Chapter 12 - Selfish Blimp

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For the first time in what felt like forever I finally felt like me again, like I could breathe again.

It was almost as if Peter had breathed life back into me when we kissed, the world snapping back into focus with complete clarity.

After we left the station and were making our way out of the tunnels, I thought on everything that had happened over the last few months. It had been so hard, so miserable. With the exception of Gwen, I had to learn how to fend for myself, how to rely on only myself, how to save myself.

So how did I get back here....holding hands contently with the guy that had broken my heart and put it back together so many times? The answer was quite simple really. Yes, I had become my own person. Yes, I could make it on my own if I had to. Truth of the matter was, I didn't want that. I didn't want to survive through a long existence without Peter Parker. I wanted to live. I wanted to live a life with him, no matter how long or short that would be.

I choose him. I'll always choose him.

"What's going through that pretty, little head of yours?" Pete mused as we walked through the last tunnel in silence, his arm now around my shoulder and daylight getting every brighter in the distance. "You're never this quiet."

"I don't know exactly," I smirked up at him with a questioning gaze and a million thoughts running through my head. "I'm just a bit overwhelmed I guess. Every time I think I'm close to figuring you out you end up surprising me."

"What do you mean?" Peter stopped us in our tracks, placing his worried face directly in my line of vision, and placing his palm on my cold cheek.

"This time last week, we were never getting back together. You've spent the last few months convincing me that it was too dangerous, that you would never change your mind. Now here we are, making out in dark tunnels like we're in some dodgy episode of The Vampire Diaries, and acting all loved up like nothing ever happened. It's just a lot to process."

For a moment Pete just stared at me, not saying a word, and barely even moving. When he did finally react though, it was not in the way I was expecting, not in the least. "Peter Parker, are you laughing at me?"

"God, I've missed those crazy references of yours," he grinned, pulling me into his arms and pecking the top of my head. "How did I go so long without those?

"Well, you've only got yourself to blame."

The rest of that afternoon was spent trying to work out what to do with Harry and all of the information we'd learned. Plus, with Peter trying to convince me that he was back in it for the long hall, and with me letting myself accept it. I had to risk putting my heart on the line one more time. One more time for him.

"So what's our next move with Har...", I paused mid sentence, my phone pinging from my back pocket, notifying me of an incoming voicemail from Gwen.

"Hey Lozzy-Loo! It's me. I tried to call a couple of times but you didn't answer. I stopped by the apartment too and no sign. I hope everything's ok? I got some good news and some bad news. Good news....I got into Oxford. Woo hoo!!!! Bad news....I need to fly out straight away because they're running summer classes before the course starts. I'm in a cab on my way to the airport now. We're stuck on Manhattan Bridge and don't think the traffic will let up for another 20 minutes or so which is super annoying. Oh god, I'm rambling aren't I? Lauren, what I want to say to you I don't want to say on a voicemail. You're my best friend, we deserve a better goodbye than that. Call me when you get this. If I don't answer it's cause I'm in the air, but keep trying. I love you. Stay safe ok? Miss you already. Bye."

In the infamous words of Rachel Green....isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck, fantastic?

"Oh my god, I am the worst friend ever." If I could kick myself I would. Here I was, completely immersed in Peter-Lauren land, all whilst my closest friend is going through one of the biggest days of her life and can't get hold of me. What kind of a person am I?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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