Chapter 9 - Underground Party

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When life leaves you high and dry
I'll be at your door tonight, if you need help, if you need help
I'll shut down the city lights
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe, to make you well, to make you well

When enemies are at your door

I'll carry you away from war, if you need help, if you need help
Your hope dangling by a string
I'll share in your suffering, to make you well, to make you well

Give me reasons to believe,
That you would do the same for me

And I would do it for you, for you
Baby I'm not moving on
I love you long after you're gone
For you, for you
You would never sleep alone
I love you long after you're gone
And long after you're gone, gone, gone

Jogging through the park, Phillips Phillip's singing away through the headphones as I ran, I suddenly realised that I'd forgotten to do something, something Aunt Penny had requested of me earlier that morning.

After hearing all about May's nurse training from me, just after the whole Times Square stuff went down she decided to buy her a present whilst she was still in Ireland. It was a beautiful four leaf clover pendant, a symbol of luck. Aunt Pen had it shipped to my apartment so that I could wrap and deliver it myself. It arrived yesterday and my lovely Aunt wanted to make sure it got to her friend as soon as possible. The downside for me was that it might mean a run in, a run in with a certain Parker boy that I'd been trying to avoid, to get over.

The whole day I managed to find ways to put off my little trip to the Parker residence. I went for my run, did a bit of shopping, cleaned the apartment. By 3pm I'd run out of things to do. I turned to binge watching The Vampire Diaries and re-runs of Friends. After a couple of hours I could practically feel the pendant burning into me. I could sense it from its place on the dining table. I just needed to get it over and done with. There was no way I could stay out of his path forever.

Here goes.

"Lauren sweetie?" May Parker greeted with a smile after I knocked on her door that evening.

I wonder if he's here? "Hi May, can I come in?"

"Don't be silly. You don't need to ask. Come inside."

Venturing into the hallway where I'd been so many times, I made a point of doing a quick scan for any signs of Pete. So far it looked like I was in the clear.

"Excuse the mess. It's just with my job and now the training on top I barely have time to think, never mind cleaning and tidying the washing. It just seems to be getting on top of me a bit." Come to think of it, she did look tired.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh no honey, you're a guest. Now what can I do for you?"

Reaching into my back pack, I pulled out the wrapped jewellery box and held it out in front of me. "This is for you."

"For me? It's not my birthday." She looked seriously confused, bless her.

"Oh I know. I hope you don't mind, but I told Aunt Pen about your training and she wanted to send you a little token for good luck."

"Silly woman. She shouldn't have brought me anything."

Taking the gift out of my hand, she was quick to unwrap it and then take a peek inside. "Oh my gosh, it's beautiful."

"It seems pretty appropriate. Auntie Pen sent it all the way from Dublin."

"Extra special then," May giggled with a grin.

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