New Friends and The Finals

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Chapter 18

**Jade's POV**

Everything was really strange for me ever since Harry left. I had nobody to talk to, nobody would even acknowledge me. I don't even get it. I guess since I wasn't in the 'popular' crowd anymore, people didn't seem to care. Sometimes I'd get called a "slut" which made no sense whatsoever. I didn't acknowledge it, though. I tried to talk to some people, but they weren't the nicest out of the bunch. It's weird, it seemed like those who would try to talk to me and I'd push away were the exact people, except now it was vice-versa. 

As I passed down the hall, the same stares - correction; glares were shown. It was either that, or no one would notice me at all. I heard people whispering when I walked by. Over the past weeks since Harry's been gone I heard a lot of nonsense rumors such as; "She's pregnant! Can't you see her belly growing?!" So basically, I'm fat now. "I heard her and Zach broke up because she gave him an STD. What a whore!" Never true. Correction- I was still a virgin. "Watch, right after Harry comes back  she'll be so nice to him because he'll be famous... Stupid fake bitch." And etc.

I don't know whether they meant for me to hear it or not, but I did indeed hear it. And it hurt. It hurt because they didn't even know me. Yes, I know I used to be one of those 'bitches' but that wasn't even the real me. If only they knew how I really was...

"Out of my way, out of my way!" I heard our principle's voice yell, that had a boy next to him. He wasn't too tall, he had brown hair, eyes I couldn't really see but that seemed brown, tan-ish skin. When he looked up, my guess was correct. He had beautiful brown eyes that seemed to sparkle. His long hair covered his forehead, but I could tell he had some bushy eyebrows. His skin was flawless, his bone structure made my knees wobble. He was quite breathtaking. "Outta our way, now!" My principal snapped again, the boy now behind him. It seemed as if all the girls were googly eyes all over him. I sighed. Once he hears the rumors about me going around, he won't ever even notice me. Or in the right ways. My chance of actually having a friend again, gone. 

As the principal and the mysterious, beautiful boy left, I decided to get to class. What a day this will be, I thought.


Walking into my first class, I spotted those beautiful brown eyes, and brunette hair I saw earlier standing in front of the teacher's desk. When everyone took their seats, our teacher spoke up.

"Class, we have a new student who just moved here from the United States. His name is Dave, and we'd like you all to make him feel welcome."

So we're both American, yeah? At least we have one thing in common, I thought.

"Dave you can sit over there where there's an empty seat," My teacher said. Sadly, that open seat wasn't next to me. But at least we had a class together.


A couple of weeks have gone by, maybe months and Dave and I are friends. He heard the rumors about me, and was curious. We talked, and I told him everything and he believed. Ever since then, we're closer than ever. He's still the school hunk though. Zach and the rest tried to talk to him, but he denied them. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have a attraction towards him.

Harry was on T.V. a lot, so I avoided television as much as possible. He got in a band, One Direction, and acts as if he's the sweetest person ever. Fake. My mom would tell me what's going on, but I'd tune her out. I couldn't care less about him, nor his success. He does not deserve it. (A/N: You all obviously know I'm just saying this for the story.. Trust me, Harry as well as the rest of the lads deserve everything they've accomplished over the years, and I'm so proud of them and love them dearly.) But, I guess life isn't fair. I try to forget about what Harry's really like, but it's too hard. If I saw him right now, 'd smack that wicked smirk off his face, and kick him where the sun doesn't shine. All  I know is all the girls at my school drool over him now, and the season's almost over. There's only 4 people left, including them. I truthfully am rooting for Cher. Her voice is quite unique. But the votes are close. And personally, I'm anxious. But if they did win, maybe he'd be out of my life forever. Who knows. But whatever happens, happens for a reason. I was in my room with Dave vented to him about everything

"Jade! Come on! They're showing the results!" I heard my mom call. I groaned. Dave laughed at me.

 "Don't you want to see what happens? If your girl makes it? Come on, Jade," He said. The way he said my name, made my stomach erupt in butterflies. 

"I guess you're right," I said. He smiled and got off my bed, which he was laying on, and made his way downstairs. I followed.

"Look! It's down to them, Cher, Rebecca and Matt!" My mom exclaimed. Anne looked nervous. The host was telling about how if you get chosen you have to go home, but if not then you go into the actual finals. 

"In no perticular order, the first act through to the next stage of the final tomorrow night is..." It showed the boys, all looking anxious. I couldn't stop staring at Harry. Disgust filling me. "Rebecca!" It showed her and her covering her mouth in shock. I smiled happy for her. But now my palms were getting sweaty. If the boys lose, then does that mean Harry will come back and bully me again? I don't want him back. 

"Alright. The second act, through to the next stage of the X Factor  final is..."

The dramatic music coed. C'mon! Quit it with the fucking dramatics! I thought.

"One Direction!" The boys yelled and hollered, hugging one another. My stomach dropped. Anne screamed, my mom screamed, Dave laughed. I felt sick. I knew it was good for me, and I guess for him, but apart of me felt sadness. He didn't deserve it! Then I looked back, and saw Cher. My girl! No!

"So, Matt! And Cher," The host said. I felt sweaty. Suddenly, the T.V. went off. 

"No! I was watching that!" I said and everyone looked at me.

"Harry made it, Jade! It's fine," My mom said.

"But Cher," I said lowly.

Suddenly, the T.V. was on again, and it showed Cher all over. My heart sank. I knew that meant she was done. "Turn it off," I said upset.

"At least Harry made it through, yeah?" Anne said making me smile. My mom knew it was fake, but I didn't care.

"That's true," I said before going up the stairs, I felt Dave following.

"Jade, at least he's not com-"

"Shut up, I know." 

"Ouch," He spoke sarcastically.

"Sorry.. I'm just-"

"I know, I know."


There was a silence before the phone rang. Suddenly, footsteps were heard from downstairs coming up, and my mom appeared in the doorway. "Jade! Phone for you," She said handing it to me. I gave her a confused look. She just shrugged and I put it up to my ear. Who'd be calling me?

"H-hello?" I asked as my mom walked away, Dave staring at me intensively.

"Hello Jade," My heart stopped, my breath hitched in my throat. His voice on the other end caught me off guard, After all of this time, why would he want to talk to me? I felt like I was unable to speak before he continued to talk, 

"Miss me?"

Sorry- I was on author's block...But THIS STORY IS GOING TO GET BETTER!!! BY THE NEXT 5 OR SO CHAPTERS, YOUR MOUTHS WILL BE AGAPE AND YOU'LL BE ALL LIKE , "WHAAA, I WASN'T EXPECTIN DIS SHIT" &I'LL BE ALL LIKE "MHM, I KNOW" MMKAY?! :DDDD JUST STAY WITH ME MY LOVELY READERS. BUT! SOMETHING EXCITING HAPPENED IN THIS CHAPTER...I GUESS? THERE'S A NEW CHARACTER, YAY! :) SOML IS SO GREAT, OMFG! CHECK OUT THE VIDEO I MADE FOR HARRY! (No reason, I was just bored...) I don't have special programs to do effects and all, but I tried my best so yeah. Imma start doing them (: YAYYY! Ok.. bye c: (for meow) 


VIDEO CHECKIT OUTTTT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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