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me and regulus have been hanging out every weekend at hogmeade since that encounter 3 months ago. nothing eventful really happened much in the last 3 months or so but i did learn that regulus is a death eater. he cornered me one day before i entered the ravenclaw common room, told me he needed to show me something. i knew he was a death eater. he got the mark when he was around sixteen.
"i know you hate me, and i understand if you don't want too be my friend anymore but-"
"what why? of course i would still be your friend and i knew, everyone knew, that you're a death eater regulus" i chuckled lighten up the mood a bit.
"yeah i know... i just wanted to tell you that well, i wanted to be a death eater at first but then i realized that i made a mistake..." he was about to cry now. so i hugged him and he hugged me.
"shhhh... it's okay regulus"
"no it's not!" he raised his voice, slightly frustrated, "you don't understand! he's gonna kill me if he knows u don't want to serve him anymore! he's gonna kill my parents, sirius, and you- and- and i can't let that happen! i can't let his kill you, isla, not you! i just got you back!" he sobbed and pulled his hair, sliding down the wall and curled into a ball. i sat down next to him,
"i'm not gonna go anywhere regulus. i'm gonna stay by your side no matter what. i'm putting my faith and loyalty in you, not the dark lord regulus, and i'm gonna stay here. it's okay." i held him close to my body his tears stained my shirt but i didn't care all i cared was regulus. i wanted to see his crooked smile, to hear him laugh. not the see his bloodshot eyes and hear him cry.
"isla..." regulus positioned himself so that he's staring directly at me. we were inches away.
"yeah?" i whispered softly.
"we're like the earth and the moon you know?" he smiled.
"well, the earth and the moon are attracted to each other. just like you and me." i opened my mouth to argue but he quickly continued "stop denying it," he laughed, his laugh is so melodic "we both know you are attracted to me. and actually, i am, too. you'll be the earth and i'll be the moon, i'll always be around, orbiting around you, like the moon. and you'll just use gravity to pull me in, like the earth. we find our way back to each other, you and me, even thoguh it took," regulus count his fingers and i laughed slightly, "eight years, yeah, eight years for the moon to come back orbiting the earth. i guessed that before, i cared more about me and my reputation than our friendship... but well, i was blind. my parents told me what i should do, and i obeyed them, because i didn't want to end up like sirius," his voice became quiet and weak at the mention of his brother, "but then i saw you tripping down the stairs," i laughed and so did he, "and i just couldn't let you call on your beautiful face, so i had to catch you. and well... i realized that i've been wrong the whole time! i broke free and i felt like i have choices. i can do whatever i want.  you helped me in a way, isla. i'm happy you tripped down the stairs that day, or i wouldn't have the courage to talk to you or the consciousness that i have. you woke me up, isla. i don't know how but you did. i care about you, so deeply. i love you, isla. always have and always will." with that, i kissed him. the kissed was long and passionate. we've never kissed before, and i wished i'd dine it sooner. regulus was a really good kisser. out lips move in sync. my hand in his hair and his arm around my waist. when we parted our lips were red and swollen. our cheeks tinted and all we can hear is us, panting. "oh god, that was amazing. i should've done that sooner." regulus smirked. that's the reulus i knew. i smirked back. "so... isla anne wiler, wanna accompany me to hogsmead this weekend as my date?"
"took you long enough. i have nothing to do this weekend anyway..." he laughed and pulled me into another kiss. "oh and regulus?"
"hm?" i smiled at he lazily.
"i love you too"
and we kissed again.

gravity | regulus arcturus black [1st book from The Brothers series]Where stories live. Discover now