and the desperation he felt to find out as much as possible began to bubble over, bubble over to the point where he started to throw things across the room. None in my direction though, I must stress.

Picking up a calculator that had been in a box of his Dad's things, he launched it at the wall and it shattered into loads of pieces on the bed.

"Pete? Are those more subway tokens?" I questioned, our attention caught by some coin like items that had been exposed inside the back of the calculator.

"Looks like it," Peter suddenly smiled, throwing them into his pockets before pulling me excitedly into his arms. "You were right. Of course you were."

"So I'm guessing we have to go catch a train then?"

"I can do this on my own Lauren. I don't want you involved. I...I don't know what's down there."

"I'm already involved Pete, whether you like it or not. Whatever your Dad was doing, had to have been important. I'm helping you. Get over it."

A little later on Peter was leading us through the bowels of the New York City subway system. You know you're leading a crazy life when you realise this isn't the first time you'd been walking through some scummy tunnel whilst injured.

"How's your cheek doing?" Peter asked as we got ever closer to our destination.

"It's a bit sore, but it's fine. Nothing I can't handle."

"When I see Harry I'm gonna...."

"You're gonna what?" I interrupted before he could rile himself up. "You're not going to do anything Pete. Just stay out of his way and everything will be fine."

Stopping in his tracks, Pete turned in my direction and got as close as he possibly could to me without actually touching. "Maybe you should listen to your own words once in a while. Please just stay away from him Lauren."

Even with everything else on his plate, all the things we were out to discover, his one and main concern was me, my safety, my well being.

"We're standing in some disgusting, dark tunnel, looking for a secret subway car. Do you really need to be worrying about this right now?" I gulped with a sudden shake, his eyes now piercing mine and not breaking focus.

"I always worry about you."

"Well, maybe you worry too much," I whispered, gazing down when his eyes practically began to burn into me.

Not replying straight away, Pete tilted my head back up so I was looking at him again, his finger tips then brushing lightly over my injured cheek as concern flooded his features. "Clearly with reason."

I tried to come up with a good come back, tried to think of the best way to respond. His fears over me were a running theme though out our relationship. It's brought us together. It's torn us apart. What did it have planned for us next?

Before long, we'd found what we were looking for. Scrambling underneath a crumbling partition wall, we were met with a derelict, dust filled platform, the only clue to it being the right place being a rusty 'ROOSEVELT' plaque which was hanging up in the entry way.

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